Toaster resource guide

The Toaster offers a rich variety of resources to help you bring your ideas from concept to reality. Check out the resources below to explore how we can help you connect, ideate, make, and launch!

Toaster resources

The Toaster Innovation Hub offers a rich variety of resources to help you bring your ideas from concept to reality. Click the links below to explore how we can help you connect, ideate, make, and launch! 

Not finding what you need?
Reach out to us at

Support for Student Entrepreneurs

The Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship is the hub of entrepreneurship and innovation at the University of Minnesota that inspires, educates and connects the next generation of Minnesota's entrepreneurs. The Holmes Center mobilizes the community and provides support for emerging entrepreneurs.

Check out some great places to get started below:

Coaching and Consultation

Toaster Coaching Hours provide a variety of opportunities to connect with folks who can help move your ideas from concept to reality. Meet with UMN faculty and program leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship; do targeted product or market research with support from the University Libraries; or get advice from lawyers, makers, media specialists, and experts in the field.

Find all the upcoming Toaster Coaching sessions on our coaching calendar

Check out available resources below: 


The Breakerspace Explore, tinker, prototype, learn and share. The Breakerspace, right here in the Toaster, is a free-to-use, student run makerspace providing access to a variety of hands-on tools and materials such as craft kits, a sewing machine, 3D printer, button makers, VR Headsets, and more. All majors, years, and skill levels welcome.


Check out some additional tech rich spaces in the Libraries and across campus:

Media Services - video and audio production

Image of instructor teaching student how to use a video camera, text: Media Services Video and Audio Production

Media services provides media equipment for no-cost checkout to UMN students, staff and faculty. Consultations on using the equipment or any part of the media production process are available. Priority for equipment and consultations is given to students working on course-related media projects.

Check out these media services resources: 

Creative coursework

Image of students seated in class, Text: CoursesCreative Coursework There are so many courses offered at UMN. Where to start?
The Toaster Team has developed a short list of starting points to help you connect, ideate, make, and launch... in the classroom. If you are interested in innovation and entrepreneurship, here are a few starting points that will help to inspire, support, enhance, and realize your creative ideas.

Check out some of the Toaster's creative coursework recommendations:

Exploring Design - College of Design has so many options, here are a few places to start...

Student groups

Image of students working at a white board, Text: Student GroupsMany University Student Groups call the Toaster home. From brand communication to innovative problem solving and the promotion of entrepreneurship to the production of video content, each group provides a unique opportunity to develop and apply new skills in real world settings. 

Check out some of the Toaster's Student Group regulars...  

Competitions and funding opportunities

Seedlings growing, Text: Funding OpportunitiesFunding opportunities are one of many ways to get some much needed traction behind your product, service, or community impact idea. From entering competitions to connecting to the UMN's very own student run venture capital firm, there are many ways to get started. 


Check out these funding opportunities:

Last Updated: Jul 3, 2024 1:04 PM