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- Academic Search PremierA great place to start your research on any topic, search multidisciplinary, scholarly research articles. This database provides access to scholarly and peer reviewed journals, popular magazines and other resources. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- Ovid MEDLINESearches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Ovid MEDLINE is optimized for advanced literature searches. Coverage is from the 1940s to the present.
- APA PsycInfoFind articles in thousands of psychology journals, from 1806 to current. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- PubMedSearches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Coverage is from the 1940s to the present. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
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- CINAHL Ultimate (Nursing & Allied Health)Covers nursing and allied health journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations, as well as providing summarized evidence-based resources such as care sheets and quick lessons.
- Sociological AbstractsThis core database for the field of sociology contains information on sociology and social policy worldwide. Sociological Abstracts includes citations from the 1952-present. It provides abstracting and indexing of articles and book reviews drawn from thousands of journal publications, plus books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and working papers.
The Morgue is Kansas City Kansas Community College’s premier author, title, journal, and subject index of English language journals within the field of Mortuary Science. he database can be searched by author’s name, journal title, article title and subject. The Morgue does not index articles relating to association news, conventions, interviews, features, reader’s forums, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, or briefs.
Also check out these books
A-Z of Death and Dying by
ISBN: 9781440803444Publication Date: 2014-02-17This engaging and informative resource provides readers with an understanding of the social, cultural, and historical influences that shape our encounters with death, dying, and bereavement--a universal experience across humanity. * Provides comprehensive yet easily accessible and concise entries that offer insight into the expanding study of death, dying, and bereavement * Contains more than 200 engaging entries from key thinkers and practitioners within the interdisciplinary field of death studies * Addresses a wide range of topics of both contemporary and historical interest, including memorial tattoos, Facebook grieving, and so-called "dark tourism," which reflect shifting attitudes and practices surrounding end-of-life issues. Ebook access for current University of Minnesota students, staff or facultyA Brief History of Death by
Call Number: HQ1073 .S64 2014ISBN: 9781780232652Publication Date: 2014-04-15As humans, death--its certainty, its inevitability--consumes us. We make it the subject of our literature, our art, our philosophy, and our religion. Our feelings and attitudes toward our mortality and its possible afterlives have evolved greatly from the early days of mankind. Collecting these views in this topical and instructive book, W. M. Spellman considers death and dying from every angle in the Western tradition, exploring how humans understand and come to terms with the end of life. Using the work of archaeologists and paleoanthropologists, Spellman examines how interpreting physical remains gives us insight into prehistoric perspectives on death. He traces how humans have died over the centuries, both in the causes of death and in the views of actions that lead to death. He spotlights the great philosophical and scientific traditions of the West, which did not believe in an afterlife or see the purpose of bereavement, while also casting new light on the major religious beliefs that emerged in the ancient world, particularly the centuries-long development of Christianity. He delves into three approaches to the meaning of death--the negation of life, continuity in another form, and agnosticism--from both religious and secular-scientific perspectives. Providing a deeper context for contemporary debates over end-of-life issues and the tension between longevity and quality of life, A Brief History of Death is an illuminating look at the complex ways humans face death and the dying.Burial Terminology by
Call Number: Wilson Library General Collection CC77.B8 S97 2005ISBN: 0759108404Publication Date: 2005-08-11Reference guide establishing a standard terminology for archaeologists to use to describe burials and grave goods. Visit our website for sample chapters- Death Dictionary byCall Number: TC Wilson Library General Collection HQ1073 .Q54 1994ISBN: 0899508693Publication Date: 1993-12-01From police jargon to medical terminology, from the coarse language of death row to literary euphemisms, over 5,550 words and terms associated directly with death and dying are defined in this unique dictionary. The entries have been collected from 65 cultures, nine religions and 20 fields of study, including archeology, cryonics, theology, theater and the military. Definitions are identified (e.g., archaic, obsolete, slang) and, when appropriate, the occupation it is most closely connected to and variants of the expression are provided. The appended thesaurus gives commonly used words and the terms that are synonymous with them.
Death in Contemporary Popular Culture by
ISBN: 9780429197024Publication Date: 2019-11-26With intense and violent portrayals of death becoming ever more common on television and in cinema and the growth of death-centric movies, series, texts, songs, and video clips attracting a wide and enthusiastic global reception, we might well ask whether death has ceased to be a taboo. What makes thanatic themes so desirable in popular culture? Do representations of the macabre and gore perpetuate or sublimate violent desires? Has contemporary popular culture removed our unease with death? Can social media help us cope with our mortality, or can music and art present death as an aesthetic phenomenon? This volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the discussion of the social, cultural, aesthetic, and theoretical aspects of the ways in which popular culture understands, represents, and manages death, bringing together contributions from around the world focused on television, cinema, popular literature, social media and the internet, art, music, and advertising. Ebook access for University of Minnesota current students, staff and faculty.Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience by
ISBN: 9781412951784Publication Date: 2009-07-15Death and dying and death-related behavior involve the causes of death and the nature of the actions and emotions surrounding death among the living. Interest in the varied dimensions of death and dying has led to the development of death studies that move beyond medical research to include behavioral science disciplines and practitioner-oriented fields. As a result of this interdisciplinary interest, the literature in the field has proliferated. This two-volume resource addresses the traditional death and dying-related topics but also presents a unique focus on the human experience to create a new dimension to the study of death and dying. With more than 300 entries, the Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience includes the complex cultural beliefs and traditions and the institutionalized social rituals that surround dying and death, as well as the array of emotional responses relating to bereavement, grieving, and mourning. The Encyclopedia is enriched through important multidisciplinary contributions and perspectives as it arranges, organizes, defines, and clarifies a comprehensive list of death-related perspectives, concepts, and theories. Key Features Imparts significant insight into the process of dying and the phenomenon of death Includes contributors from Asia,; Africa; Australia; Canada; China; eastern, southern, and western Europe; Iceland; Scandinavia; South America; and the United States who offer important interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives Provides a special focus on the cultural artifacts and social institutions and practices that constitute the human experience Addresses death-related terms and concepts such as angel makers, equivocal death, end-of-life decision making, near-death experiences, cemeteries, ghost photography, and halo nurses. Ebook access for University of Minnesota current students, staff and faculty.Handbook of Thanatology by
Call Number: HQ1073 .H363 2013ISBN: 9780415630559Publication Date: 2013-05-02If ever there was an area requiring that the research-practice gap be bridged, surely it occurs where thanatologists engage with people dealing with human mortality and loss. The field of thanatology¿the study of death and dying¿is a complex, multidisciplinary area that encompases the range of human experiences, emotions, expectations, and realities. The Handbook of Thanatology is the most authoritative volume in the field, providing a single source of up-to-date scholarship, research, and practice implications. The handbook is the recommended resource for preparation for the prestigious certificate in thanatology (CT) and fellow in thanatology (FT) credentials, which are administered and granted by ADEC.Mortuary Science by
Call Number: ZWA840 S996m 1993ISBN: 0810827190Publication Date: 2003-01-01In this first reference book devoted entirely to mortuary science, Szabo presents a thorough bibliographical examination of the funeral industry and related subjects, including even the most specialized area in the field. Most citations are annotated, with special notes on editions and reprints. Areas covered include autopsy, cremation, burial rites and ceremonies, caskets and vaults, cemeteries, embalming, epitaphs, ethnic customs, funeral dress and apparel, funeral music, funeral reform, grave markers, laws and regulations, liturgies and sermons, memorial societies, organ and body donation, premature burial, pre-need service, restorative art, and several others. The text is organized by subject, with author and title indexes. Five appendixes feature addresses for associations and organizations, information on schools of mortuary science, accreditation procedures and standards of the American Board of Funeral Service Education, periodicals in the field, and a list of state funeral service examining boards. Will be useful to students, librarians, and researchers as well as funeral service personnel.Talking Through Death by
ISBN: 9780429506598Publication Date: 2018-07-18Talking Through Death examines communication at the end-of-life from several different communication perspectives: interpersonal (patient, provider, family), mediated, and cultural. By studying interpersonal and family communication, cultural media, funeral related rituals, religious and cultural practices, medical settings, and legal issues surrounding advance directives, readers gain insight into the ways symbolic communication constructs the experience of death and dying, and the way meaning is infused into the process of death and dying. The book looks at the communication-related health and social issues facing people and their loved ones as they transition through the end of life experience. It reports on research recently conducted by the authors and others to create a conversational, narrative text that helps students, patients, and medical providers understand the symbolism and construction of meaning inherent in end-of-life communication. Ebook access for University of Minnesota current students, staff and facultyEmbalming: History, Theory, and Practice, Sixth Edition by
Call Number: GT3340 .G44 2022ISBN: 9781260010077Publication Date: 2022-03-10The field's leading text - sponsored by the American Board of Funeral Service Education. There is no other book on the subject that is as complete and up to date in its coverage of the art and science of embalming, restorative arts, and mortuary cosmetology for students and practitioners. Known throughout the industry as the authority and go-to reference on the history, theory, practice, and technique of embalming, this new edition represents a thorough guide to traditional practice, as well as new trends. Full-color insert effectively displays the art of restoration and cosmetic application. The only book on the topic sponsored and endorsed by the American Board of Funeral Service EducationManaging death : international perspectives by
ISBN: 9783031055591Publication Date: 2022There is a huge collection of literature relating to death, grief and bereavement, but one aspect that has received relatively little attention is that of death management practices (by which we mean the various ways of managing the circumstances of the death, ritually acknowledging it and sensitively handling the disposal of the body and so on). While ways of disposing of the dead and grief practices have been thought of as based upon individual responses, grief and bereavement practices can be understood not only by looking at psychological and medical frameworks, but also by examining people as part of a complex structure of social arrangements, institutions, structures, and patterns. By examining the social and institutional structures of various groups around the world, we provide an international framework for a better understanding of the study of dying, death, and bereavement. This book highlights the significance of these matters in an international context, reflecting common themes and important differences. It will highlight common themes across diverse cultures and national settings, while also drawing attention to significant differences. If professionals working in the field of death, grief and bereavement are not aware of such differences, their practice can be insensitive, discriminatory and therefore ineffective, if not actually counterproductive. As such, the book provides an invaluable resource for a wide variety of professionals and students, including medicine and health care; social work; counselling and psychotherapy; chaplaincy and pastoral work; and, of course, those involved in the funeral industry. In addition, students of sociology, psychology and anthropology will find much of interest here in terms of appreciating the diversity of ways in which funerals and other death management practices are managed and integrated into social life. .
Online resources
- Champion Expanding Encyclopedia of Mortuary PracticeThe Champion Expanding Encyclopedia of Mortuary Practices is published and disseminated by the Champion Company to the embalming/funeral service profession and related professions. Current installments are available on the Web as pdf files.
- Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying"The 327 signed entries, written by scholars and expert care providers, range in length from a few paragraphs to several pages. The focus of the entries is on exploring 'the place of death in contemporary life,' although the encyclopedia also aims to provide a historical perspective of death and dying through the ages."
- Death to Dust : What Happens to Dead Bodies?Selected excerpts from the second edition of Kenneth V. Iserson's classic Death to Dust. Includes: decomposition, death investigation factoids, funeral industry jargon and more.
- Death: The last tabooThis online exhibition by the Australian Museum looks at what happens to us after we die; how different cultures dispose of, mourn and remember their dead and takes a remarkable journey through how death has been dealt with through the ages.
- Funeral Director's Guide to Consumer-Friendly General Price Lists
"Everything you need to know to make your price list legal and easy to use." From the Funeral Consumers Alliance (2007)
- Funeral Directors' Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting
This handbook is designed to acquaint funeral directors with the vital registration system in the United States and to provide instructions for completing and filing records of death and fetal death. Emphasis is directed toward the responsibilities of the funeral director in handling these certificates and reports and in obtaining proper authorization for final disposition of a dead body. Background information is included on the importance of these documents for legal and statistical purposes and specific instructions for obtaining the necessary. (2019 revision)
- Funeral Rule: 16 CFR Part 453
Text and supplemental documents.
- Complying With the Funeral Rule
Aimed at professionals in the funeral service industry, the Federal Trade Commission defines who in the funeral service profession must follow the Funeral Rule, which was created to protect the interests of consumers needing funeral services or goods.
- FTC Funeral Rule
A guide for consumers from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
- Model Guidelines (International Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association)
The ICCFA Government and Legal Affairs Committee has developed a set of 28 model guidelines for state laws and regulations, which have been approved by the Board of Directors. The guidelines combine a sensitivity to consumer protection issues with the need for all industry members, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, cemeteries, funeral homes, retail monument dealers or crematories, to conduct their operations according to sound business principles.
- Mortuary Science Section: Minnesota Dept of Health
- Licenses funeral homes, crematories, morticians, funeral directors and oversee cemetery regulation. Regulations are set forth in Minnesota Statues 149A.
- "Choices"
- Information on the regulations and requirements of the final disposition of a dead human body in Minnesota
- Booklet prepared by the Mortuary Science section answering the most common questions asked by consumers.
- Information on the regulations and requirements of the final disposition of a dead human body in Minnesota
- Minesota: Mortuary Science State and Federal Laws, Rules and Regulations
- Laws and statutes that govern the Minnesota Funeral Industry and cemeteries
Safety and standards
Controlling Formaldehyde Exposures During Embalming
NIOSH 98-149 -
Creutz-Jakob Disease, Classic (CJD): Information for Funeral and Crematory Practitioners
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
Creutzfelt-Jakob Disease: For Funeral Professionals
From the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation (video presentation) -
Arsenic and Old Graves: Civil War-Era Cemeteries May Be Leaking Toxins. Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato, Smithsonian Magazine, Oct 30, 2015.
OSHA: Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention
HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis
Associations, organizations, and societies
- American Board of Funeral Service Education
The American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) serves as the national academic accreditation agency for college and university programs in Funeral Service and Mortuary Science Education. ABFSE is the sole accrediting agency recognized by the US Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation in this field.
- Association for Death Education and Counseling
A gathering place on the web for lay personnel and professionals who provide grief counseling, funeral service education, and hospice care.
- Cremation Association of North America
Founded in 1913, the Cremation Association of North America is an International organization of over 1500 members, composed of cemeterians, cremationists, funeral directors, industry suppliers and consultants.
- Funeral Service Foundation
Funeral service industry's charitable foundation. Supports scholarships, consumer assistance programs, research, education and the Howard C. Raether Library, a premier research library about funeral service through the ages.
- International Cemetery and Funeral Association
The International Cemetery and Funeral Association (ICCFA), was founded in 1887 as the American Cemetery Association. The organization was created by cemetery owners and managers whose goal was to improve the appearance and operations of their properties. ICCFA is composed of more than 7,500 cemeteries, funeral homes, memorial designers, crematories and related businesses worldwide.
- International Conference of Funeral Examining Boards
The International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (ICFSEB or "The Conference") is a not-for-profit voluntary association providing examination services, information and regulatory support to funeral service licensing boards and educators, legislators and other regulatory agencies, and the public at large in various states, districts, provinces, jurisdictions and internationally.
- International Order of the Golden Rule
The International Order of the Golden Rule is an international, not-for-profit membership organization of independent locally owned, family owned Golden Rule funeral homes.
- MN Association of Cemeteries
The Minnesota Association of Cemeteries (MAC) was founded in 1924 as a nonprofit resource for cemetery managers. MAC has come to represent the interests of everyone concerned with the present and future of cemeteries in Minnesota.
- MN Funeral Directors Association
A non-profit organization. Provides continuing education, FAQs and consumer information
- National Funeral Directors Association
Largest funeral service organization in the world. Links to state associations, career information, continuing education, consumer information. Publishes The Director
- National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association, Inc
Membership association of professional funeral directors and morticians and embalmers, whose members and members-at-large are also members of state associations of funeral directors, morticians and embalmers dedicated to promoting the common professional and business interests of its members.
- THANOS: The Official Website of FIAT-IFTA: The World Organization of Funeral Operatives
FIAT-IFTA developed this website to improve communication between funeral professionals worldwide. This website offers information about the association, its members, exhibitions, suppliers and other interesting items
Consumer information
- Consumer Resource Guide
From the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA)
- Funeral Consumers Alliance
A Federation of Nonprofit Consumer Information Societies protecting a consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, affordable funeral since 1963.
- Mortuary Science Consumer Information
Minnesota Department of Health
- Shopping For Funeral Services: Consumer Information
When a loved one dies, grieving family members and friends often are confronted with dozens of decisions about the funeral — all of which must be made quickly and often under great emotional duress. What kind of funeral should it be? What funeral provider should you use? Should you bury or cremate the body, or donate it to science? What are you legally required to buy? What about the availability of environmentally friendly or “green” burials? What other arrangements should you plan? And, practically, how much is it all going to cost? Provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- Online Funeral Home Search
Powered by the Red Book, National Directory of Morticians. This is NOT the e-Red Book (electronic copy of the Red Book designed for funeral directors. Free directory for consumers
- US Funeral Resource Library
Funeral home state by state; city by city
Bereavement and grief counseling
General Resources
- Family Means Center for Grief & Loss
The Center for Grief provides a unique and critical service to the greater St. Paul and Minneapolis area and outlying regions of Minnesota. In operation since January, 1996, the Center for Grief has responded to the harsh reality of traumatic loss from homicide, suicide, accidental death, and multiple family losses. Merged with Family Means in 2012.
- The Compassionate Friends
The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive. The Compassionate Friends is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. There is no religious affiliation and there are no membership dues or fees.
- Coping with Grief and Loss
This article describes the common symptoms of grief, myths and facts about grief and tips for coping. HelpGuide is a nonprofit mental health and wellness website. Our mission is to provide empowering, evidence-based information that you can use to help yourself and your loved ones.
- Grief, Bereavement and Coping With Loss
Patient summary on loss, grief, and bereavement adapted from the summary written for health professionals by cancer experts.
- Grief Support Directory
“... here are many support organizations and bereavement centers for families. We have outlined some of the services available to families below.” Mouse over state to see list
An Internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, trauma, and major loss.
- Guide to Grieving Support Resources
Over 40 of the best grief-related resources on the Web for children, parents, spouses, siblings, friends, acquaintances, coworkers and employers that are categorized into sections that make it easy to find what you – or someone else – needs from Wise Old Sayings
- How to Navigate Grief and Loss as a College Student
Provides some insight into how college students may best manage their grief.
- How to Deal With Grief in College
From Learn how to deal with grief as a student and what resources are available.
- Seeking Help and Support for Grief and Loss
The importance of support during the grief process
Children and Teens
- Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families
The Dougy Center provides a safe place for children, teens, young adults and their families who are grieving a death to share their experiences. They do this through peer support groups, education, and training.
- Death and Grief
This article contains information for kids and teens about the process of grief and how to ultimately feel better. From
- National Alliance for Grieving Children
The National Alliance for Grieving Children (NAGC) provides a network for nationwide communication between hundreds of professionals and volunteers who want to share ideas, information and resources with each other to better support the grieving children and families they serve in their own communities. Through this network, the NAGC offers online education, hosts an annual symposium on children's grief, maintains a national data base of children's bereavement support programs and promotes national awareness to enhance public sensitivity to the issues impacting grieving children and teens.
- American Gold Star Mothers, Inc
This organization of mothers honors fallen sons and daughters of the military through their services to veterans and military events.
- Gold Star Wives
The belief of Gold Star Wives is that surviving spouses and dependent children need an organization that’s dedicated to their unique needs, concerns, and welfare no matter what. - Military OneSource: Support After Loss
"You were part of the military family when you supported your service member in his or her mission. And you're still part of the family now. That’s why the military has designed programs especially for survivors – tools and services to help you cope, make informed decisions, grieve in healthy ways and begin to envision a life with new opportunities." - TAPS: Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
The TAPS Institute provides training and education on coping with loss for bereavement professionals, bereaved individuals, and grieving military and civilian families. - Veterans Administration: Bereavement Counseling
Surviving spouse, child, or parent of a service member who died while serving their country, may qualify for bereavement counseling through VA.
- Bereaved Parents USA
Provides a safe space where grieving families can connect, share our stories, and learn to rebuild our lives.
- MISS Foundation
An international 501(c)3, volunteer based organization providing C.A.R.E. [counseling, advocacy, research, and education] services to families experiencing the death of a child.
- National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc.
This organization provides various resources to support and assist survivors of homicide victims.
Widows and Widowers
- National Widowers’ Organization
The National Widowers’ Organization is a virtual toolkit for men coping with the loss of a loved one, a place where men can meet others going through the same transition.
- Soaring Spirits:
"Soaring Spirits is an inclusive, secular organization focused on hope and healing through the grieving process. We are positive, and forward-thinking, while offering our community members the tools and resources they need to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the death of a spouse or life partner. We provide both online and in-person opportunities for finding peer support."
- WidowNet
Established in 1995, it is the first online information and self-help resource for, and by, widows and widowers. Topics covered include grief, bereavement, recovery, and other information helpful to people, of all ages, religious backgrounds and sexual orientations, who have suffered the death of a spouse or life partner.
Cultural considerations and burial rituals
Selected list of websites on cultural or burial rituals
- Association for Gravestone Studies
The Association for Gravestone Studies (AGS) was founded in 1977 for the purpose of furthering the study and preservation of gravestones. AGS promotes the study of gravestones from historical and artistic perspectives, expands public awareness of the significance of historic gravemarkers, and encourages individuals and groups to record and preserve gravestones
- Cemetery Symbolism: A Wary Glossary
by Joel GAzis-SAx / City of the Silent.
- Cemetery Symbolism In Stone
Presented by Bret Peterson. Utah Valley Technology & Genealogy Group (UVTAGG). July 2010.
- Chinese Funerals: What to Expect, Customs and Traditions
by Erin Coriell. Oct 2019
- Death, Funeral, Requiem -- Orthodox Christian Traditions, Customs and Practice
By Archpriest Victor Sokolov.
- Funeral Customs by Religion, Ethnicity and Culture
- Funeral Etiquette: At the service
The Emily Post Institute.
- Muslim Funeral Traditions
- A Guide to a Proper Buddhist Funeral
by Koperasi Buddhisme Malaysia Berhad.
- The History Of Funeral Rites And Rituals Of The Ancient World
- Japanese Buddhist Funeral Customs
By: Billy Hammond (TanuTech)
- Jewish Funerals, Burial & Mourning
Published by Kavod v'Nichum & the Jewish Funeral Practices Committee of Greater Washington.
- Military Funeral Customs
From Arlington Cemetery.
- National Museum of Funeral History
With over 20,000 square feet of exhibition space the National Museum of Funeral History is the largest educational center on Funeral Heritage in the United States.