Upload to the University Digital Conservancy

About departmental and institutional publications

Work produced or sponsored by administrative and academic units may also be appropriate for deposit in the Digital Conservancy; see the Regents' policy on University Archives. This might include:

Adding to an existing collection

If you have permission to upload items directly to your unit's presence in the Digital Conservancy, check out the step-by-step instructions on the "Upload your article or preprint" tab.

If your unit already has a presence in the Digital Conservancy but you need assistance, please email us at udc@umn.edu. We can assist with

  • depositing items into your collections
  • adding a new collection to your unit's presence
  • managing permission to upload to your collections directly


If you have a one-off item that needs to be added to an existing collection, use the instructions below to email us your deposit.  Be sure to include a link to the collection where your item should appear.

New collections

Your unit might not yet have an established presence in the Digital Conservancy, but may be interested in establishing one.  Having a formal presence in the UDC creates a landing page where your materials can be collected and shared in aggregate or individually; every item and collection also has a permalink, making it even easier to keep your materials accessible in the long term.  We are happy to help set up your presence in the Digital Conservancy, customizing it for your materials, administrative needs, and workflow considerations.  Contact us at udc@umn.edu to get started!

Transferring records to University Archives

Some academic and administrative units have large collections of valuable materials in paper and digital formats that might not quite be the right fit for the Digital Conservancy,  The University of Minnesota Archives may be able to help.  University Archives accepts a broad range of materials from across the University system, including books, papers, AV materials, digital media, and ephemera. 

For more information on transferring your records to the University Archives, email uar@umn.edu.


Email your deposit

The best way to for some users to deposit their items is by emailing the Digital Conservancy.  Complete the following steps to get help depositing your item:

  1. Read and complete the online Deposit Agreement 
  2. Email udc@umn.edu your file(s)
  3. In your email, include the following information:
  • Author name(s)
  • Title of your deposit
  • Date created (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Abstract of no more than 500 words (optional)
  • Any subject keywords you want associated with your deposit
  • The collection where your item should be uploaded.  If you're not sure, provide a quick description of your item, your campus, and any associated program, event, department, research group, etc. (e.g., UROP-Duluth Campus, Plan B thesis, Extension report, etc.)
  • Faculty advisor name, if applicable
  • Funding information, including sponsor name and grant number, if applicable
Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025 9:45 AM