Additional Business Databases
- Business Resources PortalLicensed Business Databases housed here
Company Information
- Mergent Online (Business)Profiles of public corporations around the world that includes summaries, company histories, property, financials, subsdiaries, joint ventures, long term, press release and historical annual reports.
- Mergent Intellect (Business)Mergent Intellect provides access to private and public U.S. and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more. It also provides access to contact information for over 250 million U.S. consumers using WhitePages Pro data.
- HooversIncludes information on more than 162 million businesses, both public and private, around the world. Business data includes Annual Revenues, Employee Counts, Corporate Family Tree, Key Contacts, Analyst Reports, SWOT reports, stock data, financials and other vital information. Important note: downloading company lists is not available on the academic subscription.
- Business Source Premier EnhancedThis version of Business Source Premier makes it easy to find articles and specialized reports from company profiles and industry reports. This is a good resource for business and economic topics and global studies.
- Orbis (Company Research)
The University Libraries no longer subscribes to this resource due to economic sanctions required by Moody’s. For interglobal company data please visit EMIS Professional or Capital IQ Pro
Orbis delivers information on over 170 million public and private companies across the globe. The information includes: financial strength metrics and projected financials, associated news and independent research, extensive corporate ownership structures and beneficial ownership, original filed documents, individuals associated with companies, global M&A deals and rumors.
Industry Reports & Market Research
- EMIS ProfessionalFind company and industry information, reports, statistics, proprietary mergers and acquisitions, credit analytics, benchmark indicators and trend comparisons to help understand emerging markets.
- IBIS World (Business)Search industry reports for the United States, Canada, China, and global topics. Each report provides an overall current picture of an industry, including overviews, leading companies, sales information, and authoritative sources for researching hundreds of industries. Includes Business Environmental Profiles that summarize key drivers for industries in the U.S.
- Frost & Sullivan Market Research ReportsUse for business research and to find Frost & Sullivan's market and industry reports for over 300 markets and 250,000 companies for industrial markets organized into categories for Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Chemicals, Materials, Food; Electronics and Security, Energy and Power Systems, Environment and Building Technologies, Healthcare and Medical Devices, Measurement and Instrumentation, Information and Communication Technologies, and Industrial Automation and Process Control.
- Mintel Market ResearchMintel reports provide market research on consumer products, services, and lifestyles to identify economic drivers, leading companies, market share, market size, trends, segmentation, and analysis of consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. Includes Mintel Trends to analyze consumer trends by sectors, demographics, themes and regions.
Articles and news sources
- Business Source PremierFind business articles from journals and magazines in marketing, management, information technology, operations, human resources, accounting, finance and economics dating back to 1965.
- Regional Business NewsRegional Business News offers full text coverage for regional business publications; Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. This database is updated daily.
- FactivaSearch millions of newspapers, business magazines, and newswires with international and foreign language coverage with all editions of the Wall Street Journal. Financial information for publicly traded companies, stocks, funds, currencies, and common market indexes. Limited to 7 simultaneous users.
- Access World NewsFull-text news from over 9,000 news sources in the U.S. and international newspapers, major wire services, and hundreds of local broadcasting outlets and blogs. There are over 100 Minnesota sources. Mostly English language news coverage with some 200 titles in Spanish, French, Afrikaans and other languages.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:22 AM