This guide will point to resources that identify and track steps taken by the Trump administration and Congress to scale back or eliminate access to federal government information. It also provides links to groups performing data and website rescue.
Existing Alternative Data Sources
- IPUMSThe IPUMS Center for Data Integration provides census and survey data from around the world. Find microdata from the U.S. Decennial Census, the American Community Survey (ACS), and the Current Population Survey. As part of their standard procedures, they download and preserve original data from U.S. statistical agencies that serve as the source data for IPUMS. Since Fri., Jan. 31, 2025, several organizations (and individuals) have downloaded many other public federal datasets. There are efforts underway to catalog and make these data available.
- DataLumosDataLumos is an ICPSR archive for valuable government data resources. ICPSR has a long commitment to safekeeping and disseminating US government and other social science data. They have an older version of many major datasets, including some from the CDC.
- LOCKSS-USDOCSThe Digital Federal Depository Library Program, or the “USDocs” LOCKSS network, replicates key aspects of the United States Federal Depository Library Program. The current focus is harvesting and preserving collections hosted on the U.S. Government Publishing Office’s (GPO) database. See also the (Digital Federal Depository Library Program FAQ).
- PolicyMapWeb-based online data and mapping application that provides access to thousands of indicators related to demographics, housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs and more. Offers a free tier that can be used to view basic information down to the tract-level, but more detailed data and functionality requires a subscription. Purged Federal Agency Data Available.
- FREDFederal Reserve Economic Data. A source for economic data since 1991.
- GEMContains 46 demographic, energy, health, and housing indicators down to the tract-level with free access for community-based organizations; others require a subscription. Greenlink Equity Map (GEM).
- Census ReporterA free, open-source platform focused on making American Community Survey (ACS) data more accessible, including the recent upload of the 2022 1-Year ACS data.
- EsriFor mapping software users, the GIS vendor publishes a number of U.S. Census Bureau data sets, including the ACS, through its ArcGIS Online Platform.
- Social Explorer This link opens in a new windowU.S. Census Bureau data available from 1790 to the present. Includes additional data types such as crime, health, election, and development indicators. Database licensed by University of Minnesota.
- SimplyAnalytics This link opens in a new windowData on demographics, consumers, real estate, housing, employment, crime, health, and more. Data includes Nielsen Scarborough local insights and crosstabs, AGS Census, Claritas PRIZM consumer segment, MRI Simmons consumer survey data, consumer expenditures and buying power, as well as public data sources such as the US Census, American Community Survey, FBI uniform crime reports, NOAA climate data, and CDC health data.
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)Hosting copies of immunization schedules and contraceptive use guidance from the CDC.
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025 5:16 PM