This guide is designed for new researchers to find articles, sources and get started with research in topics related to addiction counseling
Start with:
- PubMedSearches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Coverage is from the 1940s to the present. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- APA PsycInfoFind articles in thousands of psychology journals, from 1806 to current. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
Then try any of the following:
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR)The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a classification of mental disorders with associated criteria designed to facilitate more reliable diagnoses of these disorders.
- MEDLINE (Ovid)Searches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Ovid MEDLINE is optimized for advanced literature searches. Coverage is from the 1940s to the present.
- CINAHL Ultimate (Nursing & Allied Health)Covers nursing and allied health journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations, as well as providing summarized evidence-based resources such as care sheets and quick lessons.
- Cochrane LibraryThe Cochrane Library consists of a collection of regularly updated evidence-based health care databases. The Cochrane collection is designed to provide information and evidence to support health care decision-making.
Also check out:
- Google Scholar (Setup connection to get to PDFs)Use Google Scholar to find articles from academic publishers, professional societies, research institutes, and scholarly repositories from colleges and universities. If you are using from off-campus access, change the "Library Settings" to University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Look for the "FindIt@U of M Twin Cities" links in your Google Scholar search results to access full text and PDFs. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- ScopusSearch for information from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Covers the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Web of ScienceA comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of journal article citations. Subjects generally covered are within science and technology, arts and humanities, and social sciences. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
Citations Managers
What are citation managers? They are apps that allow you to import citation information from databases and catalogs, save PDFs, and format citations for your research using different citations styles (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). Some managers also allow you to include your own notes.
Common citation managers include Zotero, Mendeley, and Endnote. Many of these are FREE! More information on citations and a comparison of citation managers.
- Citation Managers (e.g. Zotero, EndNote Online, etc.)Citation managers are software packages used to create personalized databases of citation information and notes. They allow you to: import and organize citation information from article indexes and other sources; save links to pdfs and other documents; format citations for your papers and bibliographies using APA and many other styles; and include your own notes.
- Citation Manager WorkshopsUMN Libraries offers a number of 1-hr. workshops on citation managers throughout the year. These include a general introduction to citation managers as well workshops on Zotero and EndNote. Registration required.
- Zotero (Citation tool)Free, web-based software that is useful for organizing your research sources, creating bibliographies and sharing sources with others.
What's Available in the Libraries?
- Checking out or borrowing itemsYou can borrow books and other materials by using your U Card. As a UMN student you can check out an unlimited number of items and have full access to online library resources both on and off campus.
- InterLibrary Loan & Digital DeliveryInterlibrary Loan (ILL) & Digital Delivery offers access to materials needed for courses and research, including materials not currently available within the University of Minnesota Libraries, AND digital copies of articles and book chapters from our print and microform collections. Free for currently-affiliated University students, faculty, and staff.
- Study SpacesMake group work easier by reserving a library study space.
- Grad Student Study CarrelsSubmit an application for a grad student study carrel in Wilson Library
- 1:Button Studios1:Button Studios are fully automated HD video recording spaces with professional studio lighting and sound equipment. They are set up to record high-quality video projects without any knowledge of lights and cameras. There are currently four 1:Button Studio locations on campus (Magrath Library has the one on St. Paul).
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 12:42 PM