Academic sources
- Communication and Mass Media CompleteSearch for journal articles on topics such as communication, mass media, film, television, marketing, business communication, health communication, and more.
- Taylor & Francis: Communication StudiesFind scholarly articles from over fifty top journalism and communication studies journals.
Cast a wider net (good for contemporary topics):
- Google Scholar (Setup connection to get to PDFs)If you are using from off-campus access, change the "Library Settings" to University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Look for the "FindIt@U of M Twin Cities" links in your Google Scholar search results to access full text and PDFs.
- Libraries SearchSearch the University of Minnesota Libraries to find books, scholarly journal articles, news, magazines, media, and other items in the University's collection. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
News & business news
- News Sources (Libraries Search) This link opens in a new windowSearch for articles in newspapers, magazines, broadcast transcripts, and newswire feeds across a variety of library databases.
- U.S. Newsstream This link opens in a new windowSearch the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
- Business Source PremierFind business articles from journals and magazines in marketing, management, information technology, operations, human resources, accounting, finance and economics dating back to 1965.
Digital project support
- Media equipment & consultationsLibrary media services provide media equipment for no-cost checkout to UMN students, staff and faculty. Consultations on using the equipment or any part of the media production process are available. Drop-in hours available in the Toaster (Walter Library).
- Loanable media equipmentCameras, tripods, microphones, hard drives, DSLRs, and other media equipment are available for checkout for UMN students, staff and faculty.
- Software access in the librariesUse media production software on Libraries computers.
Recommended sources for brainstorming
- Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Harvard)Academic research center with the goal is to explore and understand cyberspace.
- Bits BlogIf you run into the NY Times paywall, you can access Bits Blog content by searching for specific blog article titles in the NY Times on ProQuest.
- MediagazerA media news aggregator, from the production side to the distribution side, reporting on new technologies that are upending the industry.
- Nieman Journalism LabThe Nieman Journalism Lab is an attempt to help journalism figure out its future in an Internet age.
- Pew Research CenterPew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Find in-depth reports and polls; create a free account to download survey data.
- TechmemeAggregator of technology news from a variety of online sources.
- Wired Magazine (via EBSCO)You can access the full-text of articles from Wired via this library database.
Background sources
- AP StylebookThis style guide from The Associated Press (AP) identifes standard reporting practices of names of people and institutions, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, and numerals.
- International Encyclopedia of CommunicationSearch online encyclopedia on communication studies, including theories, media and communication phenomena, research methods, problems, concepts, and geographical areas including interpersonal communication, journalism, intercultural and intergroup communication, media effects, strategic communication/PR, communication and media law and policy, media systems in the world, and communication and technology.
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 4:55 PM