Finding Music Materials

This guide covers search tools for finding music materials.

Where can you find digital versions of liner notes?

Check out the University Libraries subscriptions to a number of streaming databases that include digital versions of liner notes for many recordings!  Not every recording in the databases linked below will include a digital copy of the recording's liner notes but when you find these, they can be really useful for getting a sense of the history and cultural context of a piece.


Naxos Music Library: Look for a link labeled "Booklet"

An image of the Naxos Music Library interface with arrows pointing towards the "Booklet" link where digital versions of liner notes are available.


Alexander Street Press databases: Look for a tab labeled "Related Documents." The Libraries subscriptions for Alexander Street Press databases include:

An image of the Classical Music Library interface with arrows pointing toward the "Related Documents" tab and the link for PDF versions of liner notes.


Check out physical CDs for access to more liner notes!

The Libraries owns over 25,000 CDs, and many of these items include helpful liner notes! For tips on searching for these materials, visit the Tips for Searching for Physical Recordings tab of this guide.

Last Updated: Mar 6, 2025 4:55 PM