Sources of chemical safety information
- CAMEO ChemicalsCAMEO Chemicals is a database of hazardous chemical datasheets that include physical properties; health hazards; information about air and water hazards; recommendations for firefighting, first aid, and spill response; and regulatory information. Searchable by name, CAS number, or UN/NA number.
- CAS Common ChemistryCAS Common Chemistry provides names, other identifiers, and property information for nearly 500,000 common and frequently regulated chemical substances from CAS REGISTRY.
- KnovelDatabase of important reference works from engineering and related fields. Includes classic chemical safety resources like Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards (8th Edition), Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials (12th Edition), Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens.
- Organic SynthesesOnline access to classic reference work giving detailed synthetic methods. Procedures are independently checked & safety warnings given if warranted. More recent entries tend to describe preparation of compound classes. Structure searchable
- Pistoia Alliance Chemical Safety Library (CSL)Crowd sourced data content containing hazardous reactions that can be used to alert scientists to potential dangerous experiments
- ReaxysProvides access to chemical structure, reaction, and property information on organic, inorganic, and organometallic compounds; its contents are derived from Beilstein (organic compounds) and Gmelin (inorganic and organometallic compounds), which date to the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as selected English-language chemical patents.
- Science of SynthesisScience of Synthesis is a compendium of synthetic methods for organic and organometallic chemistry. We have access to the Science of Synthesis Backlist (2002 – 2008); Knowledge Updates (2009-2015); and Reference Libraries (2009-2015) (see the Books tab). The Houben–Weyl Methods of Molecular Transformations Backfile (1909 -2001) is accessible via the Book Series tab. Note that many of the Houben-Weyl Archive articles are in German. You may browse the table of contents of individual volumes or search by keyword and limit by facet.
- SciFinderSciFinder is one of the best databases for topics related to chemistry and adjacent fields. It includes journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, and patents. Find substance and reaction information as well as suppliers and chemical regulatory data.
Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025 3:29 PM