WRIT 1401 - Spring 2024

Sample of useful journals

Selected Journals 

Browse current issues to find trends and new developments or use the database listed to search on a topic.

Teaching art

Art Education (1950 to present)
Search using Education Source database.

Studies in Art Education (1962 to present)
Search using Education Source database.

International Journal of Art & Design in Education
Search using Scopus database

Disability Education in the Classroom

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education (1981 to present)
Search using Academic Search Premier database

Teacher Education and Special Education (1977 to present)
Search using Education Source database

International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (1989 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Journal of intellectual disability research (1957 to present)
Search using Academic Search Premier database

International journal of developmental disabilities (2012 to present)
Search using Web of Science database

Sensory Friendly Environments

International journal of developmental disabilities (2012 to present)
Search using Web of Science database

Frontiers in psychology (2010 to present)
Search using Scopus database

Journal of occupational therapy, schools & early intervention (2008 to present)
Search using Scopus database

The British journal of occupational therapy (1974 to present)
Search using Scopus database

International journal of environmental research and public health (2004 to present)
Search using Web of Science database

International journal of early childhood special education (2009 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Journal of intellectual disability research (1957 to present)
Search using Academic Search Premier database

Journal of research in special educational needs (2001 to present)
Search using Education Source database


Play Based Learning

American journal of play (2008 to present)
Search using Web of Science database

Australasian journal of early childhood (1999 to present)
Remember research is in a non-US context
Search using Academic Search Premier database

Teaching and teacher education (1985 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Contemporary issues in early childhood (2000-present)
Search using Education Source database

European early childhood education research journal (1997 to present)
Search using Education Source database

The Elementary school journal (1914 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Professional development in education (2009 to present)
Search using Web of Science

Early education and development (1989 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Journal of education for teaching (1981 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Educational practice & theory (use Interlibrary Loan to request PDFs)
Search using Scopus database.

The Australian journal of teacher education (1996 to present)
Search using Web of Science database

The international journal of early childhood learning (2014 to present)
Search using Education Source database

International journal of educational research (1986-2023)
Search using Education Source database

Educational research (1997 to present)
Search using Education Source database

Education and society (use Interlibrary Loan to request PDFs)
Search using Education Source database.

Major databases for search in lots of articles

Last Updated: Mar 26, 2024 12:04 PM