MUS 1013: Rock I - The Historical Origins and Development of Rock Music to 1970

Your first stop for finding journal articles for your MUS 1013 project: JSTOR!

JSTOR is a fantastic place to start your search for journal articles:

  • It includes the contents of a number of music-specific journals, as well as more general journals that also include music content (it will also be a helpful resource for your non-music classes in the future!)
  • Everything you find in JSTOR is available as a full-text PDF that you can download directly from the database - though it doesn't include the most recent content for many journals.
  • It's easy to locate - follow the link below or access JSTOR via the University Libraries homepage (

An image of the University Libraries homepage with a red arrow pointing toward the link for JSTOR.


Remember: JSTOR does NOT include the most recent several years of many journals' contents, so you won't find the newest scholarship in this database. If you need to find newer articles, use the resources linked further down on this page!


Once you log into JSTOR, you have several options for finding content:

  • Search by keyword: Know what you're looking for and want to search by keyword? Start here!
  • Advanced Search: Getting too many results for your searches and want to narrow things down? Use "Advanced Search"!
  • Browse by subject: Want to explore JSTOR's music-related journals? Try "Browse" and select the "By Subject" option

An image of the JSTOR search interface with arrows pointing to several options and the following notes about them: Search by keyword: Know what you're looking for and want to search by keyword? Start here! Advanced Search: Getting too many results for your searches and want to narrow things down? Use "Advanced Search"! Browse by subject: Want to explore JSTOR's music-related journals? Try "Browse" and select the "By Subject" option


Need a more recent article? Explore other journal databases!

The Libraries subscribes to a number of resources that will allow you to search keywords across multiple journal titles at the same time. Some of the most useful journal databases for music-related research are:

The list above represents some music-specific suggestions, but the Libraries subscribes to many other journal article resources that search a wider range of disciplines and subjects. See the list below for additional resources and visit the Music Related Databases Guide for even more options!


You'll often see a PDF icon or a link to download full text of articles through these databases, but sometimes, the Libraries will need to get a digital copy of an article for you from another library. If you don't see a PDF icon or link to download full text, click the maroon-and-gold M-Find It button to place an interlibrary loan request, and we'll send you a PDF in just a few days:

An image of the UMN Libraries M-Find It button.

Need help finding journal articles? Reach out to Music Librarian Jessica at!

Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 3:30 PM