A guide to library resources related to strategic communication, advertising, consumer demographics, polls, surveys, and public opinion.
Consumer Research
Start with:
- Simmons InsightsSurvey data from the the Simmons National Consumer Survey to find target markets and consumer profiles for brands and products. Use Simmons advertising campaigns, market research, and business plans. Limited to 25 simultaneous users. NOTE: Please click logout when done to end session.
- Statista This link opens in a new windowStatista provides statistical data on media, business, politics, society, technology and education from market reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. The Global Consumer Survey offers a global perspective on consumption and media usage, covering the offline and online world of the consumer. It is designed to help marketers, planners and product managers understand consumer behavior and consumer interactions with brands.
- WARC (advertising)Campaign research source includes case studies, market reports, statistics, and articles from the trade magazines Admap and Market Leader as well research from the International Journal of Market Research, the Journal of Advertising Research, the International Journal of Advertising, and the Journal of Advertising History.
See also:
- ComScore Media MetrixComScore is an industry source for web analytics about major online properties, which is useful for consumer and audience research and for statistics and rankings of websites.
- Consumer Health CompleteComprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content. CHC provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. Includes topics such as aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, men & women's health, and more.
- Esri Business Analyst OnlineData sets for GIS analysis of demographics, business indicators, and consumer behavior. This resource has Nielsen data on consumer expenditures and media preferences, Tapestry lifestyle segmentations, and other information for market research. (See "more..." link below for login details)
- Mintel Market ResearchMintel reports provide market research on consumer products, services, and lifestyles to identify economic drivers, leading companies, market share, market size, trends, segmentation, and analysis of consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. Includes Mintel Trends to analyze consumer trends by sectors, demographics, themes and regions.
- SimplyAnalytics This link opens in a new windowData including demographic, real estate, housing, employment, consumer spending, health, D&B business points-of-interest file and marketing data. Includes current estimates of usage and consumption (propensity) for thousands of very specific and detailed products, including actual brand data, frequency of usage and more.
Market Research
Start with:
- Mintel Market ResearchMintel reports provide market research on consumer products, services, and lifestyles to identify economic drivers, leading companies, market share, market size, trends, segmentation, and analysis of consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. Includes Mintel Trends to analyze consumer trends by sectors, demographics, themes and regions.
- MarketResearch.com AcademicMarket research reports on service industries, consumer goods,food and beverage, heavy industry, life sciences, technology and media.
- WARC (advertising)Campaign research source includes case studies, market reports, statistics, and articles from the trade magazines Admap and Market Leader as well research from the International Journal of Market Research, the Journal of Advertising Research, the International Journal of Advertising, and the Journal of Advertising History.
See also:
- Frost & Sullivan Market Research ReportsUse for business research and to find Frost & Sullivan's market and industry reports for over 300 markets and 250,000 companies for industrial markets organized into categories for Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Chemicals, Materials, Food; Electronics and Security, Energy and Power Systems, Environment and Building Technologies, Healthcare and Medical Devices, Measurement and Instrumentation, Information and Communication Technologies, and Industrial Automation and Process Control.
- HooversIncludes information on more than 162 million businesses, both public and private, around the world. Business data includes Annual Revenues, Employee Counts, Corporate Family Tree, Key Contacts, Analyst Reports, SWOT reports, stock data, financials and other vital information. Important note: downloading company lists is not available on the academic subscription.
Specific Industries
- GlobalData Medical This link opens in a new windowMarket research platform for the medical device industry. Includes news, deals, and companies. Each user must register for a personal account using their U of MN email address from the link above.
- MedTech StrategistGlobal medical device technology news and analysis written by a team of medical technology journalists. Also provides access to MedTech Strategist Market Pathways, a source for global medical device regulatory, reimbursement, and policy intelligence and analysis.
- Pink Sheet (Pharma Intelligence)Insight and intelligence related to the biopharmaceutical regulatory environment.
- Sports Market Analytics (SBRnet)Contains research data on the entire sports market including, consumer expenditures, brand share, participation, attendance and statistics about sport facilities, TV viewership, directories and full text articles from specialized sports industry magazines.
- WGSNFind fashion trends, news, and fashion images including fashion forecasting, design, company profiles and news items on e-commerce, finance, advertising and marketing. Note: Access is only for the content under "Fashion" and "Insight" tabs.
Government & Survey Data
- Esri Business Analyst OnlineData sets for GIS analysis of demographics, business indicators, and consumer behavior. This resource has Nielsen data on consumer expenditures and media preferences, Tapestry lifestyle segmentations, and other information for market research. (See "more..." link below for login details)
- Pew Research CenterPew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Find in-depth reports and polls; create a free account to download survey data.
- SimplyAnalytics This link opens in a new windowSimplyAnalytics contains demographic, real estate, housing, employment, consumer spending, health and marketing data, with current estimates of usage and consumption for thousands of very specific and detailed products. Data is available at the State, County, City, ZIP Code, Census Tract and Block Group level as well as custom trade area and the entire United States.
- Polls & Public OpinionFull library guide for resources providing poll, survey, and public opinion data and reports.
International Trade Centre (ITC)
- Market Access Map (ITC)Identify customs tariffs, tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, regulatory requirements and preferential regimes applicable to specific products.
- Procurement Map (ITC)Procurement Map provides detailed information for public tenders and contract awards. This tool offers a route to foster entrepreneurship and to seek new market opportunities. The free version includes access to legislation for women-owned businesses, legislation for SMEs, trade agreements, and sustainability standards. Free version does not include access to public tenders and contract awards.
- Sustainability Map (ITC)Find businesses and brands endorsed by sustainability initiatives. Free registration required for access.
- Trade Map (ITC)Trade statistics for international business development. Includes trade indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies. Free version does not include access to quarterly or monthly time series, or company-level data.
- Rule of Origin Facilitator (ITC)Explore trade agreements and rules of origin for specific products and countries.
- Export Potential Map (ITC)A free tool to help you spot export opportunities for trade development.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 10:44 AM
URL: https://libguides.umn.edu/strategic-communication