Minority- & Women- Owned Businesses
- Small Business Association: Federally Certified Women and Minority Owned Business DirectoryThe 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. This directory provides a comprehensive source for current information on federally-certified minority and woman-owned businesses.
- Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)Select Search under U.S. Businesses then select the Advanced Search tab. In the Executives options select Executive Gender to filter for Male or Female or Executive Ethnicity to filter for one or more listed ethnicities.
Alternatively, when you have a list of search results, if you select Download > Custom you can add the Executive Gender and Executive Ethnicity fields to the list of columns to export. - PrivCoFrom the Advanced Search build a list of private US companies that are women-founded, women-led or minority-led from the keyword search.
Note: Privco requires the creation of a personal account using your UMN email. - Mergent Intellect (Business)From the Advanced Search select Minority Owned or Women Owned from keyword filters.
- HooversSelect Build a Company List. Under Company Type, expand the Core Info section and in the Diversity Status drop-down box select either Minority owned or Women owned.
- Orbis (Company Research)The University Libraries no longer subscribes to this resource due to economic sanctions required by Moody’s. For interglobal company data please visit EMIS Professional
On the main search box, from Company select US companies owned or managed by women or US companies owned or managed by an ethnic minority.
Alternatively, for U.S. and non-U.S. companies, from Directors, Managers, and Advisors > Directors and Managers, you can screen for Gender. These columns can also be added to the search results after running a search if you don't want to limit the search to companies with executives or directors of a specific gender. - PitchBookStart a People search from the side navigation bar and filter by Gender
Note: Pitchbook requires the creation of a personal account using your UMN email. Click on more... under this description for instructions.
Fund Managers & Investment Diversity
- PitchBookSearch for Investors from the side navigation bar. Select Stated Preference. Under the Additional Preferences dropdown box find invests in MWBE (minority and women-owned business enterprises).
Note: Pitchbook requires the creation of a personal account using your UMN email. Click on more... under this description for instructions. - Preqin Venture CapitalPreqin focuses on funds and fund management. You can search for fund managers where the firm is minority-owned or women-owned or with a firm ethos of invests in minority-owned portfolio companies or invests in women-owned portfolio companies. Go to Fund Managers > Advanced Search > More Filters > Firm Details and ESG/Ethos.
Minnesota Businesses & Nonprofits
- MPLS Business Journal - Largest Ethnic Minority-owned Businesses in the Twin CitiesTo be eligible for this list, business owners must be ethnic minorities who own 51% or more of their companies, and the companies must be based in the Twin Cities 24-county metro area.
- MnDOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program DirectoryMnDOT's DBE Program was established by the federal government to ensure women- and minority-owned businesses have the opportunity to participate in contracts financed in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024 2:53 PM