Resources for McNair Scholars: Literature Reviews

Finding Information

Finding background information

One way to find sources of background information is to search the Databases A-Z list for "encyclopedia" or "handbook." Some subject guides also include sources of background information as well as databases of research literature.

Reading Research Articles

Keeping Track of Your Work

Sample Workflow

  1. Determine keywords to search using mind mapping
  2. Identify databases
  3. Look for articles using database
  4. Evaluate results
  5. Select relevant articles
  6. Save references to citation manager

Citing Your Sources

Other Research Support

Summer Student Writing Support

Zoom appointments with Student Writing Support: Zoom-based writing consultations are available to undergraduate and graduate students starting June 6. Make appointments by logging in to or by visiting the Student Writing Support Zoom Front Desk ( during our open hours. Consultations are available Mondays–Thursdays, June 6–July 28, from 9:45 am to 3:45 pm.

Off-Campus Access to Library Journals & Databases

In addition to going through links on the library website, we have 2 other ways to access resources from off-campus.

Last Updated: Feb 6, 2023 2:36 PM