German Film

This guide is an in-depth listing of resources related to German-language film, TV, and cinema culture available to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota.

Journals covering German film

Most journals in German Studies/Germanistik cover German film and television. See this list of core journals and series in German Studies available electronically.

To search for specific articles, use the databases listed in Find Articles and Databases

To find a particular electronic or print journal, use the Journal search.  

List of journals specifically covering German film and TV: 

  • Augen-Blick (Marburg, Germany). 
    Marburg : Herausgegeben von den Forschungsstellen: "Filmgeschichte" und "Bild und Sprache" im Institut für Neuere deutsche Literatur, Philipps-Universität Marburg. ISSN: 0179-2555.
  • Film-Dienst. Köln : Katholisches Institut für Medieninformationen, Katholische Filmkommission für Deutschland. 
    ISSN: 0720-0781
  • Filmblatt. Berlin : CineGraph Babelsberg. ISSN: 1433-2051
  • German Films Quarterly. Munich, Germany : German Films Service + Marketing. ISSN:  1614-6387. 
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024 3:07 PM