Health Services Management Resources by Topic Area

Economics and Finance

Human Resources

Keywords– Human Resource/s Management, Personnel Management, Human Resources, Employee benefits, Employee Compensation, job satisfaction, benchmarking, HR, job design, employee turnover, organizational effectiveness, best practices

Ambulatory Systems


Long Term Care & Post Acute

Supply Chain

Accountable Care Organization (ACO's)



Research Strategy


Whenever you’re thinking about a Medicare or Medicaid related question, you often need to look to at a number of sources to thoroughly answer the question. You may not need to look at all of these sources, but generally you will need to cross reference at least a couple of them. First, there are the ones you’re probably already familiar with in any form of legal research:

  • Statutes
  • Regulations
  • Case law

Then, there are some that you may not know about, but matter a lot in practical terms:

  • Sub-regulatory guidance through CMS Manuals
  • National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs)
  • Sub-regulatory guidance through CMS Forms and their accompanying explanations
  • Sub-regulatory guidance through the CMS website
  • Sub-regulatory guidance through questions answered on the CMS website
  • Any materials you can find from the contractor acting as the Fiscal Intermediary/Medicare Administrative Contractor in your region.
  • Manuals and other information from private health care facility accrediting organizations
  • Medical procedure coding information.

If you are researching Medicaid, rather than Medicare, there is also the extra layer of whatever going on in the state you’re concerned with; so, you need to think about:

  • State statutes and implementing regulations for the state Medicaid program
  • The state’s Medicaid State Plan
  • Any Medicaid waivers or demonstration programs going on in the state
  • Sub-regulatory guidance from CMS in the form of Medicaid State Director Letters and State Health Official Letters
  • Sub-regulatory guidance from the state agency or agencies involved in administering the state’s Medicaid program

Grant Writing

Leadership and Management

Last Updated: Oct 2, 2024 5:09 PM