Extension International Programs Support Resources

These are open resources available to extension partners that are in other countries and institutions.

Open databases with Open content

Open Access Journals

Digital Libraries, Open repositories, and Other guides

Open Science Foundation Preprints (searches multiple preprint services)

arXiv (covers a wide range of disciplines in natural and social sciences)

bioRxiv (Biology)

CORE Repository (Humanities Commons)

medRxiv (Health Sciences)

RePEc (Economics and Related Sciences)

SSRN (Social Science Research Network)

What is Sci-Hub?

Sci-Hub is a search engine that works in concert with a repository called Library Genesis (LibGen) to give researchers access to a cache of articles taken illegally from scientific journals. In April 2017, the repository held over 62 million articles. In addition to drawing on the Library Genesis (LibGen) repository, Sci-Hub also uses the login credentials of university employees to bypass institutional authentication barriers and access journal content to which the university has licensed access. When it accesses an article in this manner, Sci-Hub sends a copy of the article to the requesting party and deposits a copy of the article in LibGen for future use by others. 

How does it work?

Sci-Hub seems to obtain these login credentials by two means: 

  1. Academics who support the program willingly contribute their credentials to Sci-Hub;
  2. Academics unwittingly give Sci-Hub their credentials in response to phishing campaigns.


Please be careful!


There are several browser extensions or plug-ins you can install that will search the internet for an open access version of a desired article.

Access for Developing Countries from Publishers

Last Updated: Jan 5, 2024 11:34 AM