Macroeconomic Data Sources
- World Bank Open DataCentral reference point for tables and maps made available on the Internet by the World Bank. Also includes information on methods, modelling tools and technical assistance for users of World Bank statistics.
- UNdataThis database provides international statistics on all major social and economic subjects.
- IMF Data Mapper - International Monetary Fund1980-present with some projections. Data access via maps with exportable tables.
- IFS OnlineIFS (International Financial Statistics) Online provides statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance from 1948-. It reports, for most countries of the world, current data needed in the analysis of problems of international payments and of inflation and deflation, i.e., data on exchange rates, international liquidity, international banking, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions, government accounts, and national accounts.
- UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUNCTAD is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly in the field of trade and development. UNCTAD works within the United Nations for the integrated treatment of development and interrelated issues in the areas of trade, finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.
- UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database This link opens in a new windowUN Comtrade is the largest and most detailed database of international trade data available. It supports research into bilateral trade of individual commodities (e.g. trade of wool between Uraguay and the USA). Commodities are classified according to SITC, the Harmonized System (HS), and Broad Economic Categories (BEC). Data are available annually and monthly from 1962-present. Bulk API access available through library subscription. When creating an account for full access, choose the "Google" option and login with your UMN email address. Detailed instructions on how to create a personal account are available at the following URL:
- Penn World TablesPenn World Tables provide a number of variations on measures of GDP, PPP and capital stock for 182 countries from 1950-2014.
- EurostatThe Eurostat website contains a mix of statistical information in PDF pages, pre-defined tables and interactive databases. The coverage varies by topic, but some data goes back at least to 1929. All content is freely available.
International Employment, Unemployment, and Wages
- UNIDO Statistics Data PortalFind statistics of overall industrial growth for countries complied by the United Nations. Find detailed data on business structure and statistics on major indicators of industrial performance by country in the historical time series.
The variables in the INDSTAT databases are: number of establishments, number of employees, wages and salaries, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation, number of female employees.
The 4-digit level is the most detailed, 2-digit less detailed. Further information and descriptions available here.
- OECD iLibrary This link opens in a new windowOECD iLibrary is the online publications portal of the 38-country Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD iLibrary contains thousands of e-books, chapters, tables and graphs, papers, articles, summaries, indicators, databases, and podcasts. All content will be Open Access beginning in July 2024. Content is also indexed via Policy Commons.
Coverage: OECD Books, Papers and Statistics, International Energy Agency (IEA) Statistical Databases, & International Trade by Commodity Statistics
- OECD iLibrary Structural Analysis (STAN) Databases for Industry AnalysisThe STAN Database for Structural Analysis (ISIC Rev. 3) or (ISIC Rev. 4) - have statistics on industry production/output, labor costs, employment rates, hours worked and wages. Overall time range is 1970-present with a two-year lag.
"STAN Indicators" has labor productivity indexes and labor cost indexes. Overall time range is 1970-present with a two-year lag.
The image below shows how to navigate to the STAN datasets within the OECD iLibrary interface:
- ILOSTATILOSTAT is a statistics database maintained by the International Labor Organization (previously LABORSTA). The ILOSTAT database contains over 100 indicators covering more than 230 countries and economies. Indicators include labor population, employment, unemployment, salaries, labor costs, strikes, and occupational injuries. It relies heavily on official data submission from national authorities.
- IMF Data Mapper - International Monetary Fund1980-present with some projections. Data access via maps with exportable tables.
Industrial Statistics in print
The database contains seven principle indicators of industrial statistics. They are: number of establishments, number of employees, wages and salaries, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation, and number of female employees. The 4-digit level is the most detailed, with 3-digit and 2-digit getting progressively more general. Check the coverage of each country by year by clicking on the "Availability" link at the very bottom of the page:
Industrial statistics database 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC code
US Census Data
- IPUMSIPUMS provides census & survey data from around the world. Includes: USA; Current Population Survey (CPS); International; Global Health; NHGIS; IHGIS; Time Use; Health Surveys; & Higher Ed.
The IPUMS project is a collaboration of the Minnesota Population Center, National Statistical Offices, and international data archives. Major funding is provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Additional support is provided by the University of Minnesota Office of the Vice President for Research and the Minnesota Population Center.
Minnesota Population Center datasets are available to researchers who complete an online registration form and agree to use the data responsibility. - Social Explorer This link opens in a new windowCreate customized maps and reports of demographic, housing, and employment patterns throughout the United States using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Census data available from 1790 to the present. Includes additional data types such as crime, health, election, and development indicators.
- UMN Libraries' US Census Info SiteThis page provides additional information about accessing Census data through the Libraries.
- World Trade Organization Tariff Download FacilitySimpler of the two WTO Tariff databases. Good for tariffs as reported by countries other than the US. The User Guide is very helpful for understanding data provided. 1996-present.
- World Trade Organization Tariff Analysis OnlineGood for tariffs as reported by countries other than the US. The site provides explanations of jargon as well as instructions for use. 1996-present.
- USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWebRequires free registration for each user.
Direct access to trade data, not tariff information (despite the name). Use "Quick Query". Make sure to look at the definitions for the values provided. Consider using the SITC classification system since it's also used in UNComtrade. Tariffs reported by the US (e.g. US tariffs on other countries and what the US reports was charged on US products exported). 1989-present. - World Trade Organization Statistics DatabaseThe World Trade Organization Statistics Database allows you to retrieve statistical information from 1948- in the following ways:
-The Trade Profiles section provides predefined information leaflets on the trade situation of members, observers and other selected economies;
-The Tariff Profiles provide information on the market access situation of members, observers and other selected economies.
-The Time Series section allows an interactive data retrieval of trade statistics. Available data sets include merchandise trade by commodity group from 1980- for individual countries.
Last Updated: Dec 26, 2024 4:01 PM