Journal Citation Reports Help Guide

Journal Citation Reports aggregates the connections of citations through an array of publisher-independent data, metrics and analysis of journals included in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), AHCI, & ESCI.

Database Information: Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

Journal Citation Reports includes citation information from approximately 21,000+ scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings from more than 113 countries. Journal Citation Reports includes topics in the fields of science, technology, and social sciences.


Searching Journal Citation Reports

Let's say you wanted to see to publish an article in a top-ranked journal in allergy. Here's how you'd set this up in JCR.

From the JCR homepage select "categories"

Next choose which category of journal you want to view or explore

JCR Categories By Group


Click on the down arrow to the right of the group you want to see a list of sub-categories

JCR Categories By Group Sub-List


In this instance, we want the Endocrinology & Metabolism Group

JCR Endocrinology Metabolism Group


You will notice that there are two sets to choose from.  The SCIE group is the complete journal set and the one you want to choose.  The other set is the Emerging Sources Citation Index group (ESCI).  So what’s the difference between the ESCI and the SCIE? According to Clarivate, 28 different criteria are used to evaluate journals and decide whether they will be included in the ESCI or the SCIE. Overall, 24 of these criteria relate to quality, while the remaining four relate to impact. Journals that meet the quality criteria are included in the ESCI, whereas journals that meet both the quality criteria and the impact criteria are listed in the SCIE.

Once you have selected your journal set, you can use the filter found on the left to filter by:

  • publisher
  • JCR date
  • JIF quartile
  • citation indexes (SCI/SSCI) -- depending on the category
  • and more

JCR Filter List

The default is by JIF (Journal Impact Factor), but you can sort the list by journal title, JIF and % OA.

Clicking on the individual titles will provide you with specific performance information for that title.

Exporting Results From Journal Citation Reports

Information from JCR can be printed or exported.  In order to export, you do need to create a free account

Results from searches on journal categories, rankings, comparisons can be exported/downloaded into CSV or XML format


JCR Exporting


Individual journal profiles can be downloaded as pdfs in their entirety. 

JCR Individual Title Expoert

JCR Individual Title PDF

Comparing Multiple Journals in Journal Citation Reports

You can compare multiple journals.  

Select the journal titles you want to compare then click on "compare"

JCR Journal Comparison


You can delete and add other journal titles.  At this time you cannot export or save the comparision.

JCR Journal Comparison


Training and Tutorials

JCR has several training tutorials and guides to help you.  They are found on Help/Support page.  They include:

Last Updated: Oct 12, 2023 12:53 PM