Sample of materials available online from the UMN Libraries to support teaching and learning in online, hybrid and remote instruction.
Campus Resources
- Resources for instruction from UMN's Center for Educational InnovationThe UMN's Center for Educational Innovation created a resource guide for instructors including information about Hybrid, HyFlex, and socially distanced face-to-face instuction options.
Sample of online books
Below are a selection of online books and readings on the broad topic of online teaching. We have more online books, journal articles, and sources in our Libraries Search and article databases.
- Small Teaching Online: applying learning science in online classes byISBN: 9781119544944Publication Date: 2019-05-15Find out how to apply learning science in online classes The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. This book offers small teaching strategies that will positively impact the online classroom. This book outlines practical and feasible applications of theoretical principles to help your online students learn. It includes current best practices around educational technologies, strategies to build community and collaboration, and minor changes you can make in your online teaching practice, small but impactful adjustments that result in significant learning gains. * Explains how you can support your online students * Helps your students find success in this non-traditional learning environment * Covers online and blended learning * Addresses specific challenges that online instructors face in higher education Small Teaching Online presents research-based teaching techniques from an online instructional design expert and the bestselling author of Small Teaching.
- Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning across Academic Disciplines byISBN: 9781942695097Publication Date: 2017-10-17Online teaching and learning has surged in recent years, and faculty who normally teach in face-to-face settings are increasingly called upon to teach blended, hybrid, and fully online courses. Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning across Academic Disciplines provides insights from experienced university teachers and scholars across multiple disciplines--including social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, and professional programs such as nursing, education, and business administration--who share innovative practices, pedagogies, and instructional design techniques. This work highlights and features effective, practical, innovative, and engaging best-practices and approaches in online teaching and instructional design that can assist university faculty members and teachers, course designers and developers, and administrators invested and involved in online education. Using a common theme and structure, each chapter is co-authored by faculty members possessing a wealth of experience and credentialing in online teaching and instructional design in the relevant discipline or sub-discipline. Chapters include best-practices, approaches, and techniques within the discipline as well as relevant, innovative, and specific tools and strategies that improve student engagement and outcomes. The book will appeal to faculty members and administrators in higher education teaching or designing online courses or entire online curricula, as well as instructional design staff working with and training faculty. Readers will be especially interested to discover lessons about how contributors have successfully taught and designed courses in disciplines not typically associated with online learning, such as mathematics, composition/writing, drawing, "hard" sciences, and speech, among others. Distributed for George Mason University Press
- How to Design and Teach a Hybrid Course byISBN: 1579226035Publication Date: 2012-03-27This practical handbook for designing and teaching hybrid or blended courses focuses on outcomes-based practice. It reflects the author's experience of having taught over 70 hybrid courses, and having worked for three years in the Learning Technology Center at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a center that is recognized as a leader in the field of hybrid course design. Jay Caulfield defines hybrid courses as ones where not only is face time replaced to varying degrees by online learning, but also by experiential learning that takes place in the community or within an organization with or without the presence of a teacher; and as a pedagogy that places the primary responsibility of learning on the learner, with the teacher's primary role being to create opportunities and environments that foster independent and collaborative student learning. Starting with a brief review of the relevant theory - such as andragogy, inquiry-based learning, experiential learning and theories that specifically relate to distance education - she addresses the practicalities of planning a hybrid course, taking into account class characteristics such as size, demographics, subject matter, learning outcomes, and time available. She offers criteria for determining the appropriate mix of face-to-face, online, and experiential components for a course, and guidance on creating social presence online. The section on designing and teaching in the hybrid environment covers such key elements as promoting and managing discussion, using small groups, creating opportunities for student feedback, and ensuring that students' learning expectations are met. A concluding section of interviews with students and teachers offers a rich vein of tips and ideas.
- The Art of Teaching Online: how to start and how to succeed as an online instructor byISBN: 0081011202Publication Date: 2017-11-15The Art of Teaching Online: How to Start and How to Succeed as an Online Instructor focuses on professionals who are not teachers, but who wish to enter the online education field as instructors in their disciplines. This book focuses mainly on how potential online instructors can create and maintain the human aspect of live, face-to-face education in an online course to successfully teach and instruct their students. Included are interviews with experienced online instructors who use their emotional intelligence skills and instruction skills (examples included) to teach their students successfully. Includes interviews with experienced instructors Features examples of effective instruction skills from online educators Focuses on professionals wishing to enter the online education field
- Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning byISBN: 1579220657Publication Date: 2003-10-01Online teachers increasingly realize that they have to connect with their students as they would in face-to-face classes. They have to provide true opportunities for inspirational and meaningful learning, rather than a sterile experience of clicking within a labyrinth of links. The author shows how she applies learning theories to online discussion-based courses. She presents a wealth of suggestions and techniques, illustrated by examples, for stimulating and managing online participation and improving teaching practices; and concludes with methods for assessing the efficacy of online courses.
- Social Presence in Online Learning: multiple perspectives on practice and research byISBN: 9781620365106Publication Date: 2017-06-26Published in Association with Social presence continues to emerge as a key factor for successful online and blended learning experiences. It is commonly described as the degree to which online participants feel connected to one another. Understanding social presence--with its critical connections to community-building, retention, and learning outcomes--allows faculty and instructional designers to better support and engage students. This volume, Social Presence in Online Learning, addresses the evolution of social presence with three distinct perspectives, outlines the relevant research, and focuses on practical strategies that can immediately impact the teaching and learning experience. These strategies include creating connections to build community, applying content to authentic situations, integrating a careful mix of tools and media, leveraging reflective and interactive opportunities, providing early and continuous feedback, designing with assessment in mind, and encouraging change in small increments. Because student satisfaction and motivation plays a key role in retention rates and because increased social presence often leads to enriched learning experiences, it is advantageous to mindfully integrate social presence into learning environments. Social Presence in Online Learningbrings together eminent scholars in the field to distinguish among three different perspectives of social presence and to address how these viewpoints immediately inform practice. This important volume: * Provides an overview of the evolution of social presence, key findings from social presence research, and practical strategies that can improve the online and blended learning experience * Differentiates three distinct perspectives on social presence and explains the ideas and models that inform these perspectives * Explores specific ways in which social presence relates to course satisfaction, retention, and outcomes * Offers practical implications and ready-to-use techniques that are applicable to multiple disciplines * Introduces current research on social presence by prominent researchers in the field with direct inferences to the practice of online and blended learning * Looks at future directions for social presence Social Presence in Online Learningis appropriate for practitioners, researchers and academics involved in any level of online learning program design, course design, instruction, support, and leadership as well as for graduate students studying educational technology, technology-enhanced learning, and online and blended learning. It brings together multiple perspectives on social presence from the most influential scholars in the field to help shape the future of online and blended learning.
- Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching byISBN: 9780470873090Publication Date: 2010-07-30Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching This important new resource shows how a strong sense of online presence contributes to greater student satisfaction and retention. The authors explore the psychological and social aspects of online presence from both the instructor and student perspective and provide an instructional design framework for developing effective online learning. Based on solid research and extensive experience, the book is filled with suggested methods, illustrative case scenarios, and effective activities for creating, maintaining, and evaluating presence throughout an online course. "The authors have taken the mystery out of the critical concept of presence by providing the theory that supports its importance and simple techniques to make it happen. Instructors who read this book will be able to develop effective online learning communities and achieve desired learning outcomes." --Rena M. Palloff and Keith Pratt, program directors and faculty, Teaching in the Virtual Classroom Program, Fielding Graduate University "Lehman and Conceição blend hands-on experience, research, and a collection of practical tips to provide every online instructor with strategies for 'being there.' If you want to bring the real you into your online classes and take your online teaching to the next level, this is the book to read." --Chip Donohue, director of distance learning, Erikson Institute "This book provides a practical and interactive model to help readers reflect on why and how they can guide online and blended learning activities, characterized by a personal 'sense of presence.'" -- Alan B. Knox, professor, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- How Learning Works byISBN: 9780470484104Publication Date: 2010-05-17Praise for How Learning Works "How Learning Works is the perfect title for this excellent book. Drawing upon new research in psychology, education, and cognitive science, the authors have demystified a complex topic into clear explanations of seven powerful learning principles. Full of great ideas and practical suggestions, all based on solid research evidence, this book is essential reading for instructors at all levels who wish to improve their students' learning." --Barbara Gross Davis, assistant vice chancellor for educational development, University of California, Berkeley, and author, Tools for Teaching "This book is a must-read for every instructor, new or experienced. Although I have been teaching for almost thirty years, as I read this book I found myself resonating with many of its ideas, and I discovered new ways of thinking about teaching." --Eugenia T. Paulus, professor of chemistry, North Hennepin Community College, and 2008 U.S. Community Colleges Professor of the Year from The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education "Thank you Carnegie Mellon for making accessible what has previously been inaccessible to those of us who are not learning scientists. Your focus on the essence of learning combined with concrete examples of the daily challenges of teaching and clear tactical strategies for faculty to consider is a welcome work. I will recommend this book to all my colleagues." --Catherine M. Casserly, senior partner, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching "As you read about each of the seven basic learning principles in this book, you will find advice that is grounded in learning theory, based on research evidence, relevant to college teaching, and easy to understand. The authors have extensive knowledge and experience in applying the science of learning to college teaching, and they graciously share it with you in this organized and readable book." --From the Foreword by Richard E. Mayer, professor of psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara; coauthor, e-Learning and the Science of Instruction; and author, Multimedia Learning
- Learning Online : the student experience byISBN: 9781421438108Publication Date: 2020-05-19Online learning is ubiquitous for millions of students worldwide, yet our understanding of student experiences in online learning settings is limited. The geographic distance that separates faculty from students in an online environment is its signature feature, but it is also one that risks widening the gulf between teachers and learners. In Learning Online, George Veletsianos argues that in order to critique, understand, and improve online learning, we must examine it through the lens of student experience. Approaching the topic with stories that elicit empathy, compassion, and care, Veletsianos relays the diverse day-to-day experiences of online learners. Each in-depth chapter follows a single learner's experience while focusing on an important or noteworthy aspect of online learning, tackling everything from demographics, attrition, motivation, and loneliness to cheating, openness, flexibility, social media, and digital divides. Veletsianos also draws on these case studies to offer recommendations for the future and lessons learned. The elusive nature of online learners' experiences, the book reveals, is a problem because it prevents us from doing better: from designing more effective online courses, from making evidence-informed decisions about online education, and from coming to our work with the full sense of empathy that our students deserve. Writing in an evocative, accessible, and concise manner, Veletsianos concretely demonstrates why it is so important to pay closer attention to the stories of students--who may have instructive and insightful ideas about the future of education.
- Conquering the Content: a step-by-step guide to online course design byISBN: 047059652XPublication Date: 2009-09-24As the sixth volume of the Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning series, Conquering the Content provides a highly-practical blue-print for course development and content presentation for web-based courses. While providing guidance for incorporating learning theory into online courses, this book primarily furnishes online instructors with the practical templates, learning guides, and sample files to construct and manage their course content. Unlike other books about online instruction that cover theories of teaching and learning, instructional design, or even graphic design this book gives the "how to" of preparing an online course by focusing on content. The much needed step-by-step guidance in this book will result in fully formed courses where high-quality content is the central feature.
- On Course: a week-by-week guide to your first semester of college teaching byISBN: 0674033922Publication Date: 2009-06-30You go into teaching with high hopes: to inspire students, to motivate them to learn, to help them love your subject. Then you find yourself facing a crowd of expectant faces on the first day of the first semester, and you think "Now what do I do?" Practical and lively, On Course is full of experience-tested, research-based advice for graduate students and new teaching faculty. It provides a range of innovative and traditional strategies that work well without requiring extensive preparation or long grading sessions when you're trying to meet your own demanding research and service requirements. What do you put on the syllabus? How do you balance lectures with group assignments or discussions--and how do you get a dialogue going when the students won't participate? What grading system is fairest and most efficient for your class? Should you post lecture notes on a website? How do you prevent cheating, and what do you do if it occurs? How can you help the student with serious personal problems without becoming overly involved? And what do you do about the student who won't turn off his cell phone? Packed with anecdotes and concrete suggestions, this book will keep both inexperienced and veteran teachers on course as they navigate the calms and storms of classroom life.
- Mind, brain and technology : learning in the age of emerging technologiesISBN: 9783030026318Publication Date: 2019As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our society, cultural expectations and needs are changing. Social understanding, family roles, organizational skills, and daily activities are all adapting to the demands of ever-present technology, causing changes in human brain, emotions, and behaviors. An understanding of the impact of technology upon our lives is essential if we are to adequately educate children for the future and plan for meaningful learning environments for them. Mind, Brain and Technology provides an overview of these changes from a wide variety of perspectives. Designed as a textbook for students in the fields and interdisciplinary areas of psychology, neuroscience, technology, computer science, and education, the book offers insights for researchers, professionals, educators, and anyone interested in learning more about the integration of mind, brain and technology in their lives. The book skilfully guides readers to explore alternatives, generate new ideas, and develop constructive plans both for their own lives and for future educational needs.
- Managing Technology in Higher Education byISBN: 1118038541Publication Date: 2011-04-06Universities continue to struggle in their efforts to fully integrate information and communications technology within their activities. Based on examination of current practices in technology integration at 25 universities worldwide, this book argues for a radical approach to the management of technology in higher education. It offers recommendations for improving governance, strategic planning, integration of administrative and teaching services, management of digital resources, and training of technology managers and administrators. The book is written for anyone wanting to ensure technology is integrated as effectively and efficiently as possible.
- Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions byISBN: 9781284170184Publication Date: 2021Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions, Eighth Edition details the trends in teaching strategies and educational technology that promote effective learning for today's students. The Eighth Edition has been updated to provide the most current information and strategies for online learning and incorporating technology across settings. Chapters on blended learning and study abroad programs help students to gain a more diverse and increased global perspective. Highlighting innovative teaching techniques and real-world illustrations of the educational strategies, this text goes beyond theory to offer practical application principles that educators can count on.
- Minds Online : teaching effectively with technology byISBN: 0674735994Publication Date: 2014-10-13For the Internet generation, educational technology designed with the brain in mind offers a natural pathway to the pleasures and rewards of deep learning. Drawing on neuroscience and cognitive psychology, Michelle Miller shows how attention, memory, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning can be enhanced through technology-aided approaches.
- Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education byISBN: 9781421436630Publication Date: 2020-02-11A quiet revolution is sweeping across US colleges and universities as schools rethink how students learn both inside and outside the classroom. Technology is changing not only what should be taught but how best to teach it. From active learning and inclusive pedagogy to online and hybrid courses, traditional institutions are leveraging their fundamental strengths while challenging long-standing assumptions about how teaching and learning happen. At this intersection of learning, technology, design, and organizational change lies the foundation of a new academic discipline of digital learning. Coalescing around this new field of study is a common critical language, along with a set of theoretical frameworks, methodological practices, and shared challenges and goals. In Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education, Joshua Kim and Edward Maloney explore the context of this new discipline, show how it exists within a larger body of scholarship, and give examples of how this scholarship is being used on campuses. What Kim and Maloney demonstrate in this foundational text is an understanding that change is a complex dynamic between what happens in the classroom and the larger institutional structures and traditions at play. Ultimately, the authors make a compelling case not only for this turn to learning but also for creating new pathways for nonfaculty learning careers, understanding the limits of professional organizations and social media, and the need to establish this new interdisciplinary field of learning innovation.
- Motivating and Retaining Online Students : research-based strategies that work byISBN: 9781118642122Publication Date: 2013-09-03Finally, the first research-based book of sound strategies and best practices to help instructors motivate students to complete their online courses. Although studies support the effectiveness of learning online, students often fail to complete online courses. Some studies have found that as many as 50-70% drop out of their online courses or programs. Retention is not only a growing expectation and imperative, but it is also as opportunity for faculty members to take the lead in innovating, researching, and implementing new strategies while demonstrating their effectiveness. Designed for instructors and instructional designers, Motivating and Retaining Online Students is filled with empirical research from the authors' study of motivation and retention strategies that can reduce online learner dropout. Focusing on the most important issues instructors face, such as course design; student engagement and motivation; and institutional, instructional, and informal student support strategies, the book provides effective online strategies that help minimize student dropout, increase student retention, and support student learning. While helping to improve the overall retention rates for educational institutions, the strategies outlined in the book also allow for student diversity and individual learner differences. Lehman and Conceição's proven model gives instructors an effective approach to help students persist in online courses and succeed as learners.
- Digital Agency in Higher Education : transforming teaching and learning byISBN: 9780429020629Publication Date: 2019-12-19Exploring how digital resources are being used to engage students in learning and improve educational quality, Digital Agency in Higher Education promotes an awareness of relations and interplay between humans and digital artifacts. Examining the impacts in higher education through experience-based knowledge and a conceptual framework, this book: Provides a detailed analysis of how transformative agency can be identified, enacted and cultivated Offers up-to-date cases and a future-orientated perspective on technology and knowledge work Addresses fundamental assumptions about how teacher education has needed to and needs to continue to develop Explores issues of epistemology and ethics when facing increasingly 'intelligent' technologies Argues for transformative agency to place a firm focus on human interests. Essential reading for teachers in higher education and educational researchers with an interest in how technologies impact learning and teaching, Digital Agency in Higher Education uses cutting edge research to bridge the gap between theoretical perspectives and practices.
- Mobile Devices and Technology in Higher Education byISBN: 9780429355097Publication Date: 2019-09-19This book examines key issues at the intersection of education and technology by addressing the question that most educators face--how do we use technology to engage students in the learning process and enhance learning? Problematizing the view that technology is the default solution to a host of problems facing education, while also recognizing that technology has an important place in a variety of education levels, the book provides readers with clear insights on technology and learning from a variety of perspectives from communication studies, education, and related disciplines. This volume is an essential read for scholars and teachers working in the area of elementary education. It will also be of interest to academics working in the area of education, postsecondary education, and learning and can be used as an ancillary text in graduate-level seminars.
- Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry: approaching learning and knowing in digital transformation byISBN: 0429953097Publication Date: 2019-06-27Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry examines how digital media is reconfiguring the established worlds of research, education and professional practice. It reflects on the theoretical, methodological and ethical issues shaping contemporary engagements with digital learning and offers insights for both analysing and intervening in digital learning practices. This insightful volume fills a gap in the current literature by bringing together experiences from Sociocultural Studies of Learning, Science and Technology Studies, and Design Studies. Each chapter is an innovative case study, examining a different aspect of digital media's role in research, education and professional practice by exploring topics such as: Learning practices and digitalized dialogue Digital design experiments Digitally mediated collaborations Ethical digital inquiry and design Expertly researched and written, this book is a unique resource for scholars, researchers and professionals working in the fields of digital design, applied technology and the learning sciences.
Sample of online journals
Below are a selection of online journals and readings. We have more online books, journal articles, and sources in our Libraries Search and article databases.
- American Journal of Distance EducationExplores topics about all teaching-learning relationships where the actors are geographically separated, and communication takes place through technologies.
- Online LearningPromotes the development and dissemination of new knowledge at the intersection of pedagogy, emerging technology, policy, and practice in online environments.
- Quarterly Review of Distance EducationPublishes articles, research briefs, reviews, & editorials dealing with the theories, research, and practices of distance education.
- Distance LearningProvides information for those who provide instruction to all types of learners, of all ages, using technologies of all types.
- Interactive Learning EnvironmentsPublishes articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense, encompassing environments that support individual learners through to environments that support collaboration amongst groups of learners or co-workers.
- E-Learning and Digital MediaPeer-reviewed international journal directed towards the study and research of e-learning in its diverse aspects: pedagogical, curricular, sociological, economic, philosophical and political.
- IEEE Transactions on Learning TechnologiesProvides research on such topics as Innovative online learning systems, Intelligent tutors, Educational software applications and games, and Simulation systems for education and training
- TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve LearningLeading publication for professionals in the educational communication and technology field.
- Higher EducationExamines educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions. It reports on developments in both public and private higher education sectors.
- The Internet and Higher EducationPeer-reviewed journal devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to online learning, teaching, and administration on the Internet in post-secondary settings.
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance LearningRefereed, open access e-journal that disseminates original research, theory, and best practice in open and distance learning worldwide.
Sample of education databases (to search for articles)
- Education SourceSearch full-text education journals covering all levels of education--from early childhood to higher education--as well as all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education and testing.
- ERIC Education (Ebscohost)ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a database of full-text education literature and resources. With coverage dating back to 1966, it is essential for education researchers of all kinds.
- Education Index RetrospectiveIndexes nearly 600 education journals as far back as 1929. Includes book reviews.
- Academic Search PremierA great place to start your research on any topic, search multidisciplinary, scholarly research articles. This database provides access to scholarly and peer reviewed journals, popular magazines and other resources. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2024 12:30 PM