Freely reusable images & photos
- Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)A searchable online catalog with millions of digitized items to browse, including photos, maps and books, from libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions around the United States.
- DrStockPhotoFree stock photos that can be used without citation.
- Flickr CommonsSearch and use hundreds of images with "no known copyright restrictions." A joint venture of Flickr and the Library of Congress, Flickr Commons was designed to increase access to publicly-held photography collections.
- Video, Audio, and Story Blocks (UMN)Royalty-free creative content for the University of Minnesota. (Login with .x500)
- UMediaDiscover 161,819 images, maps, manuscripts, video, audio, and more. UMedia provides open access to digitized materials from across the University of Minnesota.
Finding Advertisements
- WinmoInformation about advertisers, agencies, public relations firms and media buying services. Includes examples of current advertising campaign materials, such as social media posts, television commercials, print ads, and more.
- Ad Access ProjectDuke University digital archive of advertisements from newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Early ads from major companies in the United States are featured in a presentation called the Emergence of Advertising in America (1850-1920).
- AdForumUse this database to research advertisements by agencies, advertiser, brands, campaigns, or creative staff. It contains video and images for advertisements produced for television, cinema, magazines, outdoor, and digital, along with audio recordings of radio advertisement and covers the work of agencies worldwide with interviews for case studies, packaging, branding and design for major brands.
- The Advertising Archives: Historical & Current Print AdsHistorical print and TV advertisements, magazine covers, cinema posters, comics, postcards, cigarette cards, and more. Sign in for access to larger images.
- AdViewsAdViews is a digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s from Duke University.
- AIGA Design ArchivesOver 16,000 images of past winners of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) annual competitions in the areas of Book, Brand and Corporate Identity, Promotional, Information, Package and Typographical design from 1950's to the present.
Scholarly resources for media and design
- Design and Applied Arts IndexDAAI is an international index to design and craft journals. It contains annotated references from more than 450 design and craft journals, and data on nearly 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, firms etc. All areas of design and craft are covered, including industrial design, interior design, environmental design, computer aided design, furniture design, ceramics, glass, fashion design, textile design, graphic design, typography, multimedia design, book design, photography, advertising, theatre design, ergonomics, and design management.
- ProQuest Art Design and Architecture CollectionA comprehensive survey of current publications in the fields of visual and applied arts. This collection includes the specialist indexes ARTbibliographies Modern (covering modern and contemporary art), Design and Applied Arts Index (for all aspects of design and crafts) and the International Bibliography of Art (covering scholarship on Western art history), together with a complementary collection of current full-text journals, Arts and Humanities Full Text.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:40 AM