DDS 7103: Biochemistry and Cell Biology for Dental Students

This guide covers search tools for research in topics related to DDS 7103

PubMed search

Starting a Literature Search

  1. Identify your question -- know what you are looking for
    • What is most important?
    • What are your key concepts?
  2. Search the literature
    • Search terms, not sentences
    • Use Boolean operators to combine terms (AND, OR)
  3. Review results and refine as needed
Framing the research question with PICO 
  • P (population, problem, patient)
  • I (intervention)
  • C (comparison)
  • O (outcome)

The PICO framework can help you identify your clinical question. In some circumstance you may only have a P, I, and O.

  • Start by searching for the P (population, problem, patient) AND I (intervention) 
  • Browse the article abstracts for the O (outcome).

For more information on using PICO, see this guide about the Well-Built Clinical Question (PICO). 

Library Research Checklist

  • Hints for successfully finding the literature 
  • Scholarly vs. popular journals/magazines

Find Information

Other Resources

Patient Communication

Patient Information

Resources to Educate Your Patients from the National Dental Association (NDA) 

The Dental Education Center, our latest collaboration, offers shareable materials that may help you better communicate with your patients about common dental issues. To utilize these informational pages, click on the corresponding tile below, then download/save the PDF to your computer. From there, open the PDF with the PDF viewer of your choice (i.e. Acrobat Reader) and you will be able to edit the contact fields and print the sheet out.

MouthHealthy  (American Dental Association)

From the American Dental Association, MouthHealthy includes information for patients on dental health topics, nutrition, dental care concerns, and a list of ADA member dentists. 

Culturally Appropriate Healthcare


Find information about cultural beliefs, medical issues, and related topics pertinent to the health care of immigrants to the United States. Access relevant information through the Cultural Profiles, Clinical Topics, or multilingual Patient Education sections. 

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024 2:37 PM