Use this guide to get started finding sources and articles ABOUT Covid-19, coronavirus, pandemics and epidemics for your undergraduate research papers. Go to for campus information.
Example keywords and search terms
- Covid-19
- coronavirus
- SARS-CoV-2
- "novel coronavirus"
- "coronavirus infection"
- pandemic or epidemic or outbreak
- influenza
- treatment
- prevention or preparedness
- epidemiology or public health
- face masks or N-95 face masks
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
- COVID-19 Variants
- Moderna, NIAID vaccine
- COVID-19 Variants (such as B.1.1.7 or 1.351 or P.1)
- Delta variant
- Omicron variant
Explore UMN faculty and researchers doing research on pandemic and related issues using Experts @ Minnesota.
Use article databases to find sources - Health sciences journals
- MEDLINE (Ovid)Searches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Ovid MEDLINE is optimized for advanced literature searches. Coverage is from the 1940s to the present.
- LitCovidNew from the National Library of Medicine, this is a "curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus." Sections include general info, mechanism, transmission, treatment, case reports, and epidemic forecasting.
- A Living Systematic Map of the Literature (with links to sets of articles)From EPPI-Centre (Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre) - explore the current evidence categorized into broad domains.
- CINAHL Ultimate (Nursing & Allied Health)Covers nursing and allied health journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations, as well as providing summarized evidence-based resources such as care sheets and quick lessons.
Guides with tips for more searching
- COVID-19 Literature Search Strategies from the Medical Library AssociationFind specific search strategies to get the evidence in PubMed
- UMN Health Science Libraries COVID-19 for Health Researchers, Students, and ProfessionalsThis guide is intended for health researchers, educators, clinicians, and students seeking various types of information about COVID-19 or novel coronavirus.
Government and Research information
Vaccine Information
- COVID-19 Vaccines from FDA (Food and Drug Administration)The FDA has regulatory processes in place to facilitate the development of COVID-19 vaccines that meet the FDA's rigorous scientific standards.
About Covid-19
- Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center from UMN's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRP)CIDRAP is tracking and analyzing the rapidly evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The CIDRAP COVID-19 Resource Center provides a deep well of information for public health experts, business preparedness leaders, government officials, and the public.
Minnesota specific
- Minnesota Department of Health - VaccineInformation, data, and guidance for COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota.
Law Library
- UMN Law Library: COVID-19 Research & Information ResourcesThis guide provides research and information resources related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States and globally. The Research and Current Awareness section contains links to a mix of subscription and freely available online resources that cover both general and legal aspects related to the Coronavirus primarily in the U.S. and Minnesota. The Global Responses to COVID-19 section includes selective news and blog sources that discuss guidance/reports of international organizations and legislation in foreign countries (arranged by country).
Use article databases to find sources - News, public policy and business journals
- Access World NewsFull-text news from over 9,000 news sources in the U.S. and international newspapers, major wire services, and hundreds of local broadcasting outlets and blogs. There are over 100 Minnesota sources. Mostly English language news coverage with some 200 titles in Spanish, French, Afrikaans and other languages.
- Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowThis resource has been made temporarily available due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Search openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv.
- PAIS Index (Political Science and Public Policy)PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) searches journals and other sources on issues of political science and public policy. This includes government, politics, international relations, human rights and more.
- Business Source PremierFind business articles from journals and magazines in marketing, management, information technology, operations, human resources, accounting, finance and economics dating back to 1965.
- U.S. Newsstream This link opens in a new windowSearch the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
Data sources & visualizations
- Coronavirus Disease GIS Hub from ESRIGet maps, datasets, applications, and more for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
- The COVID Tracking ProjectVolunteer organization launched by The Atlantic which "dedicated to collecting and publishing the data required to understand the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States." Information is collected daily from state/district/territory public health authorities.
- CORD-19 Semantic Scholar Open Research DatasetThis dataset is intended to mobilize researchers to apply recent advances in natural language processing to generate new insights in support of the fight against this infectious disease. The corpus will be updated weekly as new research is published in peer-reviewed publications and archival services like bioRxiv, medRxiv, and others.
- SimplyAnalytics This link opens in a new windowIncludes data variables such as confirmed COVID-19 Cases by date, prevalence of confirmed COVID-19 cases (per 100,000 individuals) by date, deaths from COVID-19 by date, Prevalence of deaths from COVID-19 (per 100,000 individuals) by date, etc.
Use article databases to find sources about historical outbreaks
- 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus) from CDCThe 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin.
- 2009 H1N1 Pandemic (H1N1pdm09 virus) from CDCIn the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus emerged. It was detected first in the United States and spread quickly across the United States and the world. This new H1N1 virus contained a unique combination of influenza genes not previously identified in animals or people. This virus was designated as influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus.
- America: History and LifeAmerica: history and life provides historical coverage of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present with over 2,000 journals including all key English-language historical journals. Limited to 6 simultaneous users.
- Historical AbstractsFind journal articles covering world history from 1450 to the present. Limited to 6 simultaneous users.
- ProQuest Historical NewspapersSearch old editions major U.S. newspapers and the Times of India. Papers include the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Other titles include the Atlanta Daily World, Chicago Defender, Christian Science Monitor, Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Exponent, Los Angeles Sentinel, the New York Amsterdam News, Pittsburgh Courier, South China Morning Post, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.
- History of Science, Technology and MedicineFind articles about the history of science in all historical periods. Includes subjects like magic and alchemy, as well as more modern concepts of science.
Get help from the U Libraries - Online!
- Peer Research ConsultantsMake an online 30 minute appointment for one-on-one peer assistance with your research. Get help with researching your topic, finding sources, citing sources and more. Peer Research Consultants can also help you get started with faculty-sponsored research.
- Chat 24/7 online with the LibrariesAsk us anything! Chat with a librarian, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any research or library questions.
- Meet with a librarianSchedule an online consultations for personalized research support primarily for University of Minnesota faculty, instructors, graduate and undergraduate students and staff.
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2024 11:44 AM