PA 8003: Doctoral Seminar. Introduction to the Library

This guide introduces you to the resources and services available for researchers in urban planning, environmental policy, public policy and management.

Gaining Insight: Exploring Disciplinary Research

Search the literature to learn about theories, frameworks, and evolution of thought within the discipline.


Handbooks, Encyclopedias, Bibliographies

Library Catalogs - search authors, books, and subjects

Journal Literature 


Search Major Indexes:

Search Disciplinary Databases related to Management, Leadership & Governance

Finding Grey Literature & Open Access Research

Conference Proceedings & Working Papers - search the databases above, the website of the conference organization or disciplinary repositories to locate abstract and full text access to conference papers.  

Online Scholarly Repositories - online sites managed by either acadeimc organizations or scholarly organizations that collect scholarly works (or versions of works) and share as open access.  Examples include:


Current Awareness Tools 

Learn more about setting up topic alerts to journals and databases.  Doing so can be a real time saver.

Research Methodologies & Frameworks

Learn more about resources to help you understand disciplinary research practices and guidance on specific quantitative and qualitative methods.

Finding data and statistics.

Use the following resources to locate a broad range of data and statistics.

Visit the Find and Access Data page for more resources available through the library.

Researcher Productivity Tools

These are resources to help you, the researcher, build your professional identity and practice.  


Included in this section are examples of researcher identity management, literature review decision frameworks and writing support.

Research Development Tools

These are examples of available tools to assist you at various stages of the research development and planning.

Grant Funding

Journal Quality and Impact Metrics

Be sure to familiarize yourself with predatory publishers.  The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) has developed a useful discussion document on Predatory Publishing.

Managing Research Information:  Citation Tools & Data Management

Be sure you are familiar with the various citation guides and style manuals and know the style requirements of your discipline and/or journal you are submitting to.

Also be sure to review the many research data management services available through the Libraries.

Getting Published

Research Support Services : Browse all offerings

Be sure to browse the Libraries site on Transforming Scholarly Communication to learn more about the many processes by which academics, scholars, and researchers create, share, and publish their research, making it available to the wider academic community and beyond.

Last Updated: Nov 1, 2024 4:47 PM