- Groups and Symmetry byISBN: 0387966757Publication Date: 1988-10-25Groups are important because they measure symmetry. This text, designed for undergraduate mathematics students, provides a gentle introduction to the highlights of elementary group theory. Written in an informal style, the material is divided into short sections each of which deals with an important result or a new idea. Throughout the book, the emphasis is placed on concrete examples, many of them geometrical in nature, so that finite rotation groups and the seventeen wallpaper groups are treated in detail alongside theoretical results such as Lagrange's theorem, the Sylow theorems, and the classification theorem for finitely generated abelian groups. A novel feature at this level is a proof of the Nielsen-Schreier theorem, using group actions on trees.
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography byISBN: 9781493917112Publication Date: 2014-09-11This text provides an ideal introduction for mathematics and computer science students to the mathematical foundations of modern cryptography. The book covers a variety of topics that are considered central to mathematical cryptography. Key topics include: classical cryptographic constructions, such as Diffie-Hellmann key exchange, discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems, the RSA cryptosystem, anddigital signatures; fundamental mathematical tools for cryptography, including primality testing, factorization algorithms, probability theory, information theory, and collision algorithms; an in-depth treatment of important cryptographic innovations, such as elliptic curves, elliptic curve and pairing-based cryptography, lattices, lattice-based cryptography, and the NTRU cryptosystem. The second edition of An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography includes a significant revision of the material on digital signatures, including an earlier introduction to RSA, Elgamal, and DSA signatures, and new material on lattice-based signatures and rejection sampling. Many sections have been rewritten or expanded for clarity, especially in the chapters on information theory, elliptic curves, and lattices, and the chapter of additional topics has been expanded to include sections on digital cash and homomorphic encryption.
- The Symmetric Group byISBN: 9781475768046Publication Date: 2013-03-09The original text has stayed much the same, the major change being in the treatment of the hook formula which is now based on the beautiful Novelli-Pak-Stoyanovskii bijection (NPS 97]. I have also added a chapter on applications of the material from the first edition. This includes Stanley's theory of differential posets (Stn 88, Stn 90] and Fomin's related concept of growths (Fom 86, Fom 94, Fom 95], which extends some of the combinatorics of Sn-representations. Next come a couple of sections showing how groups acting on posets give rise to interesting representations that can be used to prove unimodality results (Stn 82]. Finally, we discuss Stanley's symmetric function analogue of the chromatic polynomial of a graph (Stn 95, Stn ta].
- Algebra byISBN: 9781461300410Publication Date: 2012-12-06This book is intended as a basic text for a one-year course in Algebra at the graduate level, or as a useful reference for mathematicians and professionals who use higher-level algebra. This book successfully addresses all of the basic concepts of algebra. For the new edition, the author has added exercises and made numerous corrections to the text.
Number Theory
- The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves byISBN: 9780387094946Publication Date: 2009-04-20The theory of elliptic curves is distinguished by its long history and by the diversity of the methods that have been used in its study. This book treats the arithmetic approach in its modern formulation, through the use of basic algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Following a brief discussion of the necessary algebro-geometric results, the book proceeds with an exposition of the geometry and the formal group of elliptic curves, elliptic curves over finite fields, the complex numbers, local fields, and global fields. Final chapters deal with integral and rational points, including Siegels theorem and explicit computations for the curve Y = X + DX, while three appendices conclude the whole: Elliptic Curves in Characteristics 2 and 3, Group Cohomology, and an overview of more advanced topics.
- Elliptic Curves byISBN: 9781419652578Publication Date: 2006-11-20This book uses the beautiful theory of elliptic curves to introduce the reader to some of the deeper aspects of number theory. It assumes only a knowledge of the basic algebra, complex analysis, and topology usually taught in advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate courses. Reviews Indeed, the book is affordable (in fact, the most affordable of all references on the subject), but also a high quality work and a complete introduction to the rich theory of the arithmetic of elliptic curves, with numerous examples and exercises for the reader, many interesting remarks and an updated bibliography.
- Rational Points on Elliptic Curves byISBN: 9783319185873Publication Date: 2015-06-24The theory of elliptic curves involves a pleasing blend of algebra, geometry, analysis, and number theory. This volume stresses this interplay as it develops the basic theory, thereby providing an opportunity for advanced undergraduates to appreciate the unity of modern mathematics. At the same time, every effort has been made to use only methods and results commonly included in the undergraduate curriculum. Most concretely, an elliptic curve is the set of zeroes of a cubic polynomial in two variables. If the polynomial has rational coefficients, then one can ask for a description of those zeroes whose coordinates are either integers or rational numbers. Topics covered include the geometry and group structure of elliptic curves, the Nagell-Lutz theorem describing points of finite order, the Mordell-Weil theorem on the finite generation of the group of rational points, the Thue-Siegel theorem on the finiteness of the set of integer points, theorems on counting points with coordinates in finite fields, Lenstra's elliptic curve factorization algorithm, and a discussion of complex multiplication and the Galois representations associated to torsion points. Additional topics new to the second edition include an introduction to elliptic curve cryptography and a brief discussion of the stunning proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by Wiles et al. via the use of elliptic curves.
- Number Theory in Function Fields byISBN: 9781475760460Publication Date: 2013-04-18Elementary number theory is concerned with the arithmetic properties of the ring of integers, Z, and its field of fractions, the rational numbers, Q. Early on in the development of the subject it was noticed that Z has many properties in common with A = IF[T], the ring of polynomials over a finite field. Both rings are principal ideal domains, both have the property that the residue class ring of any non-zero ideal is finite, both rings have infinitely many prime elements, and both rings have finitely many units. Thus, one is led to suspect that many results which hold for Z have analogues of the ring A. This is indeed the case. The first four chapters of this book are devoted to illustrating this by presenting, for example, analogues of the little theorems of Fermat and Euler, Wilson's theorem, quadratic (and higher) reciprocity, the prime number theorem, and Dirichlet's theorem on primes in an arithmetic progression. All these results have been known for a long time, but it is hard to locate any exposition of them outside of the original papers. Algebraic number theory arises from elementary number theory by considering finite algebraic extensions K of Q, which are called algebraic number fields, and investigating properties of the ring of algebraic integers OK C K, defined as the integral closure of Z in K.
- Fourier Analysis and Its Applications byISBN: 9780387217239Publication Date: 2006-04-18The classical theory of Fourier series and integrals, as well as Laplace transforms, is of great importance for physical and technical applications, and its mathematical beauty makes it an interesting study for pure mathematicians as well. I have taught courses on these subjects for decades to civil engineering students,and also mathematics majors,and the present volume can be regarded as my collected experiences from this work. There is, of course, an unsurpassable book on Fourier analysis, the treatise by Katznelson from 1970. That book is, however, aimed at mathematically very mature students and can hardly be used in engineering courses. On the other end of the scale, there are a number of more-or-less cookbook styled books, where the emphasis is almost entirely on applications. I have felt the need for an alternative in between these extremes: a text for the ambitious and interested student, who on the other hand does not aspire to become an expert in the field. There do exist a few texts that fulfill these requirements (see the literature list at the end of the book), but they do not include all the topics I like to cover in my courses, such as Laplace transforms and the simplest facts about distributions.
- A Course in Functional Analysis byISBN: 9781441930927Publication Date: 2010-12-01Functional analysis has become a sufficiently large area of mathematics that it is possible to find two research mathematicians, both of whom call themselves functional analysts, who have great difficulty understanding the work of the other. The common thread is the existence of a linear space with a topology or two (or more). Here the paths diverge in the choice of how that topology is defined and in whether to study the geometry of the linear space, or the linear operators on the space, or both. In this book I have tried to follow the common thread rather than any special topic. I have included some topics that a few years ago might have been thought of as specialized but which impress me as interesting and basic. Near the end of this work I gave into my natural temptation and included some operator theory that, though basic for operator theory, might be considered specialized by some functional analysts.
Applied Math
- Ordinary differential equations with applications byPublication Date: 2024This book, developed during 20 years of the author teaching differential equations courses at his home university, is designed to serve as a text for a graduate level course focused on the central theory of the subject with attention paid to applications and connections to other advanced topics in mathematics. Core theory includes local existence and uniqueness, the phase plane, Poincaré–Bendixson theory, Lyapunov and linearized stability, linear systems, Floquet theory, the Grobman–Hartman theorem, persistence of rest points and periodic orbits, the stable and center manifold theorems, and bifurcation theory. This edition includes expanded treatment of deterministic chaos, perturbation theory for periodic solutions, boundary value problems, optimization, and a wide range of their applications. In addition, it contains a formulation and new proof of a theorem on instability of rest points in the presence of an eigenvalue with positive real part, and new proofs of differential inequalities and Lyapunov’s center theorem. New sections present discussions of global bifurcation, the Crandall–Rabinowitz theorem, and Alekseev’s formula.
- It's a Nonlinear World byISBN: 9780387753409Publication Date: 2010-10-14Drawing examples from mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, economics, medicine, politics, and sports, this book illustrates how nonlinear dynamics plays a vital role in our world. Examples cover a wide range from the spread and possible control of communicable diseases, to the lack of predictability in long-range weather forecasting, to competition between political groups and nations. After an introductory chapter that explores what it means to be nonlinear, the book covers the mathematical concepts such as limit cycles, fractals, chaos, bifurcations, and solitons, that will be applied throughout the book. Numerous computer simulations and exercises allow students to explore topics in greater depth using the Maple computer algebra system. The mathematical level of the text assumes prior exposure to ordinary differential equations and familiarity with the wave and diffusion equations. No prior knowledge of Maple is assumed. The book may be used at the undergraduate or graduate level to prepare science and engineering students for problems in the "real world", or for self-study by practicing scientists and engineers.
- Financial Markets Theory byISBN: 9781447173212Publication Date: 2017-06-26This work, now in a thoroughly revised second edition, presents the economic foundations of financial markets theory from a mathematically rigorous standpoint and offers a self-contained critical discussion based on empirical results. It is the only textbook on the subject to include more than two hundred exercises, with detailed solutions to selected exercises. Financial Markets Theory covers classical asset pricing theory in great detail, including utility theory, equilibrium theory, portfolio selection, mean-variance portfolio theory, CAPM, CCAPM, APT, and the Modigliani-Miller theorem. Starting from an analysis of the empirical evidence on the theory, the authors provide a discussion of the relevant literature, pointing out the main advances in classical asset pricing theory and the new approaches designed to address asset pricing puzzles and open problems (e.g., behavioral finance). Later chapters in the book contain more advanced material, including on the role of information in financial markets, non-classical preferences, noise traders and market microstructure. This textbook is aimed at graduate students in mathematical finance and financial economics, but also serves as a useful reference for practitioners working in insurance, banking, investment funds and financial consultancy. Introducing necessary tools from microeconomic theory, this book is highly accessible and completely self-contained.
- An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics byISBN: 9783319511702Publication Date: 2017-04-25This book is intended as a text for a one-semester course on Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience for upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate students of mathematics, the natural sciences, engineering, or computer science. An undergraduate introduction to differential equations is more than enough mathematical background. Only a slim, high school-level background in physics is assumed, and none in biology. Topics include models of individual nerve cells and their dynamics, models of networks of neurons coupled by synapses and gap junctions, origins and functions of population rhythms in neuronal networks, and models of synaptic plasticity. An extensive online collection of Matlab programs generating the figures accompanies the book.
Topology and Geometry
- Introduction to Smooth Manifolds byISBN: 1441999817Publication Date: 2012-08-26This book is an introductory graduate-level textbook on the theory of smooth manifolds. Its goal is to familiarize students with the tools they will need in order to use manifolds in mathematical or scientific research--- smooth structures, tangent vectors and covectors, vector bundles, immersed and embedded submanifolds, tensors, differential forms, de Rham cohomology, vector fields, flows, foliations, Lie derivatives, Lie groups, Lie algebras, and more. The book introduces the two most important analytic tools, the rank theorem and the fundamental theorem on flows, much earlier so that they can be used throughout the book. A few new topics have been added, notably Sard's theorem and transversality, a proof that infinitesimal Lie group actions generate global group actions, a more thorough study of first-order partial differential equations, a brief treatment of degree theory for smooth maps between compact manifolds, and an introduction to contact structures. Prerequisites include a solid acquaintance with general topology, the fundamental group, and covering spaces, as well as basic undergraduate linear algebra and real analysis.
- Differential Geometry byISBN: 3319550829Publication Date: 2017-06-15This text presents a graduate-level introduction to differential geometry for mathematics and physics students. Differential geometry, as its name implies, is the study of geometry using differential calculus. It dates back to Newton and Leibniz in the seventeenth century, but it was not until the nineteenth century, with the work of Gauss on surfaces and Riemann on the curvature tensor, that differential geometry flourished and its modern foundation was laid. Over the past one hundred years, differential geometry has proven indispensable to an understanding of the physical world, in Einstein's general theory of relativity, in the theory of gravitation, in gauge theory, and now in string theory. Differential geometry is also useful in topology, several complex variables, algebraic geometry, complex manifolds, and dynamical systems, among other fields. The field has even found applications to group theory as in Gromov's work and to probability theory as in Diaconis's work. It is not too far-fetched to argue that differential geometry should be in every mathematician's arsenal.
- Algebraic Combinatorics byISBN: 9781461469971Publication Date: 2013-06-18Written by one of the foremost experts in the field, Algebraic Combinatorics is a unique undergraduate textbook that will prepare the next generation of pure and applied mathematicians. The combination of the author's extensive knowledge of combinatorics and classical and practical tools from algebra will inspire motivated students to delve deeply into the fascinating interplay between algebra and combinatorics. Readers will be able to apply their newfound knowledge to mathematical, engineering, and business models. Prerequisites include a basic knowledge of linear algebra over a field, existence of finite fields, and group theory. Key topics include walks on graphs, cubes and the Radon transform, the Matrix-Tree Theorem, and the Sperner property.
- A Walk Through Combinatorics (Print Book Only) byISBN: 9789814335232Publication Date: 2011-06-01This is a textbook for an introductory combinatorics course lasting one or two semesters. The new edition walks the reader through the classic parts of combinatorial enumeration and graph theory, while also discussing some recent progress in the area. The basic topics discussed are: the twelvefold way, cycles in permutations, the formula of inclusion and exclusion, the notion of graphs and trees, matchings, Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles, and planar graphs.The selected advanced topics are: Ramsey theory, pattern avoidance, the probabilistic method, partially ordered sets, the theory of designs (new to this edition), enumeration under group action (new to this edition), generating functions of labeled and unlabeled structures and algorithms and complexity.
Algebraic and Combinatorial Geometry
- Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms byISBN: 9783319167213Publication Date: 2015-04-30This text covers topics in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra with a strong perspective toward practical and computational aspects. In addition to the fundamentals of algebraic geometry--the elimination theorem, the extension theorem, the closure theorem and the Nullstellensatz--this new edition incorporates several substantial changes, all of which are listed in the Preface. The largest revision incorporates a new Chapter (ten), which presents some of the essentials of progress made over the last decades in computing Gröbner bases. The book may serve as a first or second course in undergraduate abstract algebra and with some supplementation perhaps, for beginning graduate level courses in algebraic geometry or computational algebra. Prerequisites for the reader include linear algebra and a proof-oriented course. It is assumed that the reader has access to a computer algebra system.
- Combinatorial Commutative Algebra byISBN: 9780387223568Publication Date: 2004-12-21Combinatorial commutative algebra is an active area of research with thriving connections to other fields of pure and applied mathematics. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, with an emphasis on combinatorial techniques for multigraded polynomial rings, semigroup algebras, and determinantal rings. The eighteen chapters cover a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from homological invariants of monomial ideals and their polyhedral resolutions, to hands-on tools for studying algebraic varieties with group actions, such as toric varieties, flag varieties, quiver loci, and Hilbert schemes. Over 100 figures, 250 exercises, and pointers to the literature make this book appealing to both graduate students and researchers.
- Category Theory for the Sciences byISBN: 9780262028134Publication Date: 2014-10-10An introduction to category theory as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language that can be used across the sciences. Category theory was invented in the 1940s to unify and synthesize different areas in mathematics, and it has proven remarkably successful in enabling powerful communication between disparate fields and subfields within mathematics. This book shows that category theory can be useful outside of mathematics as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language throughout the sciences. Information is inherently dynamic; the same ideas can be organized and reorganized in countless ways, and the ability to translate between such organizational structures is becoming increasingly important in the sciences. Category theory offers a unifying framework for information modeling that can facilitate the translation of knowledge between disciplines. Using databases as an entry to category theory, it begins with sets and functions, then introduces the reader to notions that are fundamental in mathematics- monoids, groups, orders, and graphs-categories in disguise. After explaining the "big three" concepts of category theory-categories, functors, and natural transformations-the book covers other topics, including limits, colimits, functor categories, sheaves, monads, and operads. Category Theory for the Sciences is intended to create a bridge between the vast array of mathematical concepts used by mathematicians and the models and frameworks of such scientific disciplines as computation, neuroscience, and physics.
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024 5:01 PM