MUS 1914W: Music in Nazi Germany

Get some background on your topic

Once you've identified your topic, you should start by gathering some background information on it. The resources below will be great places to start! Keep the following points in mind when you're reading through background sources like encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Brainstorm a list of 6-8 keywords associated with your topic. These can include key composers or theorists, music terms, or any other words that come to mind. These keywords will give you a something to watch for when you're reading your background sources.
  • Your list of keywords might change, and that's ok! Keep track of new keywords you identify as you explore the background on your topic. These keywords may get narrower or broader as you learn more about your topic, and it's important to stay flexible - you never know what path your research may take.
  • Don't forget to look at the end of the encyclopedia article you're reading - there may be a great bibliography that can point you toward additional relevant resources!

Start with Oxford Music Online and MGG Online

Starting your research with music-specific encyclopedias is a great way to gather trustworthy background info on composers, styles, and individual pieces that can jump start your understanding and help you get more out of resources with a more narrow focus like journal articles and books.

Oxford Music Online (which is in English and includes the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians and several other music reference resources) and MGG Online (the premier German-language music encyclopedia) are excellent places to start gathering background information for your presentations and program notes. In both Oxford Music Online and MGG Online, you’ll find concise overviews of the life and works of musicians and composers, information on music genres, and more. These are a great places to start exploring your topic and learning about the context; better yet, they're scholarly sources including entries written and reviewed by experts, so you know they're trustworthy.


  • Use the search bar at the top of the screen to search for a relevant entry on your topic; usually, this should be an entry for a composer or a musical genre.
  • Once you find a relevant entry, you can use the built-in navigation menus to jump to specific portions of it.
  • While reading through your entry, keep track of any new keywords you come across; these will be helpful for future searches.
  • Many Oxford Music Online and MGG Online entries include:
    • Composer works lists: These may be a complete list of a composer's oeuvre or selected works, and will often provide information about the dates of composition, premiere performances, and even the current locations of manuscript copies.
    • Bibliographies: these are lists of works that could also be helpful sources for your research!


General Resources on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 11:02 AM