NURS 8190: Critical Review in Nursing and Health Research

PubMed search

Organize the Process

Being organized is extremely important! Take time to think about how you will organize your information before you get too far into it. Here are some things you'll need to keep track of:  

  • Your thoughts 
    • Use Word documents or a note-taking software like Evernote or OneNote to keep track of your research troughts and questions.
  • Your live search strategies
    • Most databases let you save searches - make use of that whenever possible to allow for easy recovery, further development, and auto-alerts of new materials.
  • Your search strategies for reporting
    • Capturing your search strategies in image (screenshot) and text form makes reporting your methodology easy when it's time to write your manuscript, as well as giving you an easy way to see your search at a glance. Word documents or Excel speadsheets are a good way to store text.
  • Your articles
    • Use a citation manager! More information below.

Citation Management Tools
Citation managers are software packages used to create personalized databases of citation information and notes. They allow you to import and organize citation information from article indexes and other sources; save pdfs and other documents; and format citations for your papers and bibliographies using APA and many other styles. include your own notes.

  • Zotero
    • Zotero is a freely available citation manager that helps you manage your PDF collections. It is the recommended starting point when choosing a reference manager.

Find Information

Help resources for Ovid MEDLINE

Literature Searching in Ovid Medline Tutorial Series:  Learn about literature searching in Ovid Medline including how to use MeSH headings and keywords, how to limit a search, how to find full text and how to save a search.

Quick Guide to Ovid Medline

Resources for Systematic and Critical Reviews

Resources for Assessing Impact

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024 12:33 PM