Systematic Review and Evidence Synthesis

Citation management

Citation management programs like EndNote and Zotero are great time-savers for evidence synthesis. They can store and organize your citations, de-duplicate the results, and automatically format in-text citations and bibliographies in your manuscript.

See the University of Minnesota’s page on citation management for a comparison and overviews of these tools and resources on using them.

Once you've finished translating your search strategy to the syntax of each database you're searching, you will then:

  1. Run the search in each database.

  2. Export the results as a BibTeX, MEDLINE, RIS, or XML file and save those files.

  3. You may need to export your search results in smaller batches due to limitations of the database you are using.

  4. Import those files into a citation management program.

Last Updated: Oct 15, 2024 2:23 PM