Researching Employers, Industries and Career Opportunities

Wondering where to find companies of interest or how to prepare for that interview? Find intelligence on companies, industries, nonprofits and more with the library resources on this career guide

Company / Organization Profiles

Use profiles sources to locate brief information about various aspects of a known organization - find out whether a company is public or private, locate financial data from a 990 for a nonprofit, gain insight into strategy and leadership,  Many of these resources also provide current news.  

Company & Non-Profit Directories

Use directories to locate organizations in a specific geographic area, in a specific industry sector (agriculture, retail, government, nonprofit etc) as well as leadership contacts.

Article & News

Searching for news on companies or organizations is a great way to learn more about current activities and strategy, giving you information you can use to prepare for an interview.

Specialized industry-specific news sources:

Industry & Market

Interested in working in a specific industry?  Use these sources to get detailed information into major companies that make up a specific industry and the environmental influences that impact their strategy and decision-making.

Finance & Investment Portals

Salary & Compensation Sources

Use these sources to learn more about salary, compensation and cost of living.

Bureau of Labor Statistics National Compensation Survey:

UMN Collegiate Graduate Survey Salary Data: your Career Center has yours

Market Value of Position:, climbtheladder.com Minnesota Nonprofit Salary & Benefits Survey

Cost of Living:



UMN Career Center Gold Pass Resources

Be sure to check out the fabulous resources available to you through Gold Pass:

Alumni Association Maroon & Gold Network

A free, online resource for accelerating career development.  University of Minnesota alumni are innovative, creative and ambitious. They’re also interested in sharing their talent and expertise with fellow alumni and students to help them advance their careers. To meet that need, the Alumni Association has launched the Maroon and Gold Network


Use InterviewStream to get practice interviewing.  Choose questions or question sets and respond via webcam.  InterviewStream video captures can be viewed by you and / or shared with a career counselor for feedback.

Candid Career
View informational interviews from University of Minnesota alumni and other professionals, and hundreds of other videos on job-search related topics.

US City Guides provide career and employment information for cities throughout the US. Learn about job and internship search resources, employment trends, resume guidelines, interview tips and cultural advice.
Country Guides provide career and employment information for 120-plus locations worldwide. Learn about job search resources, employment trends, and work permits and visa needs in countries throughout the world.  
GoinGlobal also hosts a H1B Visas database which provides application records from 2009 to date for American employers interested in hiring international talent.  

Additional Career Development Sources

Bloomberg Market Concepts Certification on the Bloomberg Professional terminal.

Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) is a self-paced e-learning course that provides an interactive introduction to the financial markets. BMC consists of 3 sections — Core Concepts (includes four modules – Economic Indicators, Currencies, Fixed Income, Equities), Getting Started on the Terminal and Portfolio Management.  Review. Using Bloomberg Professional in Wilson Library for detailed information on using Bloomberg Professional.

Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 5:06 PM