Case Studies - full text as part of library subscription
- Sage Business Cases This link opens in a new windowSAGE Business Cases is a digital collection of business cases tailored to library needs – providing faculty, students and researchers with unlimited access to more than 4,850 authoritative cases from over 120 countries. SAGE curates interdisciplinary cases on in-demand subjects such as entrepreneurship, accounting, healthcare management, leadership, social enterprise, and more. Publishing partners include Yale University, Kellogg School of Management, Society of Human Resource Management, and more. For Instructors: additional teaching note material is available; Before creating an account, please contact the library for more information on how to access this content.
- HS Talks Business & Management Collection This link opens in a new windowSpecially commissioned talks from leading experts in industry, commerce, the professions and academia. The collection also includes 20 peer reviewed vocational journals.
Case Studies - summary collections available at low/no cost
- Business Source Premier--Abstracts for Harvard Business School Case Studies from 1942 to the present are available as part of Business Source Premier. Full text of the case is not available.
- Harvard Business School Case StudiesThe case method forms the basis of learning at Harvard Business School. It is a method designed to provide an "immersion" experience, challenging students by bringing them as close as possible to the business situations of the real world. Harvard Business School Publishing makes these cases and related materials available to improve and enhance business education around the world. They are available to purchase online for around $7.00.
- Case Depositories Page at GlobalEdgeThis section of the GlobalEdge database provides information about publishers or depositories of cases. Some sites list cases by that institution. Other sites act as clearinghouses and feature cases from a variety of sources.
- LearningEdgeThe case studies available on LearningEdge are teaching case studies, narratives that facilitate class discussion about a particular business or management issue.
- Darden Case CollectionThe Darden case collection provides numerous business and management case studies.
- European Case Clearing HouseThe Clearing House distributes the European Collection from the Babson College Office including case collections of IMD, INSEAD, IESE, London Business School, Cranfield School of Management, Babson College and cases from independent authors. Cases cost about $3.50.
- Kellogg School of Management Case Study AbstractsThe Kellogg School of Management is making available to academic practitioners and corporate trainers selected cases and teaching materials, developed by Kellogg faculty and taught in the Kellogg classroom. Information on how to order the case studies is included on the web site.
- Stanford Graduate School of Business Case Studies AbstractsThis database contains abstracts and ordering information for case studies written and published by the Stanford Graduate School of Business. You may search by authors name, title, keyword, etc. Most cases in this collection are distributed by Harvard Business School Publishing and you will find a link to the HBSP site to place your order. Contact them for availability of other cases.
- Case Research JournalAvailable in Print:
Case research journal.
Published: [United States] : The North American Case Research Association (NACRA), 1980--present.
Availability: TC Wilson Periodicals --Basement
The Index to the cases in the print journal is available at the link shown above. This site from the North American Case Research Association also shows how to purchase the cases available in the journal. - NASPAA PublicasesPublicases is an online repository and marketplace developed by NASPAA (Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration) as platform connecting students and faculty in public affairs schools around the world with simulations, case studies, data, and other experiential learning opportunities. Currently, case content is developed by the Evans School and the Humphrey School and is available without charge to member schools.
Writing Case Studies - teaching and research
Find Case Studies in Books by using MNCAT:
- Search for a subject term, such as marketing, and add the phrase: case studies. See below for examples:
- Books on the case method:
Search our MNCAT catalog using the subject term: Case method.
The Art and Craft of Case Writing by
ISBN: 9780765627766Publication Date: 2011-10-15Filled with helpful checklists, charts, and suggestions for further reading, this practical, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary guide takes readers through the entire case-writing process, including skills for writing both teaching cases and research cases. This edition includes new discussions of students as case writers, and how to interpret and respond to reviews, as well as updated and expanded material on video, multimedia and Internet cases.The Anatomy of the Case Study by
ISBN: 9781446248645Publication Date: 2015-10-01This sharp, stimulating title provides a structure for thinking about, analysing and designing case study. It explores the historical, theoretical and practical bones of modern case study research, offering to social scientists a framework for understanding and working with this form of inquiry. Using detailed analysis of examples taken from across the social sciences Thomas and Myers set out, and then work through, an intricate typology of case study design to answer questions such as: How is a case study constructed? What are the required, inherent components of case study? Can a coherent structure be applied to this form of inquiry? The book grounds complex theoretical insights in real world research and includes an extended example that has been annotated line by line to take the reader through each step of understanding and conducting research using case study.The Case Writing Workbook by
ISBN: 9781003204879Publication Date: 2022-03-30This case writing workbook offers something unique in the world of case writing manuals. The third edition of The Case Writing Workbook: A Guide for Faculty and Students provides 11 standalone chapters that focus specifically on challenges related to the case writing process.Case Study Research by
ISBN: 9781452242569Publication Date: 2013-05-10Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fifth Edition of Robert K. Yin′s bestselling text offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid research tool. The book offers a clear definition of the case study method as well as discussion of design and analysis techniques. The Fifth Edition has been updated with nine new case studies, three new appendices, seven tutorials presented at the end of relevant chapters, increased coverage of values and ethics, expanded discussion on logic models, a brief glossary, and completely updated citations. This book includes exemplary case studies drawn from a wide variety of academic fields.Qualitative Research by
ISBN: 9781119003656Publication Date: 2015-07-06The bestselling guide to qualitative research, updated and expanded Qualitative Research is the essential guide to understanding, designing, conducting, and presenting a qualitative research study. This fourth edition features new material covering mixed methods, action research, arts-based research, online data sources, and the latest in data analysis, including data analysis software packages as well as narrative and poetic analysis strategies. A new section offers multiple ways of presenting qualitative research findings. The reader-friendly, jargon-free style makes this book accessible to both novice and experienced researchers, emphasizing the role of a theoretical framework in designing a study while providing practical guidance. Qualitative research reaches beyond the what, where, and when of quantitative analysis to investigate the why and how behind human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior, but this presents a number of significant challenges.
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 4:33 PM