Resources for: Educational Psychology

This guide is designed for new researchers to find articles, sources and get started with research in topics related to counseling and student personnel psychology, psychological foundations of education, school psychology, and special education.

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Systematic reviews

A systematic review is a research method in which a team formulates a research question, searches, selects, and appraises the literature in order for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers to make evidence based decisions.

The key characteristics of a systematic review are:

  1. a clearly stated set of objectives with an explicit, reproducible methodology;
  2. a systematic search that attempts to identify all studies that would meet the eligibility criteria;
  3. an assessment of the validity of the findings of the included studies, for example through the assessment of risk bias; and
  4. a systematic presentation, and synthesis, of the characteristics and findings of the included studies.

Systematic reviews are reproducible, transparent, and the methods used are documented. A systematic review answers specific questions which are fully described in the protocol. Bias is minimized by having at least two people on the team do each step. A systematic review may take a year or more to complete.

Librarians are expert searchers who can support and guide investigators throughout the systematic review process.

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Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 3:36 PM