Civic engagement and voting

This guide covers search tools for research in topics related to civic engagement and voting.

Frequently Asked Questions

First time voter

Find your polling place

See your ballot ahead of time

How to vote in a pandemic

Am I eligible to register and vote in Minnesota? You must:

  • be at least 18 years old on Election Day,
  • be a citizen of the United States,
  • have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day,
  • have any felony conviction record discharged, expired, or completed,
  • not be under court-ordered guardianship where a court has revoked your voting rights, and
  • not have been ruled legally incompetent by a court of law
  • get help with voter registration and voting by mail with Turbo Vote

If I'm a college student in Minnesota, can I vote where I go to school?

  • You should register to vote from the address you currently consider home. You can only register and vote in one location.
  • If you moved to Minnesota from another state and currently consider Minnesota your home, you can vote here even if you pay out-of-state tuition or have a driver’s license from another state. See more detailed information on the MN Secretary of State voting page for college students.
  • If you attend school in Minnesota but you still consider your home to be at an address in another state, you can find information about registering online and voting by mail (absentee voting) or in-person for your home state at Campus Vote Project or

How do I register to vote?

How do I register on Election Day in Minnesota? (Same-day voter registration)

  • You will need to verify who you are and where you live.
  • Only certain documents are accepted. To be sure you bring the correct documents, see the detailed information about registering to vote on Election Day on the Minnesota Secretary of State website.
  • TurboVote is a place you can register, sign up for election reminders and request mail-in ballots.

Where do I vote in Minnesota?

  • ​The Minnesota Polling Place Finder provides location and maps/direction information. You just enter your home address information. If you are voting outside of Minnesota, see Vote411 for polling place and other information. 
  • Registered voters can also vote early in person at an Early Vote Center.

If I am out of town on Election Day, how can I vote in Minnesota?

  • You can vote early with an absentee ballot starting 46 days before Election Day.

How do I find information about registering and voting in another state besides Minnesota?

  • TurboVote will walk you through the process of registering to vote in any state.
  • To find information about the voting process in each of the 50 states, see the Campus Vote Project or

Ballot Information

Last Updated: Oct 7, 2024 8:53 PM