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How to read call numbers
- Q 76 .K26
- QA 17 .F75 - QA comes after Q
- QA 17.1 .C98 - 17.1 after 17
- QA 17.1 .D22 - .D22 after .C98
- TK 29 .M49 - TK after QA
- TK 29 .M5 - .M5 after .M49
Primary sources
History, Humanities, Social Sciences
Primary sources in these disciplines are original records created at the time historical events occurred or well after events in the form of memoirs and oral histories.
Examples include: Letters, manuscripts, diaries, rare books, historical photographs, first-hand accounts or documentary sources on a subject, person, event or issue; newspapers written at the time of an event, song, or film from time period, historical maps, government reports or data, etc.
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Government Publications as primary sources
- Comprehensive Guide for United States Government InformationIn-depth guide to various databases and free resources of United States government information.
Government publications can be excellent primary sources. The Government Publications collection at Wilson Library contains United States federal documents as well as a comprehensive collection of publications from state departments, state extension services, and agricultural experiment stations. Besides being a regional United States government depository, the Libraries also receive documents from Canada, the European Union, and the United Nations, as well as publications from other countries and international organizations.