WRIT 3562W: Technical and Professional Writing

Use this guide to get started with research for WRIT 3562W.

Video: Search basics for finding sources efficiently from UMN Libraries (9 mins)

Get an overview for using UMN Libraries databases to find sources including picking good databases, building your search, getting to full text and getting help.

Video: Tips for advanced searching including starting a literature review from UMN Libraries (10 mins)

Learn about advanced search tips from the UMN Libraries including using sources to find other sources otherwise known as tracing citations. These strategies are using for beginning a literature review.

Business article databases (use to find articles)

Health science & nutrition article databases

Science/engineering & animal science article databases

Education article databases

Video: Using tools to create your bibliography from UMN Libraries (7 mins)

Learn about tools to help with citing, organizing your PDFs, creating in-text citations and more from UMN Libraries.


Citing your sources (e.g. MLA, APA, etc.)

Many article databases (e.g. Academic Search Premier, Google Scholar) will create a citation for you. After you found the item, look for "cite" or "quotes." Here are examples:

In Google Scholar:

Click the "quote" below the item in Google Scholar.

In Academic Search Premier: 

Click cite in Academic Search Premier.


Learn more about on annotated bibliographies 

Annotated Bibliography from UW-Madison

An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or “annotation.”

Finding background on specific populations

Tutorial: How scholarly research gets published in peer-reviewed journals and where to find it all

How scholarly research gets published in peer-reviewed journals and where to find it all tutorial video. 3 minutes 10 seconds.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
  • Recognize how scholarly research articles come to be published in peer-reviewed journals
  • Use a library database to access it all

Tutorial: Exploring a scholarly research article

Exploring a scholarly research article tutorial. Self-paced.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
  • Identify the components, or sections, common to scholarly research articles
  • Recognize the importance of the information within each section

Tutorial: How to read and comprehend scientific research articles

How to read and comprehend scientific research articles tutorial video. 5 minutes.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
  • Read scientific research articles
  • Find the main points of articles
  • Engage with articles by taking effective notes
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024 2:52 PM