Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) Help Guide

Find surveys, tests, observation checklists, and questionnaires used to assess health and behavior of infants, children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Topics covered include public health, communication, psychology, management, nursing, organizati

Database Information: Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)

Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)

Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) provides access to information on measurement instruments in health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information sciences. HaPI does not offer access to the test instruments themselves, but includes citations to freestanding instruments as well as instruments that have only appeared in journal or technical reports (published and unpublished). Copyright permission is needed to use any of the instruments found in HaPI.

Searching HaPI

Searching HaPI

You search HaPI the same way you search Medline.

Basic Searching: Enter single word, multi-term words or the acronym of the measurement instrument. HaPI will search in the title, acronym, descriptor and abstracts fields. There is no subject “mapping” like Medline. HaPI does not use one single set of subject headings to index the database. It has descriptor terms that are subject headings found in either the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms or are MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).

Additional fields can be searched by clicking on Search Fields. Fields unique to HaPI include:

●     Acronym: of test title

●     Number of Questions: total number of items/questions in the instrument

●     Subscale Titles: titles of the instrument’s subscales

●     Reliability & Validity: notes whether the following are reported in the citation for that instrument. In these records, each of the following will be followed by a y=yes or x=no: internal consistency/parallel forms/test-retest/inter-rater reliability/ and content, criterion, and construct validity.

Applying Limits

●     You can limit your search by primary source or secondary source. Source identifies the type of resource in which information about the instruments was found by the database producer. Additional limits can be found on the Additional Limits page. 

HaPI has a set of search limits that are unique to the database. These include:

●     Latest Update: restricts retrieval to documents most recently added (items are added quarterly)

●     BMDS Availability: restricts retrieval to instruments that are available for purchase through the Behavioral Measurement Database Services.

Source Codes Limits (under Additional Limits)

●     Primary Source(PS): the citation is the original source for the instrument

●     Secondary Source(SS): the instrument was originally developed by another author, or for another study

●     Translated Source(TS): information

●     Compendium Source(CS): the instrument was described in a published collection of instruments

●     Review Source(RS): reviews of instruments in Mental Measurement Yearbook, articles & other sources

●     Publisher’s Catalog(PC): the instrument was found in a test publisher’s catalog

Getting full text

When using Library resources, the FindIt link is your connection to accessing the full text of articles if a PDF link is not already visible.

This short video will show you how to get to the articles you need for your research paper or other University of Minnesota assignments. Never pay for articles! If we don't have it online, request it and we will get it for you. 


Exporting Results From HaPI

Managing Results

  • To print, email or export citations to a reference manager or another file type, select individual citations by checking the checkbox next to each numbered citation or check Select All.
  • Then click the Print, Email or Export link left of the Results Tools.

HAPI Printing, Exporting or emailing

Saving Results/Personal Account in HaPI

Saving Your Search

  • To save a search in HaPI, you must first create a Personal Account
  • Click My Account in the upper right corner of the Main Search Page

  • Click Create a new Personal Account. You will be prompted to create a Personal Account Name and Password. Passwords must be 6-8 characters in length
  • Once you have created your Personal Account and are signed in, then return to the Main Search Page by clicking the Search tab
  • Click on More and then Save  from the drop down next to the search results

  • Name the search
  • Select an option from the Type dropdown list:  temporary, permanent, AutoAlert,  or My Projects.

HAPI Save search type

  • Click on Save

Auto Alerts in HaPI

Ovid E-Mail Update Service

Ovid databases may be set up to send regular, free updates of searches to an email address. Updates are sent each time the database is updated, ranging from weekly to monthly.

To set up an AutoAlert search:

  • Create your search strategy.  Remember to break your search into concepts. After each concept, click on Search.
  • Combine terms with OR or AND. Using OR will retrieve records with any of the listed terms (broadens your search). Using AND will deliver records that have all of the terms (narrows your search).

Ovid Medline Auto Alert Save


The final line of the search will be the only results that will be emailed.  When your search strategy is complete, click "save search history," and log into your personal Ovid account.  Use "create a new personal account" if you have not yet set one up.

Name your search (diabetes obesity exercise) and choose "Auto Alert (SDI)"

Ovid Medline Choose Auto Alert Name


Below the search name box, you have a menu of autoalert options.

Ovid Medline Auto Alert Options

  • Scheduling Options: Decide on how often you wish to receive the updates.  "On database update" is the most common selection.
  • Delivery Options: Leave on "email," unless you'd like the results delivered directly into the "My Projects" section of your personal Ovid account.
  • Recipient's Email Address: Your default email address based on your login is provided. If you wish the AutoAlert to go to another email, you can change it here.  To send to more than one email address, separate the addresses with a comma (no spaces).
  • Email Subject: use a subject line that will be meaningful to you.
  • Email Options include having the search embedded in your email message, or as an attachment. You can also choose html or plain text.
  • Report Type: decide what format works best for you.  "Email includes records only" is the most common choice.

Ovid Medline Auto Alert Options 2

  • Fields: Choose whether abstracts, subject headings, etc. should be sent with the citations.
  • Result Format: Ovid format is the most readable, and can be imported directly into your preferred citation manager.
  • Sort: References may be sorted by author, date, source (journal) or publication type.

When finished click on Save. New citations that meet the search criteria will be emailed each time the database is updated according to the schedule you have determined.

To revise an autoalert, click on "view saved" on the main search page.

Ovid Medline View Saved Search

Use the editing icons to change the search, view the AutoAlert history, display the details of the search history or create an email jumpstart. You can use the “Copy” button to create a copy of the selected search, then use the editing buttons to modify. You can delete any saved search using the “Delete” button.

Ovid Medline Edit Saved Search


 Ovid Auto Alert Service Discontinuation Instructions

  • Login with your Ovid username and password
  • Under My Workspace, click on My Searches & Alerts and then click on AutoAlert (SDI) Searches and locate the alert you want to stop


Ovid Medline My Workspace

  • If you want to delete the alert entirely, check the box beside it and click the delete button.

Ovid Medline Copy Delete Search

  • If you want to suspend the alert (stop getting notifications, but still keep the alert strategy saved in case you want it again later) click the pencil icon above the alert title. On the next page, check the "suspend" box and click save. If you want to reinstate it in the future, you can do the same thing and uncheck the suspend box
  • Now log out. Your AutoAlert should be discontinued


Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024 9:49 AM