MUS 1914W: Music in Nazi Germany

Different types of sources

  • Primary sources:
    • Direct or first-hand evidence about an event, object, person, work of music or art, etc.
    • Little to no mediation or interpretation between the document and its creator
    • Examples: autobiographies, letters, diaries, musical scores, works of art, speeches, recordings, photographs, articles in newspapers that describe events
  • Secondary sources:
    • Interpret, comment on, analyze, or process the information from primary sources in some way
    • Examples: history text books, opinion or argument articles, analyses of musical compositions or literary texts
  • Tertiary sources:
    • Provide general or background information for quick reference
    • Don't usually cite these in research papers.
    • These can lead you to secondary and primary sources by looking at bibliographies or further reading section.
    • Examples: encyclopedias, Wikipedia
  • Facsimile:
    • An exact copy of an original artifact
    • Example: the newspaper articles we’ll find in databases today are facsimiles
  • Peer-reviewed sources:
    • One or more experts on a subject have reviewed the article before publication and made sure it meets the standards of the field.
    • Some library databases allow you to limit searches to peer reviewed sources. Look for "peer review" or "scholarly" limits.  

TIP: Finding and consulting a mix of different types of sources will help you to form your own ideas about your topic, which will make it easier to start writing!

Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 11:02 AM