Music materials for AMES Courses

Sometimes digital materials just won't cut it when it comes to music research. Need a physical book, score, or recording from the Music Library's collections?

Placing scanning requests for sections of items (materials owned by the University of Minnesota Libraries AND other libraries!)

  • If you’d like to have a book chapter, an article from a print journal, or a section of a score scanned and delivered to you digitally, please place a request by clicking on the relevant gray box under “Create a Delivery Request” on our Interlibrary Loan page. If you're not sure what chapter of a book you might need, try scrolling down in the Libraries catalog record for that item since many records include notes about books' contents. If you can't find the information you need in the catalog record, place a request to have that book's table of contents scanned and sent to you digitally, and use that info to place a second scanning request for the sections you need.

    An image of the UMN Libraries Interlibrary Loan page ( with the place to click to select the form for requesting a scan of a Book Chapter circled.

  • The "Book Chapter" form includes the following fields (take note of the advice included in square brackets below and contact Music Librarian Jessica Abbazio ( with any questions:
    • Book title: [This can be score OR book title, depending on the item you're interested in!]
    • Book author/editors: [If requesting a section of a score, include composer's name here]
    • Place of Publication
    • Publisher:
    • Year: 
    • Edition: [Unless the UMN Libraries catalog or WorldCat record states otherwise, enter "1st edition" here]
    • ISBN: [Scores don't usually have these; there might be an ISMN number or a publisher number that you can add here]
    • WorldCat or PubMed Number: [If requesting something from the University Libraries collections, this isn't necessary. If requesting something from another library, this can be very helpful to ILL staff - in that case, definitely include it! If applicable, this number is located at the bottom of WorldCat records in a field labeled "OCLC." Email Jessica Abbazio, Music Librarian, at if you have any questions about this!]
    • Will you accept an alternate edition: No
    • Notes: [Add information about the section/movement/page range you're interested in, which may be difficult to estimate if you haven't seen the item itself; be as detailed as you can here, and if requesting an item from the University Libraries catalog, include the URL from your browser or click "Get Link" in the catalog record]
    • Cited in: [Add "n/a" here since if you've found the item in the University Libraries catalog or through WorldCat]
    • Inclusive pages:  [Be as detailed in the "Notes" field above as you can and include, "Unknown, see Notes field above" here]
    • Chapter title: [If you're looking for a specific section or movement that has a distinct title/subtitle, add that here, e.g. Kyrie, Movement II, etc.]
    • Chapter author: 

Placing requests for entire items owned by the University of Minnesota Libraries

  • To access an entire book, score, journal issue, CD, or DVD, visit the catalog record for the item you’d like, sign in to your Libraries account with your Internet ID and password by clicking “Sign In” on the yellow banner. If you don't see a yellow banner with a "Sign In" link, skip to the next step.

  • Next, click either the green “Get It” or green "Interlibrary Loan (ILL)" button (if an item has multiple volumes, the "Interlibrary Loan (ILL)" button will appear instead of the "Get It" button - if the catalog indicates that the item you're interested in is shelved in the Music Library, clicking the ILL button will create a request for our copy!). 

An image of a Libraries catalog record for an individual item as it looks after the user has signed into their Libraries account. An arrow is pointing to the "Get It" button for placing a request to have a physical Libraries item held or mailed to the user's preferred address.


An image of a record for a multi-volume score that appears in the University of Minnesota Libraries catalog. An arrow points to the green "Interlibrary Loan (ILL)" button with a note that reads "Click the ILL button to place your request for it." Other arrows point to the call number and note that this item is available from the Music Library's collection.


  • After clicking the “Get It” or "Interlibrary Loan (ILL)" button, you can request that the item be held for you at Wilson Library, or that the item be mailed to you at home or at your preferred address. Wilson Library is the main West Bank library branch and you can find it just across the plaza from Ferguson Hall, where the School of Music is located.


For more information on the University Libraries Get It service, please visit our Get It Book Delivery page.

Questions? Need help? 

If you need to access an item that’s not available for digital delivery or delivery via Get It, or if you have any questions about these services, please contact Jessica ( to discuss options!

Navigating the Music Library

The University of Minnesota Music Library is a great place to find recordings, scores, parts, books, and journals about music! The easiest way to find an item in the Music Library is make a note of the call number, located about halfway down the page (see image below) and to bring that call number to the circulation desk. We'll be glad to help you find what you're looking for.



  • Any member of the campus community can borrow our audio/visual materials (CDs, DVDs, etc.) for a period of seven (7) days. All of our A/V materials are all held behind the Music Library's circulation desk. Please bring the call number for the item in which you're interested to the circulation desk and we'll be glad to get it for you!
  • Looking for books, scores, or journals? Go to the shelves and browse:
    • The scores and books in the Music Library are shelved in such a way that similar things are placed near each other. If you find one score that’s helpful, look on either side of it and around the section where you found it because you’ll probably find other useful things that way, too!
    • Journals (both current periodicals and older materials) are shelved in alphabetical order.
  • The books and scores in the Music Library are shelved by size, meaning all of the smaller items (mini-scores and normal-sized books) are together and all the bigger items (regular-sized scores and large books) are together in a different spot. This can confusing the first time you visit, so be sure to stop by the circulation desk and ask for help if you need it! Here's a diagram that shows how the Music Library is organized:


Questions? Need help?

Please contact Music Librarian Jessica Abbazio ( or the Music Library staff ( for help!

Last Updated: Mar 6, 2025 4:55 PM