This guide lists entries added to the Databases A-Z list in the last year.
New resources added January - March 2025
- Dacheng Chinese Communist Party History Periodical Database ( -1949)It contains more than 300 kinds of publications founded by the CPC and founded and participated in by early Communist Party members before CPC. It includes The Communist, The Guide, The Masses, The Pioneer, Bolshevik, etc.
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie FrançaiseSearch the French-language dictionary from the l'Académie Française (the French Academy). Users can search and browse current (9th) and past editions.
- Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500)Online dictionary of Middle French (1330-1500) from CNRS & Université de Lorraine. Interface and content in French.
- Dictionnaires d'autrefois16 online monolingual French dictionaries of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries from the ARTFL (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language) Project
- English-Corpora.orgPreviously known as the "BYU Corpora,” this database includes 19 well-known corpora of American and British English, such as the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), Corpus of Historical American English (COHA), British National Corpus (BNC), and News on the Web (NOW). An overview on how to search the corpora can be found under the Overview tab. Some corpora can be downloaded by users. NOTE: users will need to register for an individual account while either being on or off-campus using EZProxy or full-tunnel VPN. Select "Register / profile" under "my account."
- Middle English CompediumIncludes three searchable resources on Middle English (1100-1500 CE): the Middle English Dictionary, Bibliography of Middle English, and Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. From the University of Michigan
- Oxford Bibliographies: Medieval StudiesSearch expert commentary and detailed annotated bibliographies to find high quality sources of information in Medieval Studies.
- Oxford Bibliographies: Renaissance and ReformationSearch expert commentary and detailed annotated bibliographies to find high quality sources of information in Renaissance and Reformation studies.
New resources added October - December 2024
- 2002 All-Russia CensusResults from the 2002 All-Russia Population Census. Includes demographic, economic and social data collected from citizens and noncitizens of the Russian Federation. Data chiefly in Russian; some available in English.
- American Committee on Africa: Liberation Movements, Solidarity and ActivismAmerican Committee on Africa: Liberation Movements, Solidarity and Activism presents the archival records of the American Committee on Africa (ACOA) from its foundation in 1953 through 1981. These records chart the organization's involvement in African liberation struggles, including their work to inform the American public on African issues, expand US solidarity with liberation movements throughout Africa, and work with leaders and activists across Africa to drive political change. It covers a range of intersecting themes, from social justice, civil rights, and decolonization, to US anti-apartheid movements and Africa during the Cold War.
- BioCycBioCyc is a collection of 20,052 Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs) for model eukaryotes and for thousands of microbes, plus software tools for exploring them.
- engrXiv (Engineering Archive)engrXiv (Engineering Archive) is a preprint server where engineering researchers share early versions of their papers that have not yet been peer-reviewed. It was created to disseminate engineering knowledge quickly and efficiently.
- EuroDocs: Online Sources for European HistoryPortal to open access primary historical documents for European countries that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. Texts, video, sound files, maps, photographs and other imagery, databases, and other documentation are also available. Coverage is from Prehistoric Europe to present day.
- Jewish Virtual LibrarySource for information about Jewish history, Israel, U.S.-Israel relations, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and Judaism. The JVL currently has more than 25,000 articles and 10,000 images
- Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and IdentityThe Olympic Movement is a multi-archive collection from the United States, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Resources include records of the origins, expansion and growth of the Olympic Games, and the global history of sport. Through a broad range of sources including correspondence, official reports, newsletters and film footage, researchers can chart the history of sport and its relationships with culture, society, business, media and politics between the 1890s and 1990s.
- PsyArXivPsyArXiv (2016-present) is a psychology preprint server maintained by the Society for Improving Psychological Science. Manuscripts deposited in PsyArXiv encompass a variety of points on the research life cycle from authors' early drafts to post-prints wherein there is a peer reviewed version available.
- RetroNewsFrom the National Library of France (Bibliothèque nationale de France), gives access to more than 2000 French-language newspaper titles published between 1631 and 1951. Also includes audio and video.
- Trade in Early Modern London: Livery Company Records, 1450-1750Includes business and court records from six of London’s principal livery companies, spanning the years 1450 to 1750. Livery companies were trade guilds that played central roles in the commercial, political and cultural activity of the city. The documents cover a variety of themes and reactions to key historical events, such as the Reformation, the English Civil War, and the Great Fire of London. Images and document transcripts are available.
New resources added July - September 2024
- 1980s Culture and SocietyZines, newspapers and ephemera, oral histories, films and photographs from archival collections housed across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Diverse perspectives, materials produced by grassroots organizations and under-represented groups are presented alongside government records and mainstream media to showcase the key social, cultural, and political concerns of the decade.
- Africa and the New ImperialismExplore the history of European colonisation across the African continent in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century through rare printed works, diaries and journals, correspondence, maps, photographs, and film footage.
- Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human RightsA collection of the International Secretariat records of Amnesty International. Includes materials on the history of key political events, global social change and the development of a global movement for human rights covering themes including state violence, political prisoners, minority rights and more.
- British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on FilmCollection of newsreels produced by the Topical Film Company providing a glimpse into the early twentieth century - from everyday interests, such as sport and fashion, to coverage of key events, such as the First World War, the Suffragette Movement, and the establishment of the Irish Free State.
- Broadcasting America: The Rise of Mass Media and CommunicationsDavid Sarnoff, President of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), and other industry papers detailing the expansion of radio and television technology, and the rise of mass media empires, accelerated America's transformation into a consumer-based society.
- EB-PISHU: China Economy, Public Policy, Security DatabaseThis database (皮书数据库) is an online database of high-value analytical reports (pishu). It represents the best of contemporary Chinese scholarship in the social sciences from cultural to economic development.
- Hindi CinemaCandid, unedited interviews from the private collection of author and film-maker Nasreen Munni Kabir, Hindi Cinema offers a unique insight into the film industry from the years 1950-2010 through the experiences of leading film-makers. Also includes photos, posters, and a brief history.
- Mexico in History: Colonialism to Revolution, c.1500-1929This collection explores The Bancroft Library's Americana repository that includes hundreds of years of Mexico's history through social, religious, and political change. The collection includes rare manuscripts, and stunning visual materials, including maps, photographs, illustrations, and graphic art.
- Royal Shakespeare Company ArchivesA comprehensive record of the performance history of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessor, the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Includes almost 1,400 prompt books to uncover how productions took shape, and explore the creative process behind the company's most important presentations in extensive additional documentation including production records, costume designs, music files and photographs.
- Steven Spielberg Digital Yiddish LibraryFrom the Yiddish Book Center, works of fiction, memoirs, poetry, plays, short stories, science manuals, cookbooks, primers, and more in Yiddish and other languages by Yiddish-speaking authors as well as oral histories and archival recordings. Materials can be downloaded or accessed online.
- Transformation of Shopping: Department Stores, Social Change and Consumerism 1830-1994Primary source collections that relates to the sociocultural history of the retail industry across the nineteenth and twentieth century. Sourced from renowned institutions around the world, materials includes records from department store archives, trade literature, staff newsletters, union records, and photographs.
- Women's Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968Diaries and oral histories for the study of the lives and experiences of less well-known women, told through their own words. Featuring content from both regional and national archives across the UK and Ireland.
New resources added April - June 2024
- Archives of Sexuality and GenderCollections of primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century, researchers and scholars can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other topical areas.
- BodyswapsBodyswaps is an immersive learning and training solution in virtual reality. (VR & Web-Immersive). Access to Bodyswaps is available in the Virtual Reality Studio located in the Health Sciences Education Center -- Room 5-132. For open hours or to make an appointment to explore Bodyswaps please visit our Virtual Reality Studio service page.
- Communist Newspapers 1917-2013 (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Search and explore full-page images of newspapers of the Communist Party, USA, 1919-2013. Covers workers’ rights, social issues, national and international politics, culture, and Party activity. Contributors include writer Richard Wright, folk singer Woody Guthrie and political cartoonist Robert Minor.
- Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library)Portal to books, music, paintings, sculptures, films, photographs, files, manuscripts and more held at German archives, libraries, museums, and other cultural organizations.
- East African Magazines, Newspapers, & Films: The Hilary Ng'weno ArchiveHilary Ng'weno (1938-2021), is considered Kenya’s most accomplished journalist. This collection includes the full run of several historically significant publications from Ng’weno’s media company, including: The Weekly Review, 1975-1999. The Nairobi Times, 1977-1983, Rainbow children’s magazine, 1976-1995. Also includes Making of a Nation documentaries and oral histories.
- Fashion and Race DatabaseSubscription has been cancelled effective April 12, 2025.
The Fashion and Race Database is an online, educational platform that expands the narrative of fashion history and challenges mis-representation within the fashion system. Research tools include access to a library of essays and a podcast. - History of Disabilities: Disabilities in Society, Seventeenth to Twentieth CenturyCollections of books, manuscripts, and ephemera providing a historical view of disabilities from the seventeenth to twentieth century. Materials include personal memoirs, reports and proceedings of organizations and institutions, policies and programs concerning persons with disabilities. Rehabilitation, treatments, methods of education, and other forms of remediation are documented.
- Morningstar Investing CenterMorningstar Investing Center provides data on over 50,000 stocks, 250,000 open-end mutual funds, over 17,000 exchange-traded funds, and over 13,000 closed-end funds.
- Naxos Music Library JazzStreaming audio collection of thousands of albums originally released on the Fantasy and Naxos Jazz labels, as well as a wide range of other record labels. Users can search and browse by a range of parameters, including featured artist, disc or song title, genre, label, or catalogue number. Access is limited to 10 simultaneous users across the University of Minnesota system.
- Naxos Music Library WorldStreaming audio collection comprising the catalogues of Smithsonian Folkways and many other labels from across the globe. Users can search and browse by a range of parameters, including geographic area, personal name, record label, and more. Access is limited to 10 simultaneous users across the University of Minnesota system.
- Naxos Sheet MusicSubscription has been cancelled effective December 31, 2024.
Digital library of scores for art music dating from the Medieval era to the 21st century. Users can download and print scores from the database, and many works can also be transposed into any key or clef for viewing and playback. - Nowy DziennikNowy Dziennik (also known as Polish Daily News) is one of the largest independent Polish-language newspapers in the United States, serving as a key source of information for the Polish-American community covering current social, political, sports, cultural, and religious events. Includes full-page images with coverage from 1971-2022.
- OvertonOverton is the world’s largest searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers and links them to the research, people and other policy documents that they quote or reference.
Access is limited to 5 simultaneous users across the University of Minnesota system. Current students, faculty, and staff must register and create personal accounts using University of Minnesota e-mail addresses. Please email to request the registration link. - Scotsman (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)Search and explore full-page images of The Scotsman, founded in 1817 in Edinburgh. It provides an independent voice and uniquely Scottish analysis of local and global events.
- SimXSimX is an immersive learning and training solution in virtual reality. (VR & Web-Immersive). Access to SimX is available in the Virtual Reality Studio located in the Health Sciences Education Center -- Room 5-132. For open hours or to make an appointment to explore SimX please visit our Virtual Reality Studio service page.
- South Asia History and CultureSearch primary and secondary materials from South Asia, including books, magazines, reports, historical journals, video, audio, zines, newspapers, letters, diaries, and more, principally from the 19th Century to the present. In English and South Asian languages.
- Supplementum Epigraphicum GraecumSee studies on inscriptions from archaic Greek texts (up to the 8th century A.D.).
- V Novom SveteV Novom Svete (В Новом Свете), which ran from 1995-2022, was a popular weekly newspaper among Russian immigrants to the US. It combined reprints from the Moscow daily Moskovskii Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец) known for its reporting on social and political issues with original stories from US-based Russian-speaking authors. Includes interviews with leaders of modern Russia as well as articles on the Russian community in the US. Includes full-page images.
New resources added January - March 2024
- CABI Compendium (CAB International)CABI Compendium is an encyclopedic resource of datasheets covering environmental and agricultural production, health and biosecurity. It includes images, maps, and diagnostic and decision support tools. The eight subsections of the Compendium can be searched separately or all at once:
Animal Health and Production Compendium
Aquaculture Compendium
Crop Protection Compendium
Food Safety and Quality
Forestry Compendium
Horticulture Compendium
Invasive Species Compendium
Seedborne Pests - CABI Crop Protection CompendiumCrop Protection Compendium: The Crop Protection Compendium includes detailed datasheets that cover a wide range of information about crop protection related to pests, diseases, weeds, host crops and natural enemies.
- CABI Horticulture CompendiumHorticulture Compendium: The Horticulture Compendium includes detailed datasheets that cover a wide range of information about temperate, tropical and subtropical horticultural food crops from around the world.
- Chinese Classic Ancient Books DatabaseAccess is limited for 2 simultaneous users.
This database (中华经典古籍库) is a full-text searchable database of 8,000+ titles (and growing) of annotated and punctuated ancient books, published mostly by Zhonghua Shu ju. It also includes both a text version and an image version. We now have access to series 1-12. The interface is in Chinese. - Daily Observer Digital ArchiveFull page images of the Daily Observer, Liberia's best-known, independent, national newspaper. Coverage from its founding in 1981 to 2016.
- El Mundo Digital ArchiveFull page images of El Mundo, a respected conservative newspaper from Puerto Rico. It was widely considered a key source for news from its founding in 1919 to its closure in 1990. In Spanish.
- Great Chinese Dictionary & Kangxi Dictionary (汉大康熙)It provides one-stop search for etymology, pronunciation, definition and documentary evidence in three Chinese language reference works: Great Chinese Dictionary, Chinese Dictionary Supplement and Kangxi Dictionary.
- Irish Times and Weekly Irish Times (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) This link opens in a new windowIreland's "only independent newspaper," the Irish Times provides comprehensive news reporting, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, cartoons, and more, beginning with 1859. The Weekly Irish Times’ coverage includes The Times Pictorial.
- Jerusalem Post, 1932-2008 (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) This link opens in a new windowSearch the Jerusalem Post, a long-running English-language Israeli newspaper originally founded in 1932 as The Palestine Post. This database offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue.
- Korea Times, 1950-2016 (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) This link opens in a new windowSearch the Korea Times, the oldest English-language newspaper in Korea. The paper covers international business, economic and financial news as well as regional issues and events.
- LandScan Global Population DatabaseGlobal population distribution data available representing an ambient (24 hour average) population. Combines geospatial science, remote sensing technology, and machine learning algorithms.
- Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) This link opens in a new windowExplore publications covering Communist, Socialist and Marxist theory and practice. Issues include workers’ rights, organized labor, labor strikes, Nazi atrocities, McCarthyism, Civil Rights, class struggle, and alternative social organization.
- Soviet-Era Ukrainian NewspapersFull page images of five Ukrainian newspapers. Coverage is from 1899 to 1939. Includes newspapers in both Ukrainian and Russian.
Last Updated: Mar 10, 2025 7:43 AM