News & Company Reports
- Corporate RegisterCorporate Register is a collection of corporate responsibility reports and related reports.
- DiversityReports.orgAggregates company diversity reports and data on racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation representation at top companies
- SEC Sustainability Disclosure Search"This tool scours the text of SEC annual filings (10-Ks, 20-Fs and 40-Fs) and automatically identifies relevant disclosure. It categorizes the information, identifies where in the filing disclosure occurs, and delivers this, along with the excerpted disclosure, in an easily digestible report."
- Ethical CorporationA publication with a focus on news relating to corporate responsibility communications & reporting, business strategy, stakeholder engagement, supply chains, and environmental analyses.
- CSRwireCSRwire pulls together CSR-related news and company reports and serves as a clearinghouse of sorts for this type of information.
- SEC EDGARFind CSR data in 10-Ks, proxy statements, annual reports, and voluntary sustainability or diversity reports. Use this to search for keywords and phrases in over 20 years of EDGAR filings, and filter by date, company, person, filing category or location.
- Mergent Online (Business)Profiles of public corporations around the world that includes summaries, company histories, property, financials, subsdiaries, joint ventures, long term, press release and historical annual reports.
Reporting Standards & Organizations
- The Global Reporting InitiativeThe Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides standards and reporting frameworks for companies, governments, and organizations to communicate their activities in climate impact, human rights, and corruption.
- SASB Standards OverviewSASB has developed a complete set of 77 Industry Standards. In November 2018, SASB published these Standards, providing a complete set of globally applicable industry-specific Standards which identify the minimal set of financially material sustainability topics and their associated metrics for the typical company in an industry.
- Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)TNFD aims to support a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes by delivering a risk management and disclosure framework for organisations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks.
- European Commission: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)The EU is examining how to make benchmark methodologies more transparent when it comes to ESG factors & put forward standards for the methodology of low-carbon benchmarks in the EU.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative (CSRI) Research and PublicationsThe Harvard Kennedy School's Corporate Responsibility Initiative "publishes original research on promising approaches to solving complex public problems"
- Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) - Case Studies"BSR is a team of sustainable business experts that works with its global network of more than 250 member companies to build a just and sustainable world."
- Ethics Resource Center (ERC) - Knowledge Center"ERC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization, dedicated to independent research that advances high ethical standards and practices in public and private institutions."
- Corporate Research ProjectA nonprofit center that assists community, environmental and labor organizations in researching companies and industries. Find research tools including the Violation Tracker database on corporate misconduct, Corporate Rap Sheets, & more insights.
- European Commission: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)On 21 April 2021, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which would amend the existing reporting requirements of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). Find information and reporting guidelines of the proposal.
- 3BL Association's 100 Best Corporate CitizensEach year, 3BL Media evaluates the largest public U.S. companies on ESG transparency and performance according to 8 pillars: Climate Change, Employee Relations, Environment, Financial, Governance, Human Rights, Lobbying and Philanthropy. See FAQs for the methodology.
- Ethisphere's World's Most Ethical CompaniesEthisphere provides a proprietary rating system that collects and objectively scores self-reported data in five weighted categories: Governance, Leadership & Reputation, Environmental & Societal Impact, Ethics & Compliance Program, and Culture of Ethics.
- Corporate Knights Global 100Corporate Knights produces annual rankings and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance.
- The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) ScoresCDP provides one of the most comprehensive databases of self-reported environmental data from companies and cities accounting for over 20 percent of global anthropogenic emissions.
Certified Businesses
- Certified B CorporationsCertified B Corporations are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. Search companies in the B Corp Directory
- Fair Trade USA Partner DirectoryFair Trade works "with producers and certify transactions between companies and their suppliers to ensure that the people making Fair Trade Certified goods work in safe conditions, protect the environment, build sustainable livelihoods, and earn additional money to empower and uplift their communities."
- WRAP Certified Facility ListWorldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is an independent, global non-profit organization dedicated to the certification of facilities engaged in lawful, humane and ethical production.
- SA-8000 Certified Facilities List (SAI)The SA8000 Standard accredited by the Social Accountability International provides a holistic framework allowing organizations of all types, in any industry, and in any country to demonstrate their dedication to the fair treatment of workers.
- USBGC LEED Project DirectoryThe U.S. Green Building Council provides the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification & is the most widely used green building rating system globally. Use this directory to search through LEED-certified projects.
- FSSC 22000 Certified OrganizationsThe Foundation Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000) offers a complete certification Scheme for the auditing and certification of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) based on ISO standards accepted by the GFSI and worldwide leaders for the entire supply chain.
CSR Books + Journals
- The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility : psychological and organizational perspectivesPublication Date: 2019
Provides an authoratative overview of recent developments in CSR research from across the social sciences. Divided into key sections, the chapters reflect the interdisciplinary and international nature of current CSR scholarship and explore new perspectives on the topic.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance
ISBN: 9783319109091Publication Date: 2014This book deals with the role of international standards for corporate governance in the context of corporate social responsibility. Based on the fundamentals of moral theory, the book examines governance and CSR in general, addressing questions such as: Is "good governance" not affected by moral concerns? How do the principles and practices of CSR standards adhere to or conflict with insights from business ethics and moral theory? To what extent do the standards and governance models provide normative guidance?Corporate Responsibility
ISBN: 9781137450722Publication Date: 2016This book presents an in-depth study of corporate social action and the factors influencing a decision to engage in it. Going beyond the causal relationship between CSA and firm performance, the book stresses the link between CSA and a firm's core managerial policies and practices, reflecting the complexity and varied facets of CSA and the numerous internal and external factors that influence its outcomes.
- Corporate social responsibility and environmental management.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management provides a resource for the ever increasing number of organisations concerned about social and environmental responsibilities in the context of sustainable development and are interested in developing tools and case studies to improve their performance and accountability in these areas.
- International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility.The International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility (JCSR) offers a unique platform for the latest theoretical and empirical research and for innovative concepts for sustainable business strategies which create value for business and society (shared value).
Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 12:59 PM