Math Library Closure

Information and updates about the closure of the Math Library in summer 2025.


The Math Library will close in summer 2025 and be converted to a new math study/office space. I'm using this page to compile the questions I get and share the most up-to-date timeline. Please let me know how I can help.

Book an appointment with Carolyn

If you have feedback or questions about anything, reach out to me ( and I'll point you to the right person (if it isn't me).

New Location for Math Books

If you're able to use the stairs: enter by the main doors on the mall, go down the stairs to the basement/Gopher Way level, and through the coffee shop past the library desk (where you can ask for directions or pick up holds). Once you're in "The Toaster," take a left toward the elevator and go down to Level F. The math books are located right where you get off the elevator. If you're looking for a journal, take the elevator to Level SB (Sub-Basement).

Stair-free video coming soon

The ramp and automatic door openers are on the Pleasant Street side of Walter. Once inside, follow the corridor to the main staircases. On the left is a gold elevator. The call button is on the inside of the doorjamb. Take the elevator to the basement/Gopher Way level, go past the coffee shop and info desk, left at the Toaster sign, and the library elevator will take you down to Level F. The math books are right there when you get off the elevator.


Last update: Mar 4 2025

May 2024

  • May 9: Library hours and services change. Hours will be reduced to 9-3pm Mon-Thurs. Math is no longer a hold pickup location. Print reserves will move to Walter.
  • May 15: the Ferguson sculpture Knotted Wye II will be transferred from the library to the Weisman Art Museum to avoid damage while the move is going on.
  • Study carrels will be removed from alongside the stacks to make room for book trucks.

Summer 2024

  • Journals will begin to be removed from the shelves. Some journals that meet a set of strict criteria for online perpetual access will be withdrawn.
  • Books and journals will be accessible before and after they move. They will briefly be inaccessible while in transit. If you have questions about this, contact Carolyn.

September - December 2024

Books and journals will begin to be moved to Walter. Book carts and library staff will be moving in and out. Some furniture will be moved or removed to accommodate the book trucks. Books and journals that will move to storage will remain on the shelf.

UPDATE: March 2025

The Collections Facility will be ready to accept materials.

UPDATE: March 24 - April 4 2025

Large scale collections moves will begin in Math. The Math Library will temporarily close for two weeks to accommodate the scale of collections moving.

UPDATE: April - June 2025 

The study space will remain open and Lynn and Carolyn will continue to office in the library.

UPDATE: July 2025 and beyond

Math books, monograph series, and print journals will be available in Walter. Lynn ( and Carolyn ( will have offices in other libraries, but we will still be available by email. You can request materials from the Collections Facility on Como anytime using the library catalog. They will be put on hold at the library of your choice, or delivered to your office mailbox.


Last update: Mar 4 2025

UPDATE: When will the Math Library close?

The books and library staff will be fully moved out by the end of June 2025. Questions about the future of the study space should go to the Math Dept or CSE.

What are the reduced hours?

The library will be open from 9am-3pm Mondays-Thursdays beginning after the end of spring semester on May 9th, 2024. 

Will services be impacted at the library during this period?

  • Holds: Starting May 9th, 2024, users will no longer be able to select Math as a library hold pickup location. Users can pick up holds at nearby libraries or use home or office delivery.
  • Reserves and equipment: Equipment for checkout and print reserves at Math will be moved to Walter beginning in May. 
  • New books: Starting at the beginning of FY25 (July 2024) new acquisitions for Math will be received by Walter Library.
  • Browsing: Circulation services and browsing will be available in both libraries until collections move dates. 

Why does the library have reduced hours and services?

As part of our budget compact, student employee funding was reduced. The library will be staffed by full time employees only until the closure date. 

Will the library be available for memorial services?

The library will not be able to host memorial services after December 2024.

UPDATE: How much of the book collection will move to Walter and how much will go to storage?

We opened a significant amount of space in Walter and over 70% of the books will remain on campus at Walter. However, any book can be put on hold or delivered to your office mailbox by request, regardless of the location. Use the Get It service in the library search.

Which journals will move to Walter and which will go to storage?

Journals that we currently receive in print will move to Walter. Some large and non-browseable series like Lecture Notes in Mathematics will be split between Walter and storage, with recent volumes staying at Walter. (We also have the Lecture Notes series online.) The older journals that we no longer receive in print will go to storage.

Will math books or journals be placed in temporary storage, such as in Diehl Hall?


Last Updated: Mar 10, 2025 4:46 PM