Creating a search query
For most databases and even Google you can combine search terms to write a search query that databases understand. A good search query will give you a good selection of highly relevant results. Below are a few examples of how to build a search string using climate change as a topic:
- Use quotation marks to search words as a phrase, e.g., "climate change"
- Use an asterisk with a word stem to search for variations on a term, e.g., sustain* for sustain, sustainability, sustaining
- Use the word AND to link together concepts, e.g., "climate change" AND sustain*
- Use the word OR to search for synonyms, e.g., "climate change" OR "global warming"
- Use parentheses to group terms, e.g., "climate change" AND (policy OR law)
Remember that searching is an iterative process—as you search and learn more about a topic, you will be able to refine your strategy.
Find Science & Engineering Articles
- Web of ScienceA comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of journal article citations. Subjects generally covered are within science and technology, arts and humanities, and social sciences. View this tutorial to learn how to go from a general idea to a very precise set of results of journal articles and scholarly materials.
- ASCE Library (Civil Engineering)The American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Library provides online access to a high-quality collection of civil engineering content. It contains articles from ASCE journals, papers from conference proceedings, and e-books and standards.
- Environmental Engineering AbstractsEnvironmental Engineering Abstracts covers the world literature pertaining to technological and engineering aspects of air and water quality, environmental safety, and energy production.
- Transport DatabaseTransport database searches journal articles, technical reports and conference papers on highways, traffic, road safety, marine transportation, and economic and social aspects of transportation systems. It combines three databases: the Transportation Research Information Services (US), International Road Research Documentation (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), and TRANSDOC (European Conference of Ministers of Transportation). Limited to 4 simultaneous users.
Find business & marketing information
- Business Source PremierBusiness Source Premier indexes business articles from 2,200 journals and magazines in marketing, management, information technology, operations, human resources, accounting, finance and economics dating back to 1965.
Use this database to find academic literature on business and economic topics. - Mergent Online (Business)Mergent provides profiles of public corporations from around the world. It provides infomration on company histories, property, financials, subsdiaries, and joint ventures, plus access to press releases and historical annual reports.
Use this database if you are looking for information about a specific company. - IBIS World (Business)IBIS World provides industry reports for the United States, Canada, China, and selected global topics. Each report provides an overviews, leading companies, products and markets, sales information, and outlooks for an industry.
Use this database to gain an overview of a particular industry, including the major companies operating in it. - PitchBookPitchBook contains entries on thousands of private equity and venture capital deals. Each user must create a personal account while on campus using their valid e-mail address. Accounts expire in August of each year.
Use PitchBook to establish benchmarks, find real-time data on deals, identify and analyze comparables, and search investor details. - EMIS ProfessionalFind company and industry information, reports, statistics, proprietary mergers and acquisitions, credit analytics, benchmark indicators and trend comparisons to help understand emerging markets.
Standards serve as a common language for engineers, designers and manufacturers, providing invaluable information to define quality and safety criteria; outline test methods and performance requirements; and provide rules and guidelines for products, processes and services. The Libraries have standards from a number of organizations in our collection. Search for standards in the Libraries catalog. Please contact for additional support.
- Tutorial: Standards: what are they and how can I find them?Discover what standards are, why they exist, and identify major publishers of standards. Recognize where and how to get access to them.
- ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital LibraryProduced by the American Society for Testing and Materials, this resource provides instant access to the current digital edition of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
- AASTHO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)AASHTO Provisional Standards & Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing
- ACI (American Concrete Institute)ACI Manual of Concrete Practice standards are available in print in Walter Library.
- ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)To find an ASCE Standard, look up the standard by its title in MNCat Discovery
- ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers)ASHRAE standards are available in Walter Library, Room 206.
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)The most current editions of ASME standards are shelved in Walter Library Room 206.
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)ISO has set over twenty thousand standards have been set covering everything from manufactured products and technology to food safety, agriculture and healthcare
- Standards Research GuideSee the separate research guide on standards for a more complete list.
- Tutorial: Patent searchingThis tutorial explains the benefits of using patents in your research and how to search using Google Patents in conjunction with the USPTO Patent Database.
- Patents (United States)The USPTO Web Patent Database offers the full text of all US patents issued since January 1, 1976 and full-page images of each page of every US patent issued since 1790 through the most recent weekly issue date. The Publisher/Producer is the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Google Patent SearchGoogle Patents Search is a good starting place for keyword searching to find useful patents and their classifications, helpful for more focused searching.
- EspacenetProvides an interface to the published patent application databases of the European Patent Office and European national patent offices.
- Patents Research GuideSee the separate research guide on patents for a more complete list.
Project Management Resources
Engineering Project Management by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2019A practical, step-by-step guide to project management for engineers. The author describes the techniques and strategies for creating a successful engineering project.Project Management by
Call Number: TA190 .S59 2005ISBN: 0130413313Publication Date: 2004-10-20This book is intended for engineering students and covers topics from budgeting to scheduling and control.
Writing & Presentation Skills
A Math-Based Writing System for Engineers : Sentence Algebra and Document Algorithms by
Publication Date: 2020A Scientific Approach to Writing for Engineers and Scientists by
ISBN: 9781118899793Publication Date: 2014-05-21This book from the IEEE PCS professional engineering communication series explains the mechanics of good writing.The IEEE Guide to Engineering Communication by
ISBN: 9781119070115Publication Date: 2017-08-30This book from the IEEE PCS professional engineering communication series provides explanations of the different styles of writing needed for different audiences.
Get help from the U Libraries - Online!
- Peer Research ConsultantsMake an online 30 minute appointment for one-on-one peer assistance with your research. Get help with researching your topic, finding sources, citing sources and more. Peer Research Consultants can also help you get started with faculty-sponsored research.
- Chat 24/7 online with the LibrariesAsk us anything! Chat with a librarian, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any research or library questions.
- Meet with a librarianSchedule an online consultations for personalized research support primarily for University of Minnesota faculty, instructors, graduate and undergraduate students and staff.
Off-campus access to library resources
Current University students, staff and faculty should be able to get full text and online access to the University Libraries from anywhere. Here are three ways to access the library full text from off campus.
- Search the University of Minnesota library website. Log in with your UMN Internet ID and password to access resources.
- Log in using the U of M Virtual Private Network (VPN). You will need to download it VPN software to your computer from campus OIT (Office of Information Technology).
- Install the Libraries' Proxy Bookmarklet to your browser and click it to reload the page with your U of M login to get access to full text. Watch a proxy bookmarklet video (3 min) to learn more.
View examples and learn more on our How to get to full text from on and off campus Guide.