This guide provides a more extensive list of print materials in the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library and related to the monthly book display.
Selection of books:
Roma by
ISBN: 9788493482848Publication Date: 2012-01-01"Vivere l'Architettura", is a photographic journey across contemporary architecture and unusual Roman town-planning sets, written and filmed between 2007 and 2010, and broadcasted by the TV station "Roma Uno": The modern and contemporary city with its new middle and working-class suburbs, the schools and the universities, the work, trade and leisure places have their presence in this richly illustrated book. Historical sites are not featured in here but the most recent architecture from the last 50 years, including the recent art museum by Zaha Hadid, MAXXI. The best professional and academic architectural culture, consultants, scholars, journalists, conduct the critical discovery of this less-known Rome. QR codes at the beginning of each chapter refer to the the documentary films and provide a new approach to the photographs.Rome by
ISBN: 9788861305342Publication Date: 2008-10-07Many of the architects responsible for modern-day Rome--such as Hadid, Fuksas, Baldeweg, and Meier--have reached international stature. Many contemporary Italian architects--such as King Roselli, Labics, and IaN+--use Rome as a lab for testing their ideas. While some might note the weakness of the residential sector in attracting architectural quality, it is hard to escape the growing attention paid to public spaces and infrastructures. This volume surveys Rome's varied architectural landscape and contains over forty projects and a map, demonstrating how the geography of the city is evolving, and how quality can be found both in the center and on the edge of town.Architecture of Italy by
ISBN: 9780313320866Publication Date: 2008-01-30Covering all regions of Italy--from Turin's Palace of Labor in northern Italy to the Monreale Cathedral and Cloister in Sicily--and all periods of Italian architecture--from the first-century Colosseum in Rome to the Casa Rustica apartments built in Milan in the 1930s--this volume examines over 70 of Italy's most important architectural landmarks. Writing in an authoritative yet engaging style, Jean Castex, professor of architectural history at the Versailles School of Architecture, describes the features, functions, and historical importance of each structure. Besides idetifying location, style, architects, and periods of initial construction and major renovations, the cross-referenced and illustrated entries also highlight architectural and historical terms explained in the Glossay and conclude with a useful listing of further information resources. The volume also offers ready-reference lists of entries by location, architectural style, and time period, as well as a general bibliography, a detailed subject index, and a comprehensive introductory overview of Italian architecture. Entries cover major architectural structures as well as smaller sites, including everything from the well-known dome of St. Peter's at the Vatican to the Fiat Lingotto Plant in Turin. Ideal for college and high school students, as well as for interested general readers, this comprehensive look at the architecture of Italy is an indispensable addition to every architectural reference collection.Italy Now? by
ISBN: 0978506103Publication Date: 2007-02-08Does Italian architecture exist? What characterizes it? What values and objectives do you refer to when designing your architecture and why? These are the questions recently put to twenty cutting-edge architectural firms working in Italy today. The answers come together in Italy Now? Country Positions in Architecture, which presents the architects' written responses in parallel with their design work. Edited by Alberto Alessi, the book also contains critical essays by Pier Vittorio Aureli and Gabriele Mastrigli. Noted Italian photographers Gabriele Basilico, Francesco Jodice, Armin Linke, and Alberto Muciaccia have contributed their visions of Italy--the land and people as well as the architecture--to deepen the context of this book. Based on an exhibit held at Cornell University as well as on two related conferences, one in Ithaca and the other in New York City, Italy Now? offers an intriguing look at contemporary Italian architecture--its physical expression and the thinking behind it.Roman Architecture by
ISBN: 1844762912Publication Date: 2007-04-01Nigel Rodgers presents an informative and authoritative text with over 250 photographs, maps, diagrams and cross-sections providing a perfect history of Roman architecture.Not Built in a Day by
ISBN: 9780786717491Publication Date: 2006-05-15Not Built in a Day: Exploring the Architecture of Rome is a unique, unconventional guide and a deeply felt homage to Rome and its extraordinary 2,500-year history. Moving beyond the names, dates, and statistics of ordinary guidebooks, George Sullivan's eye-opening essays celebrate the special character of Rome's buildings, fountains, piazzas, streets, and ruins. From the largest landmark down to the smallest hidden gem, Not Built in a Day explores the city in comprehensive detail, offering detailed visual and historical analyses that enable readers to see and understand exactly what makes the architecture of Rome so important, influential, and fascinating. Not Built in a Day is supported by a companion website ( that offers, among other features, detailed illustrative photographs for readers who want to experience the book's walking tours at home and large printable maps for readers using small electronic devices on-site in Rome.The Architecture of Modern Italy by
ISBN: 1568984367Publication Date: 2005-06-02This groundbreaking and authoritative two-volume survey is the first truly comprehensive history of modern Italian architecture and urbanism to appear in any language. Told in lively prose, it recounts more than 250 years of experimentation, creativity, and turmoil that have shaped the landscape of contemporary Italy. Volume II: Visions of Utopia, 1900Present, tracks the development of Italys architectural avant-garde through the upheavals of the twentieth century. Beginning with the development of Italian art nouveau--"stile liberty"--and moving through futurism, fascism, rationalism, and on to the creative experimentation of the present day, it explores the work of such pivotal figures as Raimondo dAronco, Antonio SantElia, Adalberto Libera, Giuseppe Terragni, Pier Luigi Nervi, Gio Ponti, Carlo Scarpa, Aldo Rossi, and Renzo Piano. The Architecture of Modern Italy is exhaustively illustrated with rare period images, new photography, maps, drawings, and plans. With Colin Rowe's Italian Architecture of the 16th Century, it provides a nearly complete overview of the history of Italian architecture.The Architecture of Modern Italy by
ISBN: 1568984200Publication Date: 2005-06-02This groundbreaking and authoritative two-volume survey is the first truly comprehensive history of modern Italian architecture and urbanism to appear in any language. Told in lively prose, it recounts more than 250 years of experimentation, creativity, and turmoil that have shaped the landscape of contemporary Italy. Volume I: The Challenge of Tradition, 17501900, explores the dynamic balancing of forces demanded by a reverence for Italy's unparalleled architectural patrimony and a desire for new means of expression and technological innovation. From the neoclassical fantasies of Giovanni Battista Piranesi to the spectacular steeland-glass gallerias of Milan and Naples, it reveals an underappreciated history of richness and complexity. The Architecture of Modern Italy is exhaustively illustrated with rare period images, new photography, maps, drawings, and plans. With Colin Rowe's Italian Architecture of the 16th Century, it provides a nearly complete overview of the history of Italian architecture.Classical Architecture by
ISBN: 0393731197Publication Date: 2003-05-17Professor James Stevens Curl discusses in clear, straightforward language the origins of classical architecture in Greek and Roman antiquity and outlines its continuous development, through its various manifestations during the Renaissance, its transformations in Baroque and Rococo phases, its reemergence in eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century Neoclassicism, and its survival into the modern era. The text and illustrations celebrate the richness of the classical architectural vocabulary, grammar, and language, and demonstrate the enormous range of themes and motifs found in the subject. All those who wish to look at buildings old and new with an informed eye will find in this book a rich fund of material, and the basis for an understanding of a fecund source of architectural design that has been at the heart of western culture for over two and a half millennia.Architecture of Rome by
ISBN: 3930698609Publication Date: 1998-08-11Architects and artists have always acknowledged over the centuries that Rome is rightly called the 'eternal city'. Rome is eternal above all because it was always young, always 'in its prime'. Here the buildings that defined the West appeared over more than 2000 years, here the history of European architecture was written. The foundations were laid even in ancient Roman times, when the first attempts were made to design interiors and thus make space open to experience as something physical. And at that time the Roman architects also started to develop building types that are still valid today, thus creating the cornerstone of later Western architecture. In it Rome's primacy remained unbroken -- whether it was with old St Peter's as the first medieval basilica or new St. Peter's as the building in which Bramante and Michelangelo developed the High Renaissance, or with works by Bernini and Borromini whose rich and lucid spatial forms were to shape Baroque as far as Vienna, Bohemia and Lower Franconia, and also with Modern buildings, of which there are many unexpected pearls to be found in Rome. All this is comprehensible only if it is presented historically, i. e. in chronological sequence, and so the guide has not been arranged topographically as usual but chronologically.This means that one is not led in random sequence from a Baroque building to an ancient or a modern one, but the historical development is followed successively. Every epoch is preceded by an introduction that identifies its key features. This produces a continuous, lavishly illustrated history of the architecture of Rome -- and thus at the same time of the whole of the West. Practical handling is guaranteed by an alphabetical index and detailed maps, whose information does not just immediately illustrate the historical picture, but also makes it possible to choose a personal route through history.Roman Public Buildings by
ISBN: 0859894754Publication Date: 1995-01-01Roman Public Buildings was first published in the Exeter Studies in History series in 1989. It examines the development of Roman architecture and the significance of different types of buildings for the political, social and economic history of the period. A glossary of technical terms is included.
Last Updated: Mar 28, 2024 4:11 PM