A guide to the business of health science and medical technology. Includes resources for company research, industry and market research, news, patent research, and more.
Medical Device & Life Science Business Development
Company & Financial Data
- GlobalData Medical This link opens in a new windowMarket research platform for the medical device industry. Includes news, deals, and companies. Each user must register for a personal account using their U of MN email address from the link above.
- PitchBookPitchbook is a mediated-access database. Please see Additional Information. Use PitchBook to search thousands of private equity and venture capital deals by hundreds of criteria. Establish benchmarks, find real time data on deals, identify and analyze comparables, and search investor details.
- S&P Capital IQ PRO (with access to ESG and Supply Chain)S&P Capital IQ PRO is a platform that integrates real time and historical financial and industry data, research and news. Analyze thousands of global public and private companies, their ownership structure, and related transaction data.
To access data for the healthcare industry go to "industries" Tab, select "Healthcare" and use filters from there to search for the sector needed.
Industry Intelligence
- GlobalData Medical This link opens in a new windowMarket research platform for the medical device industry. Includes news, deals, and companies. Each user must register for a personal account using their U of MN email address from the link above.
- IBIS World (Business)Search industry reports for the United States, Canada, China, and global topics. Each report provides an overall current picture of an industry, including overviews, leading companies, sales information, and authoritative sources for researching hundreds of industries. Use this guide to help with public hospital data searches.
- FitchConnect (formerly BMI Research) This link opens in a new windowDetailed reports on global industrial and municipal markets, companies and nonprofits, emphasizing emerging markets. Include extensive country risk and credit ratings, macroeconomic and financial analysis, and ESG scores. Find some data about public hospitals and non-profits for consumer research.
- Cortellis This link opens in a new windowThe library maintains 25 seats available for 2 weeks at a time to affiliated faculty, students, and staff. For access, please contact busref@umn.edu. Access three platform modules: Competitive Intelligence, Deals Intelligence and News. Cortellis Competitive Intelligence gives you accurate up-to-date information on global drug pipelines, companies, deals and patents, plus breaking industry news, clinical trials and conferences. Cortellis Deals Intelligence provides comprehensive biopharma deals information, helping you search for potential partners, conduct due diligence, assess deal value, and explore deal structures and terms. News includes press releases, conferences and more.
- Incidence & Prevalence Database (IPD)The Incidence & Prevalence Database (IPD) covers over 4,500 diseases, procedures, symptoms and other health issues for incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, comorbidity, treated or diagnosed rates, cost and more. The library maintains 3 seats currently available to affiliated faculty, students and staff. For access and questions please contact busref@umn.edu.
- Business Source Premier EnhancedThis version of Business Source Premier makes it easy to find articles and specialized reports from company profiles and industry reports. This is a good resource for business and economic topics and global studies.
Market Research
- MarketsandMarketsProvides detailed niche market research reports on current trends and industries; including but not limited to: AI, Big Data & Analytics, Blockchain, IoT, Nanotechnology, and Wearables. Covered industries include Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Banking, Agriculture, Medical, and more. NOTE: Reports are read-only. Researchers may download report charts and tables. Additional download options available for faculty. Please contact busref@umn.edu for details.
- Frost & Sullivan Market Research ReportsUse for business research and to find Frost & Sullivan's market and industry reports for over 300 markets and 250,000 companies for industrial markets organized into categories for Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Chemicals, Materials, Food; Electronics and Security, Energy and Power Systems, Environment and Building Technologies, Healthcare and Medical Devices, Measurement and Instrumentation, Information and Communication Technologies, and Industrial Automation and Process Control.
- Business Source Premier EnhancedThis version of Business Source Premier makes it easy to find articles and specialized reports from company profiles and industry reports. This is a good resource for business and economic topics and global studies.
- Cortellis This link opens in a new windowThe library maintains 25 seats available for 2 weeks at a time to affiliated faculty, students, and staff. For access, please contact busref@umn.edu. Access three platform modules: Competitive Intelligence, Deals Intelligence and News. Cortellis Competitive Intelligence gives you accurate up-to-date information on global drug pipelines, companies, deals and patents, plus breaking industry news, clinical trials and conferences. Cortellis Deals Intelligence provides comprehensive biopharma deals information, helping you search for potential partners, conduct due diligence, assess deal value, and explore deal structures and terms. News includes press releases, conferences and more.
- Incidence & Prevalence Database (IPD)The Incidence & Prevalence Database (IPD) covers over 4,500 diseases, procedures, symptoms and other health issues for incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, comorbidity, treated or diagnosed rates, cost and more. The library maintains 3 seats currently available to affiliated faculty, students and staff. For access and questions please contact busref@umn.edu.
- DynaMedAn evidence-based clinical decision support tool. Contains over 3,000 topic summaries covering diseases, disorders, diagnostics, and drugs with extensive references to journals and practice guidelines.
- EMIS ProfessionalFind company and industry information, reports, statistics, proprietary mergers and acquisitions, credit analytics, benchmark indicators and trend comparisons to help understand emerging markets.
- GuideStar: The National Database of Nonprofit OrganizationsInformation on nonprofit organizations in the United States that register with the Internal Revenue Service. Non-Profit and Public Hospitals are also searchable. Includes financial information, mission, programs, board of directories and historical 990 tax returns filed with the IRS with more detail about expenditures and revenue.
Public Health and Demographics
- Consumer Health CompleteComprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content. It is designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. CHC provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. This full-text database covers topics such as aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, men & women's health, etc.
- Minnesota All Payer Claims DatabaseThe Minnesota All Payer Claims Database (MN APCD) is a state repository of de-identified health care claims data that is derived from billing records sent by medical providers to insurance companies, plan administrators, and public payers. These data offer a unique opportunity for Minnesota to learn more about the health care services and prescription drug products provided across the state, their costs, and their impacts on health outcomes.
- Minnesota Public Health Data AccessThe Minnesota Public Health Data Access Portal (also called the Data Access Portal) provides access to data on a variety of environmental and health topics.
All topics that the portal has data for are listed on the portal home page and the All Topics page. One tab shows all topics, listed alphabetically, and another shows them listed by category: diseases and conditions, environmental health, and health behaviors and risk factors.
Throughout the pages, you can hover the mouse pointer over some words and charts to get definitions of words, or to show the numbers for the data in charts.
Some topics have data that can be displayed in an interactive map. For these topics, there is a button on the Topic Page that says Map The Data. Clicking this button brings you to a special interactive data mapping page
- Sage Data This link opens in a new windowProvides access to statistical data produced by U.S. Federal agencies, States, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations. There are up to 2 billion charts, maps, views, rankings, time series and tables available for use in the Data-Planet repository.
- SimplyAnalytics This link opens in a new windowCreate custom maps and reports on SimplyAnalytics using extensive data on demographics, consumers, real estate, housing, employment, crime, health, and more. Data includes Nielsen Scarborough local insights and crosstabs, AGS Census, Claritas PRIZM consumer segment, MRI Simmons consumer survey data, consumer expenditures and buying power, as well as public data sources such as the US Census, American Community Survey, FBI uniform crime reports, NOAA climate data, and CDC health data.
Limited to 5 simultaneous users. "Sign in as a guest" if you do not wish to register for a free personal account. A personal account allows you to save your work. - Statista This link opens in a new windowKnown access issue as of 2/13/25
Statista provides statistical data on many topics including media, business, politics, society, technology and education. Sources include market reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Data can be accessed by searching or browsing by industry, topic, country, digital market or infographic. The Global Consumer Survey offers a global perspective on consumption and media usage, covering the offline and online world of the consumer. It is designed to help marketers, planners and product managers understand consumer behavior and consumer interactions with brands. - UNdata This link opens in a new windowThis database provides international statistics on all major social and economic subjects.
- Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)Measures patient-level health data from local, state, and national data collection organizations (including hospitals, clinics, emergency departments and physician's offices.
- CMS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesThis site gives you direct access to public data released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The goal is to make our data readily available in open, accessible, and machine-readable formats.
Law, Policy, and Regulatory
- PluralFollow existing and introduced federal and state legislation across the country or in your state. Plural streamlines how you discover, track, and organize the bills you care about. The platform allows individuals and teams to see what’s happening with similar legislation across the country, find out where bill language reappears over time, and even predict which bills are starting to gain momentum.
- ProQuest Congressional This link opens in a new windowThe ProQuest Congressional Research Digital Collection (CRDC) provides full-text access to more than 5,000 Congressional committee prints published from 2004 to present and more than 23,000 Congressional Research Service reports published from 2004-present. Includes citations for bills, public laws, and Statutes at Large, and analytical abstracts of the documents. Also includes links to political parties and organizations and news sources. Coverage 1789-present.
- WestlawNext Campus Research (Law)WestlawNext Campus Research provides access to legal materials, including cases, statutes, and regulations of the U.S. government and the various state governments. It includes law journals, the American Jurisprudence encyclopedia, the American Law Reports, and news content.
- Policy CommonsSearch millions of documents on thousands of topics from the world’s leading policy experts, nonpartisan think tanks, IGOs and NGOs as well as from North American cities. Featured topics include Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, Climate Change, Gender Equity, and reports from the 500 largest cities in North America. UMN access includes both the Global Think Tanks and North American City Reports modules.
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) ReportsCRS reports provide Congress with both anticipatory and on-demand research and analysis to support their legislative, oversight, and representational duties. All reports adhere to the core values of CRS; they are authoritative, objective and nonpartisan. Reports range in length from several pages to more than one-hundred pages and cover the full breadth of topics of interest to Congress. Currently, only the last year of reports is available freely through this website. See ProQuest Congressional below for full coverage of CRS reports.
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)The National Conference of State Legislatures, created by state legislators and legislative staff in 1975, serves America’s 50 states, commonwealths, territories and the District of Columbia. Every state legislator and staffer is a member of the organization and has complete access to the latest in bipartisan policy research, training resources and technical assistance tailored specifically to their needs. And, NCSL offers members a variety of opportunities to connect and collaborate, notably at its signature event, the NCSL Legislative Summit.
- Tax NotesSearch a collection of publications by Tax Analysts, a non-profit tax publisher. Tax Notes news publications provide comprehensive but impartial coverage of tax news and the application of tax policy. Access available for Business and Law school faculty, students and staff.
- VitalLaw (formerly CCH Cheetah) This link opens in a new windowVitalLaw includes full-text primary sources of law with commentary, a variety of CCH and Aspen legal publications, smart charts, practical tools, news, webinars, white papers, and blogs. Practice areas covered include corporate & securities, labor & employment, intellectual property, healthcare, human resources, intellectual property and tax.
- WestlawNext Campus Research (Law)WestlawNext Campus Research provides access to legal materials, including cases, statutes, and regulations of the U.S. government and the various state governments. It includes law journals, the American Jurisprudence encyclopedia, the American Law Reports, and news content.
News and Articles
- PubMedSearches MEDLINE, which is the primary source of journal articles for the health sciences (fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, health care systems, and basic sciences). Coverage is from the 1940s to the present. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- Web of ScienceA comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of journal article citations. Subjects generally covered are within science and technology, arts and humanities, and social sciences. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- ScopusSearch for information from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Covers the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- MedTech StrategistGlobal medical device technology news and analysis written by a team of medical technology journalists. Also provides access to MedTech Strategist Market Pathways, a source for global medical device regulatory, reimbursement, and policy intelligence and analysis.
- Pink Sheet (Pharma Intelligence)Insight and intelligence related to the biopharmaceutical regulatory environment.
- DOAJ Directory of Open Access JournalsDirectory of Open Access Journals covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals of all subjects and languages.
- Health Source: Consumer EditionFind magazine articles and encyclopedia entries for health and medical conditions and diseases. Search materials aimed at patients and used in patient education.
Patent Data
- Patent LibGuideFurther patent resources curated by University of Minnesota Librarians.
- Patent Inspiration This link opens in a new windowPatent Inspiration is a fast and powerful interactive database that helps with the navigation and exploration of 69 million patents. The database contains full text (claims & descriptions) of the main searched authorities (WO, EP, US, CA,etc) and contains bibliographic data from over 90 countries. Interactive visualizations and text mining are just a few of the analysis tools available.
Current students, faculty, and staff must register and create personal accounts using University of Minnesota e-mail addresses to save reports, export all patents, make use of the briefcase and use the more advanced analyses tools. Please email ermumtc@umn.edu with a subject line "Request for Patent Inspiration personal account" to start the process of account creation.
- Google PatentsSearch and read patents from around the world.
Handbooks & Encyclopedias
- Medical Device Innovation HandbookPublished through the University of Minnesota, This open-access handbook was created to fill the need for a concise introduction to medical device innovation for those who are starting out, including students.
- Libraries searchSearch for materials across University of Minnesota library collections and databases.
- Oxford Handbooks OnlineOxford Handbooks contain peer-reviewed scholarly review articles. Included are classic works of scholarship along with newly-published works. Each handbook offers a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study. Individual articles by leading scholars review key issues and major debates, and discuss how those debates might evolve. Article titles and chapters are individually catalogued, allowing keyword searches through every handbook, simultaneously. Relevant articles include titles such as "Regulating Medical Devices in the United States" and "Legal Elements of an AI Regulatory Permit Program."
- Sage KnowledgeSearches all library subscriptions from Sage Publishing including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more.
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025 1:41 PM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/medicalbusiness