Guide to Research for the Choral Conducting Studio

Navigating the Music Library

The University of Minnesota Music Library is a great place to find recordings, scores, parts, books, and journals about music! The easiest way to find an item in the Music Library is make a note of the call number, located about halfway down the page (see image below) and to bring that call number to the circulation desk. We'll be glad to help you find what you're looking for.



  • Any member of the campus community can borrow our audio/visual materials (CDs, DVDs, etc.) for a period of seven (7) days. All of our A/V materials are all held behind the Music Library's circulation desk. Please bring the call number for the item in which you're interested to the circulation desk and we'll be glad to get it for you!
  • Looking for books, scores, or journals? Go to the shelves and browse:
    • The scores and books in the Music Library are shelved in such a way that similar things are placed near each other. If you find one score that’s helpful, look on either side of it and around the section where you found it because you’ll probably find other useful things that way, too!
    • Journals (both current periodicals and older materials) are shelved in alphabetical order.
  • The books and scores in the Music Library are shelved by size, meaning all of the smaller items (mini-scores and normal-sized books) are together and all the bigger items (regular-sized scores and large books) are together in a different spot. This can confusing the first time you visit, so be sure to stop by the circulation desk and ask for help if you need it! Here's a diagram that shows how the Music Library is organized:


Questions? Need help?

Please contact Music Librarian Jessica Abbazio ( or the Music Library staff ( for help!

Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 3:30 PM