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- Sociological AbstractsThis core database for the field of sociology contains information on sociology and social policy worldwide. Sociological Abstracts includes citations from the 1952-present. It provides abstracting and indexing of articles and book reviews drawn from thousands of journal publications, plus books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and working papers.
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Sample e-books
- Social Theory and Social Movements byISBN: 9783658133818Publication Date: 2016-08-08Social movements are not only a potential challenge tosocieties, they also challenge social theory. This volume looks at socialmovements and social movement research through the lens of different socialtheories. What can social movement studies learn from these theories? And: Whatcan these theories learn from the analysis of social movements? From thisdouble vantage point, the book discusses the theories of Michel Foucault,Pierre Bourdieu, Niklas Luhmann, Jeffrey Alexander, and Judith Butler, as wellas rational choice theory, relational sociology, and organizationalneo-institutionalism.
- Disability and Social Theory byISBN: 9781137023001Publication Date: 2012-06-01This comprehensive, interdisciplinary collection, examines disability from a theoretical perspective, challenging views of disability that dominate mainstream thinking. Throughout, social theories of disability intersect with ideas associated with sex/gender, race/ethnicity, class and nation.
- Intersectionality As Critical Social Theory byISBN: 9781478007098Publication Date: 2019-08-23In Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory Patricia Hill Collins offers a set of analytical tools for those wishing to develop intersectionality's capability to theorize social inequality in ways that would facilitate social change. While intersectionality helps shed light on contemporary social issues, Collins notes that it has yet to reach its full potential as a critical social theory. She contends that for intersectionality to fully realize its power, its practitioners must critically reflect on its assumptions, epistemologies, and methods. She places intersectionality in dialog with several theoretical traditions--from the Frankfurt school to black feminist thought--to sharpen its definition and foreground its singular critical purchase, thereby providing a capacious interrogation into intersectionality's potential to reshape the world.
Last Updated: May 13, 2024 5:55 PM