
Getting Access

If you have an Experts@Minnesota profile, you can log in and add information about publications and other research outputs, media appearances, and activities to your own profile. If you need to add information for others in your organization, contact us at and we'll work with you to add the rights you need to your account.

Logging into Experts@Minnesota

Experts@Minnesota is built on a platform called Pure. To log into your Experts@Minnesota profile:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Log in to Pure 
  3. If prompted, log in with your Internet ID and password. This will bring you to your personal overview page.

Importing publication information

There are several sources for importing publications to the Research Outputs section of Experts@Minnesota. Start by clicking the plus sign next to Research outputs.

Plus sign next to Research Outputs in left navigation pane

If you have a BibTeX or RIS file from a citation manager select Import from file and follow the prompts to choose the file type and upload the file. You will need to process each item individually, matching authors and other information to information already in Pure. For assistance with this process, contact us at

If you want to import publications from another database select Import from online source. Each source has its own strengths and weaknesses, described in more detail in the table below. Each source provides its own set of search fields. When you perform a search, the search results will alert you to potential duplicates. If a co-author has already added one of your publications but your record isn't linked to it, open the existing publication and ask to be added as an author rather than importing a second copy.

Import Sources for Experts@Minnesota
Source Search fields Strengths and Weaknesses
Scopus Title, author, author ID (Scopus or ORCID), years, organizational affiliation Not necessary if your profile is set up to automatically import from Scopus. 
Mendeley Title, author, journal name, years  
CrossRef Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Fastest way to import if you already know the item and its DOI.
ORCID ORCID iD for a person If you've already put effort into building a complete ORCID profile for yourself, this is the source to use.
SSRN Title. Author Useful for working papers and preprints in the social sciehces
EBSCOHost Title, Author, Years Broad coverage from EBSCO databases licensed by the University of Minnesota
WorldCat Title, author Most complete source for books, but easiest if you are working from a list of exact titles.
ArXiv Author, Title, or arXiv number Best if you know the arXiv number
PubMed PubMed ID, or keywords from title, author, or organizational unit

Best source for PubMed articles that are not included in Scopus

Search by PMID for most relevant results

Web of Science Title, author, years, organizational unit, or Web of Science ID  

Adding research-related items

In addition to importing publications, you can use a data entry form to add items related to your research. In all cases, add an item by clicking the plus sign next to its type. From there you can further specify the item's category and fill in a form with all the information you have.

  • Research Outputs are much more than publications. In addition to different kinds of textual outputs, you can add information about digital or visual products, performances, exhibitions, and more. 
  • Activities include conference presentations, editorial and peer review work, public engagement, work as a consultant, or any other professional activity you would like to highlight. If you want to add an activity and can't find a type that fits, contact us at for assistance.
  • Prizes include any type of medal or award, as well as competitively awarded fellowships.
  • Press/Media items include public comments and appearances you make as an expert in your field. When possible, include a link to the item.
  • Grants are automatically imported from Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) records, which include grants you receive from external funders. You can add grants from internal University of Minnesota sources or grants that are administered outside of the University. Adding grants to your Experts@Minnesota profile is especially useful if you want to link your research outputs with the grants that funded the research. Note that if you add a grant, it must be linked to a Project (next bullet point) if you want it to appear in the Experts@Minnesota portal.
  • Projects in Pure are usually associated with Grants, but can stand alone. Projects are useful for grouping together related work or collaborators. If a Grant is imported from SPA, there will be a Project with the same name.
  • Datasets are any reusable set of data collected for your research. You can associate your datasets with research outputs and grants, and include a link so interested parties can download and use the data themselves. 

Still have questions?

Visit Editing your profile in Experts@Minnesota to learn about updating profile information and Using Experts@Minnesota to see the different ways to use the information of Experts.

If you are having any issues or have any further questions please email us at and a member of our support team will contact you to provide assistance. Additionally, the University Libraries are happy to bring informational sessions on these tools to your college or department. Please contact the Experts@Minnesota staff at to make arrangements.

Last Updated: Jan 6, 2025 11:33 AM