Data management good practices

Data sharing: repository selection tool

Use this tool to help you assess and ultimately select a repository for data sharing.

Download a detailed Google Doc version of this handout from Research Data Services: Data sharing repository selection tool

Data repository types

Repository selection priorities

  1. Check your notice of grant award (NOGA) and with your specific funding institute, center, or office (ICO) to determine whether either encourages the deposit of data into a specific data repository (e.g., if you are complying with NIH’s Data Management & Sharing Policy, the specific institute that released the RFA may require a particular repository).

  2. Explore funder-supported repositories to see whether a repository listed under your ICO, subject area, or model system is a good fit for your data. You can quickly locate funder-supported repositories with a Google search.

  3. Share in a general data repository, discipline-specific repository, or DRUM.

    1. Data Repository Finder from MIT 

    2. Generalist Repository Comparison Chart

    3. NNLM lists of domain specific and generalist repositories 

    4. NIH Data Repositories

UMN data repository memberships

Inter-University Consortium for Social and Political Research (ICPSR) is a repository for social science research. It offers full curation, member-only, and restricted access to data. Learn more about depositing in ICPSR

Dryad is a repository for the sciences, but also takes general data. It offers workflows for peer review of data and open-access data sharing.

Repository checklist tool

  • Does your grant or funding agency require a specific repository?

  • Is there a repository that specifically supports your discipline?

  • What are the repository’s policies?

  • What is the level of access, restricted or open-access?

  • Do services include persistent identifiers and pathways for discovery?

  • What is the longevity of the data in the repository?

  • What support do they offer in the curation process?

  • Are there fees for sharing data and/or curation?

Repository policies to read & review carefully

  • Deposit agreement or license

  • End user agreement

  • Human participant data policies

  • Preservation policy

  • Deaccessioning policy

  • Existence of a certification

Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM)

  • DRUM is a free public-access repository with no associated curation or deposit fees.
  • DRUM meets many of the NIH and OSTP recommended features of data repositories
  • However, DRUM is not suitable for all kinds of data. See limitations below: 
    • Human Participant Data Policy: data should be non-sensitive, de-identified, and have clear participant consent for open-access sharing. 
    • Data Collection Policy: data should be owned by the depositor or depositors must have clear rights to share, and documentation should be sufficient to understand the data. 
    • DRUM is not a good fit for large datasets (individual files over 5GB and submissions over 50GB total), which are difficult to both submit and access through DRUM. 

Repository comparison table


Harvard Dataverse


Open Science Framework

Public-access sharing yes no yes yes yes yes
Offers controlled/ restricted access no  yes yes yes no yes
Who controls access requests n/a repository repository depositor n/a depositor
Allows custom terms of use no no no yes no no
Fee for data deposit no no for UMN no no  no for UMN no
Fee for data access no for non-members no no no no
Allows blind peer review no no no no yes yes

Generalist Repository Comparison Chart maintained by NIH

Data Repository Finder maintained by NNLM

Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025 3:12 PM