This guide is designed for new researchers to find articles, sources and get started with research in topics related to Religious Studies.
Start with:
- Oxford BibliographiesSearch expert commentary and detailed annotated bibliographies to find high quality sources of information in these areas: African American Studies, African Studies, American Literature, Anthropology, Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Art History, Atlantic History, Biblical Studies, British and Irish Literature, Buddhism, Childhood Studies, Chinese Studies, Cinema and Media Studies, Classics, Communication, Criminology, Ecology, Education, Environmental Science, Evolutionary Biology, Geography, Hinduism, International Law, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American Studies, Latino Studies, Linguistics, Literary and Critical Theory, Management, Medieval Studies, Military History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Renaissance and Reformation, Social Work, Sociology, Urban Studies, Victorian Literature
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerialsThe American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Religion Database lists journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Some listings link to full text of articles.
- Religious and Theological AbstractsThis database contains summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals, covering a wide variety of periodical literature including Christian, Jewish, and other World religions. It provides English language abstracts of articles in English, Hebrew, Afrikaans, and major European languages.
- World Religion Database (WRD)WRD contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country of the world. It provides source material, including censuses and surveys, to give estimates at multiple dates for each of the world's religions for the period 1900 to 2050.
Then try any of the following:
- L’Année PhilologiqueThe most comprehensive index to Classical Studies. It is an index of citations to books and articles in all areas of ancient Greek and Latin studies.
- Index IslamicusSearch publications (e.g. journals, books) on Islam and the Muslim world more broadly, spanning Africa, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Search for topics such as history, beliefs, societies, cultures, economics, politics, languages and literature.
- Index to Jewish PeriodicalsSearch English-language journals, articles, book reviews on Jewish culture, history, literature, religion and other areas of related study. Useful for topics in contemporary Jewish and Middle Eastern affairs.
- Historical AbstractsFind journal articles covering world history from 1450 to the present. Limited to 6 simultaneous users.
- Anthropology PlusAnthropology Plus provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies.. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present.
- JSTORFind full text articles in academic journals or books on the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR provides articles from the journal's first issue. In some cases the most recent 2-5 years may not be available. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
Also Check Out:
- Encyclopedia of ReligionFind a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion's role within everyday life around the world and as a unique experience from culture to culture.
- Encyclopaedia JudaicaThis online resource is an updated edition of this lauded work on Judaism and features more than 21,000 entries on Jewish life, culture, history, and religion, written by Israeli, American and European subject specialists.
- Encyclopaedia of IslamSearch the Encyclopeadia of Islam for authoritative information on Islamic studies, covering Islam and its believers in contexts up through the 20th Century.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the ReformationThe definitive source for information about the entire range of religious and social changes that altered the face of Europe in the sixteenth century, encompassing not only issues of church polity and theology but also developments in politics, economics, demographics, art and literature. This broadly cast, interdisciplinary definition allows for a comprehensive social and intellectual history of early modern Europe.
- Encyclopedia of African ReligionEncyclopedia of African Religion explores such topics as deities and divinities, the nature of humanity, the end of life, the conquest of fear, and the quest for attainment of harmony with nature and other humans.
- Encyclopedia of Religion in AmericaCovers the significant religious denominations and movements that have originated or flourished in North America, from the beginning of European settlement to the present day.
- Integrated encyclopedia of the Quran, (IEQ)IEQ draws on a wide range of traditional Muslim sources, including exegeses, Hadith collections and commentaries, classical lexicons, biographical dictionaries, universal histories, works of jurisprudence, Prophetic biographies, and treatises on spiritual and moral psychology "” some of which have never before been presented in any encyclopedic work in a Western language.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 11:00 AM