Library Course Materials page

Why use the Library Course Materials page?

The Library Course Materials page is designed to help instructors add articles, ebooks, links, and uploaded materials to their Canvas courses in the form of a reading list. Instructors can build reading lists themselves, or the University Libraries can provide assistance.

Don't see the Library Course Materials menu option in your Canvas course? Follow these instructions to enable the Library Course Materials menu option.

Add materials yourself, or submit your reading list to Libraries Course Materials Services. We will build the list for you! 


Benefits of using the Library Course Materials page:

  • Instructors can search for, upload, and add needed course materials to their Canvas course site
  • Save students money by adding library licensed, full-text articles and ebooks
  • Materials can be saved and reused in other courses and in future semesters
  • Materials are added to Canvas through the Library Course Page menu option so students have easy access
  • Can include copyrighted materials that require royalty payments

This guide contains instructions to help get you started.  For assistance please contact

library course materials page on canvas

Example of a Library Course Materials page.

Last Updated: May 14, 2024 11:28 AM