News databases and websites
- Access World NewsFull-text news from over 9,000 news sources in the U.S. and international newspapers, major wire services, and hundreds of local broadcasting outlets and blogs. There are over 100 Minnesota sources. Mostly English language news coverage with some 200 titles in Spanish, French, Afrikaans and other languages.
- International Newsstream This link opens in a new windowInternational news from newspapers, newswires, transcripts, and digital-only news sites in full-text format. Over 800 of the world's top news sources.
- Ka Wai OlaA free, monthly newspaper of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ka Wai Ola effectively serves the Hawaiian community by reporting on critical issues that impact not only Hawaiians, but the community at-large.
- Koori MailA national newspaper in Australia reporting on the issues that matter to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- National Indigenous TimesComprehensive Indigenous online news site in Australia offering rigorous reporting on the issues that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Niupepa: Maori NewspapersHistoric newspapers published primarily for a Māori audience between 1842 and 1932. 70% of the collection is written only in Maori.
- Saipan TribuneNews coverage of what is happening in the Northern Mariana Islands and around the globe.
- Te Ao Maori NewsNews from New Zealand’s national indigenous media organisation, Whakaata Māori.
- Trove Newspaper Collection (Australia)Digital historical newspapers from Australia.
Last Updated: Apr 2, 2024 2:00 PM